b. Send your postlab to the lab EMAIL (CPE100L.UNLV@GMAIL.COM) before 8:00pm Monday (after you finish the experiments) (NO late work will be accepted).
Notice: Postlab should be named as 'CPE100L-name' (For example, 'CPE100L-Barack Obama'), all of your texts and figures should be edited in ONE word file (.doc). ANY figures or texts edited in the email editor will not be accepted. I suggest you follow the postlab report format here. (The Prelab section in the postlab format can be skipped, since you already submitted the prelab separately).
c. Please clean up all the trashes created during your experiments and all your private stuff which not belong to the lab before you leave.
2. Grading:
Prelab: 20%
Postlab: 35%
Project and Presentation 45%
(No midterms and finals)
2. Resources for Students:
a. Syllabus.
(Notice: You don't need to submit the postlab in hardcopy as required in the Syllabus)
c. Lab Tutorials (including equipment tutorials, Quartus II tutorials and Breadboard Tutorials, etc).
d. IC chip datasheet and information.
h. JK flip flop simulation in Quartus II.