Videos from
To download
the videos use the directory listing found here.
- CpE 100 Computer Logic Design
I – s21
- EE 220 Circuits I – su14, f16, s17, f17, f18, f19, f20, f21, f22, f23
- EE 221 Circuits II – s19, s20, s21, s23
- EE 320 Engineering Electronics I – s13, s14, s15
- EE 420 Engineering Electronics II and
ECG 620 Analog Integrated Circuit Design – s14, s15, s16, s17, s19, s20
- EE 420L Electronics II Lab – s19
- EE 421 Digital Electronics and ECG 621
Digital Integrated Circuit Design – f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19, f20, f21, f23
- EE 442 and ECG 622 Power
Electronics – f22
- ECG 720 Advanced Analog IC Design – f13, s16, f17
- ECG 721 Memory Circuit Design – f15, s17
- ECG 722 Mixed–Signal Circuit Design – f14
- Information on how the lectures are
recorded (the equipment, software, and setup used) is seen here.
- A video on the history of Micron
Technology, Inc. is found here.
- Older television news about Micron
Technology, Inc. is found here.

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CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and
CMOS Mixed–Signal Circuit Design