Lab 4 - ECE 421L
See the EE421L webpage here

Authored by Juan Buendia
September 28, 2015

Objective: Charactersistics and layout of NMOS and PMOSdevices in ON's C5 Process

Pre-lab work

Tutorial 2 will have us create a symbol, schematic, layout, and a simulation schematic of NMOS, and a PMOS Device.  

Nmos Device

Schematic                                                                                    Symbol

Use a simulation schematic to perform a simulation.  We will sweep Vds from 0 - 5 V in 1mV steps for VGS = 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, and 5V.

Simulation Schematic                                                                                                        Simulation Results

Create a Layout of the NMOS Device, extract it, check for design rules, and perform an LVS
Layout                                                   Extracted                                                         





Extracted Simulation

Pmos Device
Schematic                                                                                    Symbol


Use a simulation schematic to perform a simulation.  We will sweep Vsd from 0 - 5 V in 1mV steps for Vsg = 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, and 5V.

Simulation Schematic                                                                                                        Simulation Results


Create a Layout of the PMOS Device, extract it, check for design rules, and perform an LVS.

Layout                                                   Extracted                                                         




Extracted Simulation

Post Lab
The Schematics are based on the same NMOS and PMOS schematics for the prelab

Nmos                                                                                                                       Pmos


NMOS Simulation - ID versus VGS stepping from 0 - 5 in 1 V steps,and VDS stepping from 0 - 5 V in  1mV steps.

Nmos Simulation - Id versus VDS - 100mV and VGS stepping from 0 - 2mV in 1mV steps

Pmos Simulation - Id versus VSG stepping from 0 - 5V in 1 V steps and VSD sweeps from 0 - 5V in 1mV steps

PMOS simulation - Id versus VSD = 100mV and VSG stepping from 0 - 2V in 1mV steps.

Layout Zoomed In                                                                                   Layout Showing probe Pads

LVS Schematic

Extracted Zoomed in                                            Extracted Zoomed Showing Probe Pads




Layout Zoomed In                                                                                   Layout Showing probe Pads


LVS Schematic

Extracted Zoomed in                                                                  Extracted Zoomed Showing Probe Pads



The final step is to back up the lab 4 file

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