EE 421L – Digital IC Design Lab – Lab 8

Authors: Shadden Abdalla, James Skelly, & Dylan Wallace


Date modified: December 5, 2018


Lab Description

   This lab teaches how to layout circuits onto a chip for fabrication. The lab details how to create the padframe, and how to connect inputs/outputs of layouts to the padframe.

Pre-Lab objectives

·         Finish Tutorial 6.


   After completing Tutorial 6, you should wind up with a padframe schematic, symbol, and layout as seen below:

Padframe Layout
Padframe Schematic

Padframe Symbol

    These will allow us to layout the test chip for the main content of the lab.

Lab objectives

·         Layout a padframe and test chip layout including the following:

o    One, or more if possible, course projects.

o    A 31-stage ring oscillator with a buffer for driving a 20 pF off-chip load.

o    NAND and NOR gates using 6/0.6 NMOSs and PMOSs.

o    An inverter made with a 6/0.6 NMOS and a 12/0.6 PMOS.

o    Transistors, both PMOS and NMOS, measuring 6u/0.6u where all 4 terminals of each device are connected to bond pads (7 pads + common gnd pad).

§  Note that only one pad is needed for the common gnd pad. This pad is used to ground the p-substrate and provide ground to each test circuit.

o    Using the 25k resistor laid out below and a 10k resistor implement a voltage divider (need only 1 more pad above the ones used for the 25k resistor).

o    A 25k resistor implemented using the n-well (connect between 2 pads but we also need a common gnd pad).

o    Whatever else you would like to fabricate to use the remaining pins on the chip.



    The design directory for the test chip can be found here:

    The main schematic for the test chip can be seen in the image below:

    Test Chip Schematic

    As seen, our chip includes: James's Boost SPS, Shadden's Boost SPS, Dylan's Comparator, a 4-terminal PMOS & NMOS, NOR & NAND gates, an inverter, a 31-stage ring oscillator, and a voltage divider. Note that Dylan's Boost SPS had to be ommited         since the original layout was slightly too long to fit on the chip. The previously listed components will be detailed in the following report. Note that all circuits use the common ground (pin 20) shown in the above schematic.

    James's Boost SPS

        James's Boost SPS occupies pins 37, 38, & 39 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        James's Boost SPS Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 39 is used for the vdd of the circuit, pin 37 is used for the feedback from the off-chip circuit (as well as the output of the circuit), and pin 38 is used for the drain of the switching NMOS of the Boost SPS.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the Vs (between 3.75 - 4.75 V) to pin 39, the negative terminal of the inductor & Schottky diode to pin 38, the output of the off-chip components to pin 37, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).

        Simulations for testing this circuit can be found in the included directory under the js_sim_Boost cell.

    Shadden's Boost SPS

        Shadden's Boost SPS occupies pins 1, 2, & 40 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        Shadden's Boost SPS Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 2 is used for the vdd of the circuit, pin 40 is used for the feedback from the off-chip circuit (as well as the output of the circuit), and pin 1 is used for the drain of the switching NMOS of the Boost SPS.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the Vs (between 3.75 - 4.75 V) to pin 2, the negative terminal of the inductor & Schottky diode to pin 1, the output of the off-chip components to pin 40, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).

        Simulations for testing this circuit can be found in the included directory under the sa_sim_Final_symbol_components cell.

    Dylan's Comparator

         The comparator occupies pins 24, 25, 27, & 28 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        Dylan's Comparator Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 27 is used for the vdd of the circuit, pin 24 is used for the "plus" input of the comparator, pin 25 is used for the "minus" input of the comparator, and pin 28 is used for the output of the comparator.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the Vdd to pin 27, the reference input of the comparator to pin 25, the varying input of the comparator to pin 24, the output of the comparator to pin 28, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).

        Simulations for testing this circuit can be found in the included directory under the dw_sim_comparator cell.

    4-terminal NMOS

        The 4-terminal NMOS occupies pins 21, 22, & 23 (note: the body pin is attached to common ground (pin 20)) on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        4-terminal NMOS

        As seen in this image, pin 22 is used for the gate of the NMOS, pin 21 is used for the drain of the NMOS, and pin 23 is used for the source of the NMOS.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the gate voltage to pin 22, the drain voltage to pin 21, the source voltage to pin 23, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).

    4-terminal PMOS

        The 4-terminal PMOS occupies pins 14, 15, 16, & 17 on the padframe. The schematic can be seen below:

        4-terminal PMOS Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 16 is used for the gate of the PMOS, pin 17 is used for the drain of the PMOS, pin 15 is used for the source of the PMOS, and pin 14 is used for the body of the PMOS.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the gate voltage to pin 16, the drain voltage to pin 17, the source voltage to pin 15, and the vdd (body voltage) to pin 14.

    NAND Gate

         The NAND gate occupies pins 10, 11, 12, & 13 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        NAND Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 11 is used for the vdd of the circuit, pins 12 & 13 are used for the inputs of the NAND gate, and pin 10 is used for the output of the NAND gate.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the Vdd to pin 11, the two inputs to pins 12 & 13, the output of the NAND gate to pin 10, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).


    NOR Gate

         The NOR gate occupies pins 8, 9, 12, & 13 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        NOR Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 9 is used for the vdd of the circuit, pins 12 & 13 are used for the inputs of the NOR gate, and pin 8 is used for the output of the NOR gate.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the Vdd to pin 9, the two inputs to pins 12 & 13, the output of the NOR gate to pin 8, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).


    31-stage Ring Oscillator

        The 31-stage ring oscillator occupies pins 3 & 4 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        31-stage Ring Oscillator Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 4 is used for the vdd of the circuit, and pin 3 is used for the output of the oscillator. The enable and osc_out pins are not used due to not needing them for the isolated operation of this test circuit.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the Vdd to pin 4, the output of the oscillator to pin 3, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).

        Simulations for testing this circuit can be found in the included directory under the sa_ring_osc_and_nandsim cell.

    Voltage Divider

         The voltage divider occupies pins 18, & 19 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        Voltage Divider Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 18 is used for the input of the voltage divider, and pin 19 is used for the output of the voltage divider.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the input of the voltage divider to pin 18, the output of the voltage divider to pin 19, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).


         The inverter occupies pins 6, 7, & 12 on the padframe.  The schematic can be seen below:

        Inverter Schematic

        As seen in this image, pin 7 is used for the vdd of the circuit, pin 12 is used for the input of the inverter, and pin 6 is used for the output of the inverter.

        Testing of this chip simply involves supplying the Vdd to pin 7, the input of the inverter to pin 12, the output of the inverter to pin 6, and the ground to the common ground (pin 20).

    Test Chip Layout

        The final layout of the test chip onto the padframe can be seen in the image below:

        Test Chip Layout

        The DRC and LVS results for the test chip layout can be seen below:

Test Chip DRC Results

Test Chip LVS Parameters                                Test Chip LVS Success

        Finally, a pin diagram showing the DIP package for the manufactured chip is shown below:

Pin Diagram

        The summary of all pins and their usages can be seen below (note that some pins are unused due to size constraints of the chip):

            Pin 1: drain of the switching NMOS for Shadden's Boost SPS
            Pin 2: vdd for Shadden's Boost SPS
            Pin 3: output of the 31-stage ring oscillator
            Pin 4: vdd of the 31-stage ring oscillator
            Pin 5: NOT USED
            Pin 6: output of the inverter
            Pin 7: vdd of the inverter
            Pin 8: output of the NOR gate
            Pin 9: vdd of the NOR gate
            Pin 10: output of the NAND gate
            Pin 11: vdd of the NAND gate
            Pin 12: input of the NAND gate, NOR gate, and inverter
            Pin 13: input of the NAND gate & NOR gate
            Pin 14: vdd (body) of the 4-terminal PMOS
            Pin 15: source of the PMOS
            Pin 16: gate of the PMOS
            Pin 17: drain of the PMOS
            Pin 18: input of the voltage divider
            Pin 19: output of the voltage divider
            Pin 20: COMMON GROUND
            Pin 21: drain of the NMOS
            Pin 22: gate of the NMOS
            Pin 23: drain of the NMOS
            Pin 24: varying input of the comparator
            Pin 25: fixed input (reference) of the comparator
            Pin 26: NOT USED
            Pin 27: vdd of the comparator
            Pin 28: output of the comparator
            Pin 29: NOT USED
            Pin 30: NOT USED
            Pin 31: NOT USED
            Pin 32: NOT USED
            Pin 33: NOT USED
            Pin 34: NOT USED
            Pin 35: NOT USED
            Pin 36: NOT USED
            Pin 37: feedback & output for James's Boost SPS
            Pin 38: drain of the switching NMOS for James's Boost SPS
            Pin 39: vdd for James's Boost SPS
            Pin 40: feedback & output for Shadden's Boost SPS

    Again, the complete design directory for the test chip can be downloaded here:

    This concludes the main content for Lab 8.


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