Lab 1 - EE 421L
Pre-lab work
This first lab will go through the first part of Tutorial 1 seen here.
Use an Xterm (written and video) as discussed.
Lab Work: Tutorial 1
After setting up all the necesary files and setting up Canence through MobaXterm we are able the start using Cadence’s Virtuoso editing tool.
In the MobaXterm login
then type "cd CMOSedu/" press enter, next type "virtuoso &" press enter
Next when starting Virtuoso the window below with appear
Then we creat a library by, Library Manager, File -> New -> Library. Name it Tutorial_1 and attach the AMI 0.06u C5N
We must then make sure the the new library was added to the cds.lib file. Normialy it is done automaticly.
Next lets go through the Library Tap and look for the Tutorial_1 and make a cell for it so menu items File -> New -> Cell View and enter the information seen below and press OK
Next let place a component on the schematic, so we go to Creat-> Instance. A window called Component Brower will popup with a Add Instance window. In the
Component Brower find the Library NCUS_Analog_parts. when look for R_L_C press that end it will lead you to the "res" press that and set the value of the
resistor to 10K Ohms
Place two resistors pressing R rotated the symbol and pressing Ecs leaves the "Add Instance" mode or any mode
F key on the keyboard fits the viewing
Then we place the groud the same way we did before. This will also apply to the volage sorce.
to find the voltage source go to Volage_Sources then "vdc"
To connect the components just the wire key of press w for wire
when done lets lable the wire using the "abc" key or use use lowercase L to label it
Now let press the "Check and Save"
Now after the Check and Save go to Lunch -> ADE L
a window will popup called The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment and go to menu in the ADE and go to Setup -> Simulator set to Spectre
pess OK
Next go to Analyses -> Choose and select a transient analysis (tran), a stop time of 1 second and it Enabled press OK
Then we need to select the signals we want to plot go to Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic
Go the Schematic and select the vin and Vout wires the will color up and they will appear on the ADE window
Now we are done and press the green button to simulate the circuit
Now regular backups will be done by downloading the file from MoBaX and zipping it and emailing it to myself