Lab 1 - EE 421L Fall 2021

Authored by: Anthony Torres


Due Date: September 1, 2021


Lab Description

Laboratory introduction including generating/posting html reports and installing/using Cadence.



The prelab work is following a tutorial found here for editing webpages and it includes the following.

- Using Windows Expolorer to read and write from the CMOSedu server

- Creating a file and including a lab document as well as pictures

- Using Komposter to edit those file and upload to CMOSedu Server as shown by the followin snip



Main Lab
The first lab goes through Tutorial 1 up to the 25th image of the tutorial.  The Tutorial shows how to install directories on Cadence as well as CMOSedu book examples while providing an example of creating a library and creating and simulation circuit in that library.  A brief structure of the report is shown below.


- Cadence running correctly

- Creating a library and defining that libarary

- Creating a voltage divider schematic

- Setting up the correct simulation

- Simulation results 

- How work was saved


The first part of the Tutorial is making sure the directories are including into the home account called CMOSedu and ensuring that the user is able to connect to Cadence via the virtuose & command.




The next part of is the creation of the library in this case it is named Tutorial_1 and this is done simply by the following (File - New - Lbrary).




Once this library is created it needs to be defined in the cds.lib file as shown below.  If the library is named differntly simplify replace Tutorial_1 with the library name.



Once the library was created a cell was created by (File - New - Cell View) and was set as a schematic.  The voltage divider below was created in that cell.
- First I needed to go to "Create" then "Instance"
- After that the components needed were under the NCSU_Analog_Parts library
- Once the library was acces the components needed were included and given values
- The last part was wiring them together using "W" key and naming the nodes



Once the schematic was completed the simulation needed to be setup.

- First "Save and Check" was pressed to ensure no errors

- Next Launch and ADE L  was selected

- Once there spectre need to be chosen as the directory host




The next part of the simulation includes choosing which response will be chosen in this case trans which was done by hitting Analyses - Trans.  After this was done Outputs - To Be Plotted - Select on Schematic was hit. This allows the user to go to the schematic and choose which nodes are to be check in this case Vin and Vout are checked.




After everything is setup the green run button may be hit and the response will show up in another window.  As shown below Vin and Vout of the voltage divider are given by the graph.




The Final part of the lab is showing that my work is backed up.  In this case I first downloaded my Tutorial_1 from MobaXTerm and included it in a file with my pictures and html file and then zipped them together.  Once that was done I emailed them to a secondary email account so that I may not lose my work.




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