Wilgro_February_15_2025.jpgR. Jacob Baker, PhD, PE
emeritus of electrical and computer engineering  


Email: rjacobbaker@gmail.com

Home Address: 6775 Agave Azul Ct., Las Vegas, NV 89120 

Cell: 208 850-0517 


My books at Amazon.com   


Quick links: Biography, CMOSedu, Courses, Expert Witness, Patents, Pictures, Publications, Research, Students, and Wilgro   





 Random Information

Chip packaging and bonding to printed circuit boards, information  

Printed circuit board layout using Eagle

Some examples using MATLAB

Setting up a laptop to record lectures 

Editing webpages at CMOSedu.com 

 Tutorials and Email

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The following types of governments are bad. 


Totalitarianism - government asserts control (beyond laws to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit 

of happiness) over all aspects of peoples' lives (e.g., who they can love, what they can believe, the

news they get, etc.). There are no personal freedoms (choices) in a totalitarian governed country. 


Authoritarianism (much more common in modern times than totalitarianism) - limited individual 

freedoms, which are set by the government. Extreme authoritarianism (no freedoms) is totalitarianism. 


Fascism (uncommon in modern times) - government is run by a dictator using force.  


Socialism - government runs, either by outright ownership or overregulation, all businesses. There 

are no privately run businesses in socialism.     


Communism - government owns all property and runs all businesses. There is no private property

and there are no privately run businesses in communism.           


Democratic Socialism or Communism - the government in socialism or communism is elected. 



Who pays the most income tax in the United States? (Source, Tax Foundation, the nation's leading 

independent tax policy nonprofit. Numbers below are representative and taken from data provided 

by the IRS for 2021 where the total individual income tax collected was $2,193,150,000,000.)


The top 1% (a tax return with an annual adjusted gross income greater than $654k) of people paying 

taxes paid 45.8% of the total US individual income tax revenue. 


The top 10% paid 75.8% while the bottom 90% (a tax return with an annual adjusted gross income 

less than $170k) paid 24.2% of the total US individual income tax revenue. 


The take-away is that the bottom 90% of people paying taxes in the US (138,230,917 tax

returns) paid considerably less income tax than what was paid by the top 1% (1,535,899 tax 

returns). The top 1% paid $1,004,063,000,000 while the bottom 90% paid $530,527,000,000. 


Another fun fact, the top 50% (a tax return with an adjusted gross income of greater than $47k) 

of all taxpayers paid 97.7% of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50% paid the 

remaining 2.3%.