Lab 8 - ECE 421L
See the EE421L webpage here

Authored by Juan Buendia
November 30, 2015

Objective: To generate a test chip layout for submission to MOSIS for fabrication.

We split into groups of four, and our group will fabricate chip #1.

Chip #1 Group Members:
Shada Shariff, Stephanie Silic, Jared Hayes, Juan Buendia

Pre-lab work:

Lab Description:
Lab Report will include:
Chip 1 Padframe:
Pad Frame Schematic

Pad Frame Layout

Pad Frame Extracted View



Pad Frame Pinout
The layout and the extracted views of the padframe do not do a good job of showing the numbering scheme of the chip, but it follows the same numbering scheme as the following picture:

This should be used as a reference when testing the chip out.

Testing Procedure:


As always I zipped my lab 8 folder and emailed it to myself for backup