Cadence Design System Tutorials from (Return)


Tutorial 6 – Placing circuit layouts in a padframe for fabrication


In this tutorial we’ll place the R_div, NMOS_IV, PMOS_IV, inverter, nand2, and ring oscillator that we laid out

in the earlier tutorials in a padframe for fabrication through MOSIS.


Note that we won’t include a buffer to drive the large, around 30 pF, off-chip load capacitance

from the scope probes, packaging, and test board needed to test the chips.


What this means is that if the chip we lay out here is fabricated it’s likely that attempting to measure the

oscillation frequency, or the gate delay, with a scope probe will result in drastically different results than the

simulations. It’s likely that measuring the ring oscillator frequency will actually result in killing the oscillations

(see the CMOS book for details on the use of output buffers to drive off-chip loads).


Okay, let’s begin by copying the library, Tutorial_5, into a new library called Tutorial_6.

Ensure, when you copy, that “update instances” is selected so that the new library doesn’t reference cells in the other libraries.

As always, put the new library in $HOME/CMOSedu


We are using On Semiconductor’s C5 process for fabrication through MOSIS.

Further, this process uses the MOSIS scalable CMOS (SCMOS) submicron design rules with lambda of 300 nm (technology code SCN3ME_SUBM at 0.3).

A “tiny chip” fabricated in this process via the MOSIS Educational Program (MEP) measures, at most, 1.5 mm by 1.5 mm.

Information about the MOSIS Educational Program (MEP) is found here.


Create a new layout cellview called pad.




If we have 12 pad cells on a side (10 plus two corners) then each cell must be 1.5mm/12 or 125 um.

In order to ensure this pad falls on the 0.15 um grid let’s reduce the pad cell size to 120 um.

This also ensures that the final chip size is smaller than the 1.5 mm square size we are allowed.

Select the pad layer and add an arbitrary size rectangle as seen below.

The pad layer has no fabrication significance (so you really don’t need it).

The pad layer was used by MOSIS to indicate the location of the pads (now the location of the glass layer, that is cuts in the passivation, is used).

We’ll use the pad layer as an outline for the cell. We could also use the text layer for a cell outline.




Next edit the rectangle’s properties so that it is 120 um square centered upon the origin.




After fitting the layout we get the following.




The pad size (metal3) is 75 um square with overglass (called glass, the opening in the top layer passivation) 6 um smaller or a rectangle of 63 um.

Note that both of these sizes, 75 and 63, are divisible by 0.15 (to avoid DRC errors by drawing layout off grid).

Add two rectangles on these layers, centered around 0,0 to get the layout of a pad.

DRC the layout to ensure no errors. Save the cell.




Next instantiate a pin called “pad” with a direction inputOutput.

Use the metal3 layer and place the pin over the entire metal3 rectangle (so the size is 75 um square).

Also ensure Display Pin Name is selected.




Zoom in and select the pin name and set it’s size to 18 um.

Note that if you want to change the pin's name (grayed out below) you have to select the rectangle on metal3 and *not* the pin name (text).




After fitting the layout we get the following




Save and DRC the layout.


Next create a layout cellview called padframe and instantiate the pad cell into this new cell as seen below.




Add a pin on the metal3 layer called pin<1> with a direction of inputOutput.

Ensure that Display Pin Name is selected.




After setting the pin<1> text size to 15 um we get




Next copy, c, the pad cell and pin then use F3 and set the number of rows and columns to 12.




Select the lower left corner of the layout.




Next click on the lower right corner of the layout.




Following this click in the lower right corner of the first copied cell as seen below (zoom in to ensure that the cells are aligned properly).




Finally, click in the top, right, of the first copied cell to get the layout seen below.

It’s okay to make mistakes and try again (hit u to undo and start over).




Delete the middle, corner, and extra pads/pins to get the basic padframe seen below.

DRC and save the layout of the padframe.




The padframe is likely bonded to the package with the configuration seen below (the bonding diagram).

All of the pins in the above layout are labeled pin<1>.

Change the labels so that they match the bonding diagram seen below.

For example, pin 1 of the package corresponds to the 5th bonding pad from the top on the right side of the die.






Remove the pad layer from the pad cell.




Let’s measure the size of the padframe (our chip) since we’ll need this information when we submit to MOSIS.

Using the ruler we get the following sizes (1.395 mm square).




Before leaving the layout view of the padframe let’s generate the extracted view.




The next thing we need to do is generate schematics for the pad and padframe layouts.


Generate a schematic cell view for the pad cell and add a pin, called pad, with a direction of inputOutput.




Check and Save the schematic.

Use Check -> find marker to ignore the warning that the pin is floating.

Check and Save the schematic again.

Note that an LVS can't be performed between the pad schematic and layout since there are no devices (resistors, capacitors, transistors) in the circuit.




Next use Create -> Cellview -> From Cellview to create a symbol for the pad.




Delete most items and rotate to get the following.


Save the pad symbol cellview




Create a schematic cellview for the padframe and instantiate the pad cell.




Array the instance name and ensure the Display is set to value as seen below.






Add a pin with a name of pin<1:40> and a direction of inputOutput to match the layout of the padframe.




Add a wide wire with a label pin<1:40>

Check and Save the schematic view of the padframe.

Note that an LVS can't be performed between the padframe schematic and layout since there are no devices in the circuit.




Next let’s create a symbol for the padframe using Create -> Cellview -> From Cellview




Again, delete most items, stretch, and rotate to get the following.

Check and Save the symbol view.




Okay, we are ready to create our chip layout.

Create a schematic view of a cell called “chip” and add the cells we’ve created in the tutorial.

Wire the cells up as seen (an arbitrary connection).

Note how we’ve used pin<20> for ground and pin<40> for power.




Check and Save the chip schematic.




Notice that all of the unused pins on the padframe are floating.

Ignore these warnings and then Check and Save again.


We are ready to connect the cells up to the padframe in the layout.

Create of layout view of the “chip” cell.

Place the R_div, NMOS_IV, PMOS_IV, inverter, nand2, and ring oscillator cells near the pads that they will connect to, below.

We can adjust the cells’ positions as needed in a moment.




We won’t try to make the layouts pretty but rather we’ll focus on wiring the circuits to the padframe quickly.

Let’s begin by drawing rectangles on metal3 for connections to vdd! and gnd!




Next let’s add rectangles on the metal layers to move towards connecting the cells up to the padframe.

Below are examples zoomed in around the ring oscillator and resistive divider.

Again, we are not trying to make a “pretty” layout (or a good one for that matter) but rather just connect the circuitry up.

It’s useful to DRC the layout as you go to fix the errors that will occur.






After adding all rectangles our chip layout may look like the following.




Next let’s add vias.

Below are examples (again, these are not examples of good layouts but rather simply to illustrate the operation of the tools).






After adding the vias let’s extract the layout.




And then perform an LVS.






This concludes Tutorial 6.


For your reference the Tutorial_6 directory is available in

