Lectures for EE 220, Circuits I – Spring 2022



January 17 (M) – No Lecture, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 19 (W) – Notes and Video – Discuss course webpage, course policies, homework guidelines. Introduce Ohm’s Law, LTspice.

January 24 (M) – Notes and Video – Continue with Ohm’s Law, LTspice. Discuss conventional current flow, voltage sources. Falstad.

January 26 (W) – Notes and Video – Parallel and series resistors and equivalents, voltage and current sources.

January 31 (M) – Notes and Video – Introduce Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws (KVL, KCL). Work example problems. Quiz 3.


February 2 (W) – Notes and Video – Derive and discuss voltage and current dividers, review KVL. Live DC circuit demo.

February 7 (M) – Notes and Video – Introduce superposition, mesh analysis techniques. Work example problems. Quiz 5.

February 9 (W) – Notes and Video – Review superposition, answer questions, work example problems. Review mesh analysis.

February 14 (M) – Notes and Video – Introduce Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems for simplifying circuits. Work example problems.

February 16 (W) – Notes and Video – Continue with Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, discuss source transformation.

February 21 (M) – No Lecture, Presidents’ Day

February 23 (W) – Notes and Video – Discuss instantaneous power, power dissipation. Dependent sources. HW8, 2AM, 2AS, 2BM, 2BS.

February 28 (M) – Notes and Video – Continue with dependent sources, work example problems. Start reviewing for midterm exam.


March 2 (W) – No Lecture

March 7 (M) – Notes and Video – Review for the midterm, answer questions, work problems.  

March 9 (W) – Midterm Exam, Solutions

March 14 (M) – No Lecture, Spring Break

March 16 (W) – No Lecture, Spring Break

March 21 (M) – Notes and Video – Solve the midterm, answer questions. Introduce capacitors. Discuss charge, voltage, equivalents.  

March 23 (W) – Notes and Video – Continue with capacitors, capacitor energy storage, current, charge sharing.

March 28 (M) – Notes and Video – Begin RC circuits, charging and discharging equation derivations, work examples.

March 30 (W) – Notes and Video – Continue with RC circuits, capacitor behavior in DC, AC. Work more examples.   


April 4 (M) – Notes and Video – Wrap up with more complicated RC circuits, solving using KVL. “FIFE” equation video, notes.

April 6 (W) – Notes and Video – Introduce inductors. Discuss energy storage, current, voltage. Begin RL circuits. Quiz 13.

April 11 (M) – Notes and Video – Continue with inductors, RL circuits. Discuss inductor equivalents. Work examples.

April 13 (W) – Notes and Video – Wrap up and review RC (ex1, ex2) and RL circuits. Begin AC signals, sinusoids (amplitude, phase, frequency).

April 18 (M) – Notes and Video – Continue with sinusoids. Discuss leading and lagging signals. Convert phase shift into time delay. Phasors.

April 20 (W) – Notes and Video – Review complex numbers, complex plane. Solve examples of circuits with AC sources.

April 25 (M) – No Lecture

April 27 (W) – Notes and Video – Answer questions regarding HW, AC circuits in general. Solve RLC circuit example.


May 2 (M) – Notes and Video – Review session 1 for Final Exam.

May 4 (W) – Notes and Video – Review session 2 for Final Exam.


May 11 (W) – Final Exam, Solutions


