Home Page for EE 220, Circuits I – Spring 2022



Course Resources:


·       Lecture Notes and Videos

·       Homework Assignments

·       Current Grades

·       Quizzes



LTspice Resources:


·       Download LTspice for free

·       Dr. Baker’s LTspice Tutorials

·       Dr. Baker’s LTspice Discussions and Examples

·       More on LTspice from Dr. Baker



Course Information:


·       Textbook: Circuit Analysis & Design, by Ulaby, Maharbiz and Furse   

·       InstructorJames Skelly, SEB 4219 (Office Hours MW 12-1 PM, email for access)

·       Time: MW 2:30 to 3:45 PM

·       Grader: Abraham Lopez, SEB 4236 (Office Hours Tu (12-1 PM), Thu (3-4 PM), email for access)

·       Course dates: Wednesday, January 19 to Wednesday, May 4

·       LocationSEB 1243

·       Holidays: Monday, January 17 (MLK Jr. Day); Monday, February 21 (Presidents’ Day)

·       Final exam timeTBD      

·       Course content:

o   Introduction to linear circuit analysis.

o   Kirchhoff's laws, operational amplifiers, node, and loop analysis.

o   Thevenin, Norton, and other network theorems; first order RL and RC circuits.

·       Credits: 3

·       Corequisite: EE 220D

·       Prerequisites: MATH 182





·       25% Homework

·       25% Quizzes

·       25% Midterm Exam

·       25% Final Exam



Course Policies:


·       No laptops, tablets, or smart phones may be used during lectures, quizzes, or exams.

·       Do not email me directly with questions regarding homework or lectures. That is what the class google group is for. If there is some personal inquiry or matter you need to discuss, of course you can email me at james.skelly@unlv.edu.

·       No late work will be accepted. If you are unable to make it to lecture to turn in your homework, email it to me at james.skelly@unlv.edu prior to the class start time (2:30 PM) on the day the assignment is due. You can also have another student in the class turn in your assignment for you.

·       Cheating or plagiarism on homework assignments, quizzes, or exams will result in an automatic 0 on the assignment, quiz, or exam. Working together on homework is okay, if not encouraged, but that does not mean turning in identical copies of the assignment is okay. Do your own work.

·       Calculators are allowed on quizzes and exams. Be sure to bring an actual calculator, as a smartphone with a calculator on it will not be allowed.



Dr. Baker’s EE 220 Courses:


·       Fall 2016

·       Sp. 2017

·       Fall 2017

·       Fall 2018

·       Fall 2019

·       Fall 2020

·       Fall 2021



Other Resources:


·       Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th Edition), Alexander & Sadiku

·       Complete Final Exam Review Notes



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