Project - EE 421L Digital Integrated Circuit Design

Author: Matthew Meza

November 23, 2015

Generating a test chip layout for submission to MOSIS for Fabrication


 Pre-lab work

Lab Description
In this lab we will design, layout, and simulate a multiple test structures so that they may be fabricated and used
in future labs. There will be seven test structures made in total. Each test structure will have a seperate VDD 
supply so that any failed test structures (with shorted vdd to ground) will not affect other test structures.

Lab Requirement

Pre-Lab Excercises

Layout of a single pad!

Symol of a single pad!

Full layout of complete padframe!

Symbol of the complete padframe!


Post-Lab Excercises

                                                                     25K OHM Resistor - Implemented in N-Well
25K Ohm Resistor schematic

Symbol used for the 25K schematic

Simulation Schematic using the 25k resistor symbol

Simulation of the 25k resistor

Layout View

Extracted  View



From the simulation we can see how the different valued capacitor loads affect the delay times and rise/fall times.
The top plot shows the clock in the simulation, the second plot shows the output of the inverter without a capacitive load.
The rest of the plots show the output of the inverter with increasing capacitive load. Notice how the last plots have slower fall/rise time!  
Attenuator Schematic

Symbol of Attenuator Schematic

Simulation Schematic for Attenuator
Simulation of the Attenuator




6u/.6u NMOS

Symbol for the NMOS device

Simulation schematic of the NMOS device

ID vs VDS with incremental VGS

ID vs VGS with VDS = 0.1 Volts
ID vs VGS with VDS = 5 volts
NMOS Layout



6u/.6u PMOS
Symbol for PMOS
Simulation of PMOS
ID vs VSD with incremental VSG
ID vs VSG with VSD = 0.1 volts
ID vs VSG with VSD = 5 volts
PMOS Layout



Notice how the curves are mirrored on the X-axis. This is because the current flowing into the drain is plotted!

                                         2u/6u Inverter
12u/6u Inverter

Inverter Symbol

Simulation Schematic of the inverter

Simulation of the inverter

Inverter Layout




                                            NAND Gate
NAND Gate Schematic using 6u devices
Symbol of the NAND Gate
Simulation Schematic of the NAND Gate
Simulation of the NAND Gate
NAND Layout



                                                NOR Gate
NOR Gate schematic using 6u Devices
NOR Gate Symbol
NOR Gate Simulation Schematic
NOR Gate Simulation
NOR Layout



                              31 Stage Oscillator with Buffer!
Ring Oscillator Schematic
Ring Oscillator Symbol
Buffer for Ring Osc
Buffer Symbol
Ring Osc with Buffer Schematic
Ring Osc with Buffer Symbol
Simulation Schematic of Osc with Buffer
Simulation of the Ring Osc/Buffer with a 20pF Load!

Buffer Layout! Notice the multiple transistors.

Buffer DRC

Buffer LVS

Ring Oscillator

Ring Osc DRC

Ring Osc LVS

                             8-Bit Resettable, Loadable, Up/Down, Counter
D - Flip Flop
D - Flip Flop Symbol
1-Bit Counter with enable, load input, up/down, and clear!
1-Bit Counter Symbol
8-Bit  Counter with enable, load, up/down, and clear!
8-Bit Counter Symbol

Layout of the DFF, Click for larger image

DRC and LVS will be shown later
Layout of the 1-Bit Counter, Click for larger image

DRC and LVS will be shown later

                                                                                           Counter Simulations!   
8-Bit Counter Simulation Schematic! Voltage Sources were changed to include many different simulation!
Counter in the count down setting!
Counter in the up count setting!
Counter in the up position with "Clear" enabled at 500us!
Counter being Loaded in with the following bit value: 11111111
Counter in the up position demonstrating the Reset (Clear) function!
Layout of the 8-Bit Counter

LVS and DRC of the 8-Bit Counter

Link to Cadence Files


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