EE 421L Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory - Lab 6

Eric Monahan



Design, layout, and simulation of a CMOS NAND gate, XOR gate, and Full-Adder


o   Back-up all of your work from the lab and the course.

o   Go through Cadence Tutorial 4 

o   Read through the lab in its entirety before starting to work on it



Draft the schematics of a 2-input NAND gate (Fig. 12.1), and a 2-input XOR gate (Fig. 12.18) using 6u/0.6u MOSFETs (both NMOS and PMOS)

o   Create layout and symbol views for these gates showing that the cells DRC and LVS without errors

o   ensure that your symbol views are the commonly used symbols (not boxes!) for these gates with your initials in the middle of the symbol  

o   ensure all layouts in this lab use standard cell frames that snap together end-to-end for routing vdd! and gnd!

o   use a standard cell height taller than you need for these gates so that it can be used for more complicated layouts in the future

o   ensure gate inputs, outputs, vdd!, and gnd! are all routed on metal1


o   Use cell names that include your initials and the current year/semester, e.g. NAND_jb_f19 (if it were fall 2019)


o   Using Spectre simulate the logical operation of the gates for all 4 possible inputs (00, 01, 10, and 11)  

o   comment on how timing of the input pulses can cause glitches in the output of a gate

o   Your html lab report should detail each of these efforts

Below shows (click for a larger image): 1) schematic of a 2-input NAND gate, 2) schematic of a 2-input XOR gate, 3) simulation schematic, 4) example pulse statement to generate a digital input, and 5) simulating the operation of the gates for all 4 possible inputs.   




Experiment 1: 2-Input NAND Gate and 2-Input XOR Gate  


The first step in Laboratory 6 was the creation of 2-Input (2 I/P) NAND gate and 2 I/P XOR gate schematic, symbol, and layout views, found in the files NAND_EM_f16 and XOR_EM_f16, respectively. The designs use 6µ/0.6µ MOSFETS as required in the laboratory instructions. First, the 2 I/P NAND schematic with successful DRC verification is displayed below.




Next, the symbol for the 2 I/P NAND with DRC verification is displayed below. Note the initials 'EM' in the center of the symbol as directed in the laboratory instructions.




Following the symbol, the 2 I/P NAND layout was created with successful DRC and LVS verification. Additional spacing was left between the PMOS and NMOS to allow space for routing in more complex designs, as well as to allow routing for the FULL ADDER (FA) in this laboratory experiment. Note, all I/P's, outputs (O/P's), vdd! and gnd! are routed on metal1. The layout with DRC verification is displayed below. 




The extracted 2 I/P NAND with LVS verification is displayed below.




Moving on, the 2 I/P XOR schematic design with successful DRC verification is displayed below. The 2 I/P XOR files used are found in the file XOR_EM_f16.




Next, the 2 I/P XOR symbol with initials in the center was designed as displayed below.




The layout for the 2 I/P XOR required careful attention to routing transmission lines due to the complexity of the design relative to design experience. Initially, the crossing of metal1 (m1) and metal2 (m2) presented difficulty. The original design included both m1 and m2 running both horizontally and vertically. This approach was successful for the 2 I/P XOR alone, however the approach made connecting the XOR with other components, as seen later in the FA design, more complicated and relatively messy. Thus, the initial design was reconstructed using the approach suggested in the CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation book , specifically using a grid pattern to route the metal layers. Although, there are instances where this approach was violated, the net result was a cleaner design. Note, all I/P's, outputs (O/P's), vdd!, and gnd! are routed on metal1.The layout with DRC verification prior to redesigning is displayed below.




For comparison, the redesigned 2 I/P XOR used in the FA is displayed below. Note, most of the long vertical connections were made using m1 and the horizontal connections were made using m2. The instances where this strategy was violated are the connections to vdd!, gnd!, and a connection between two PMOS drains. 




Next, the 2 I/P XOR extracted view with LVS verification is displayed below.




Following design completion, Spectre was used to simulate the logical operations of the gates for the 4 possible I/P combinations. To simplify, one schematic was used, as displayed below. The schematic and saved Spectre state are found in the file sim_NAND_XOR_EM_f16.




The simulation was performed with the following pulse inputs for A, below left, and B, below right, to provide the 4 possible input combinations. Note B has a period one-half the period of A. 




Prior to providing the simulation results, the truth tables for each design are included for reference. The simulation results for the schematic are displayed below the table. Reading the signals vertically from right to left on the plot confirms the simulations results match the truth tables.


























To verify the layouts were designed properly, the same simulation was performed using the extracted view. The plot below displays the same simulation using the extracted layout. Note the simulation results are identical.



The netlists for the simulation results are displayed for the schematic, below left, and the extracted view, below right.





Experiment 2: Full Adder


Using these gates, draft the schematic of the full adder seen below 

o   Create a symbol for this full-adder 

o   Simulate, using Spectre, the operation of the full-adder using this symbol  

Layout the full-adder by placing the 5 gates end-to-end so that vdd! and gnd! are routed

o   full-adder inputs and outputs can be on metal2 but not metal3

DRC and LVS your full adder design




The 2 I/P NAND and the 2 I/P XOR designed in Experiment 1 were connected in the Full Adder design seen above. The schematic with DRC verification is displayed below. The design file used for this experiment is titled FA_EM_f16.




Following the schematic design, the commonly used FA symbol was designed. The symbol with DRC verification is displayed below. Again, note the initials displayed in the center of the symbol, as required.




The layout of the FA initially presented difficulties routing m1 and m2, as noted in the discussion for the 2 I/P XOR gate. Additionally, metal3 (m3) was used for part of the layout. The first attempt at the FA resulted in a layout with the 2 XOR's and the 3 NAND's connected successively in a row from left to right.  The layout resulted with metal layers and connections in an unsatisfactoryf design. However, after considering several design strategies and analyzing the input and output locations on both devices, the FA layout was completed by rearranging the order of the connected components and using the metal layout strategy discussed earlier. Laying the metal out in a grid avoided the problem of routing metal layers across themselves horizontally and vertically and resulted in a satisfactory layout for the FA. Note the layout with successful DRC verification below. Also, note none of the FA I/P's or O/P's are on m3.




Next, a closer view of the completed FA.



The final step of the FA design was to extract and LVS the design. The initial LVS failed due to failure to add the proper input pin for 'Cin' and output pin for 'S'. Once these were added, the LVS was successful, as displayed below. 




The final part of Experiment 2 was to simulate the FA using the symbol. This was performed using both the schematic and extracted views. The simulation file and saved Spectre state can be found in the file sim_FA_EM_f16. The image below displays the schematic with DRC verification used for the simulation.




The inputs required to perform the simulations are displayed below from left to right for A, B and cin, respectively. The A and B inputs are the same, with the period for cin being one-half of B or one-fourth of A. This results in all 8 possible I/P combinations.



As done previously, the truth table for the FA is displayed below. The simulation results using the schematic symbol are displayed directly below the truth table. The truth table can be read directly from the simulation results reading vertically from right to left.


















































The Spectre simulation results for the extracted layout are displayed below. The results confirm the layout is designed correctly. Below the simulation results are the netlists for the schematic simulation, left, and the extracted simulation, right.









The experiments performed in Laboratory 6 resulted in the design of a 2-input NAND gate, a 2-input XOR gate and a Full Adder using familiar devices from previous laboratory experiments, specifically NMOS and PMOS transistors. Additionally, the devices were successfully simulated using both schematic and extracted views to verify proper functionality.


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