Abraham Lopez
Email: lopeza43@unlv.nevada.edu
This is me when my group was taking our photos for our Senior Design competition.
Hello, my name is Abraham Lopez and welcome to my web page.
Songs of the week
The Funk You See, Is The Funk You Do!, Oh! Tengo Suerte, Nice Colors, We're Finally Landing by John Tropea, Masayoshi Takanaka,
Khai Dreams and Atwood, and HOME

previous list of songs here
am currently an undergraduate student pursing a B.S. in electrical
engineering. I also work as a research assistant in Dr. Baker's
where I help my fellow colleague Daniel Senda with TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). Some of the work I have done can
be seen below, but I mostly help with testing circuits, building PCBs,
soldering, wire bonding chips, layout design using TowerJazz. Also
generally just learning any new skills to help with lab work.
These are projects that I've done for higher level classes.
Flyback SPS (Switching Power Supply) - EE 421
High-Speed Digital Receiver - EE 421
The RMS (Room Monitoring System/Senior Design Project) - EE 497/EE 498
Quantum Transistors (Research Paper) - EE 453
Custom Arduino Shield (KiCAD PCB Project) - CPE 301
Lab/Research Work
Anything I have done in the lab or for research can be found below.
4-Channel S&H (Sample & Hold) Chip - This was a PCB I designed for one of the graduate students in our lab.
Click the link for more info and hopefully an update with a report on it's performance soon.