EE 421L Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory - Lab 3

Eric Monahan



Layout of a 10-bit DAC



o   Back-up all of your previous work from the lab and the course.

o   Finish Tutorial 1


Tutorial 1 was completed with files relevant to Lab 3 included in the DAC layout. The images below are samples of the 10kΩ resistor, left, and the voltage divider, right, from the Tutorial.




The DRC and LVS verifications for the Tutorial 1 voltage divider are displayed below. Completing the tutorial was relevant to completing the layout of the 10-bit DAC in the following experiment.




Experiment 1


This lab will focus on the layout of the 10-bit DAC you designed and simulated in Lab 2


Use the n-well to layout a 10k resistor as discussed in Tutorial 1 

o   Discuss, in your lab report, how to select the width and length of the resistor by referencing the process information from MOSIS


First, all files created in Lab 2 were copied to the Lab 3 library to simplify the design process required in this experiment.




Next, the length and width of the resistor needed to be determined to meet the parameters specified in the MOSIS design rules. The design rules specify the sheet resistance at 800Ω/square and the minimum length as 3.6µm. The mathematical relationships displayed in the image below are used to determine the length and width. As demonstrated in Tutorial 1, a width of 4.5µm was used and the length was determined as demonstrated below.




Once the theoretical length was determined to result in the desired 10kΩ n-well resistor, the experimental design process demonstrated in Tutorial 1 was performed to create the resistor. The finished resistor is displayed directly below. Note the ruler displayed demonstrating the length and width matching the theoretically calculated values. For reference, the ruler is accessed via the 'k' Bindkey.




The extracted view of the ruler is displayed below.




The final value of the resistor is displayed on the extracted view. Note the resistor value is 10.21kΩ, representing an acceptable approximation of the desired 10kΩ initially derived above.




Experiment 2


Use this n-well resistor in the layout of your DAC

o   Discuss, in your lab report, how the width and length of the resistor are measured 


·        Ensure that each resistor in the DAC is laid out in parallel having the same x-position but varying y-positions (the resistors are stacked)

·        All input and output Pins should be on metal 1

·        DRC and LVS, with the extracted layout, your design (show the results in your lab report)

·        Zip up your final design directory and place it in the lab3 directory, with a link on your lab report, so the grader can examine both the layout and schematic (and simulations)


The layout of the DAC began with the creation of a layout for a 1-bit DAC. The 1-bit DAC schematic designed in Lab2 displayed below to the left, was used for the layout reference. The layout is displayed below to the right. 




The extracted layout is displayed below.




The image below is the DRC for the layout verifying no design rule errors. Below the DRC image is an image of the LVS verifying net-lists match for the schematic and extract.




The next step was the design of the stacked 10-bit DAC via the 1-bit DAC designed above. The resistors were stacked in parallel with the same x-positions and varying y-positions. The image to the left below displays the 10-bit DAC layout and the image to the right displays the extracted view. The middle image displays a closer view of the layout to provide a sample of the Pin naming conventions used in the design.




The image to the left below is the 10-bit DAC layout DRC displaying no errors and the image to the right displays the LVS verifying matching net-lists.




Experiment 3


The final experiment required repeating the simulations performed in Lab 2 using the ADC_DAC file with the extracted file created above. To simulate using the extracted file, the same schematics were used with changes made in the ADE L prior to simulating. Specifically, the following steps were taken:

o   In the ADE, click Setup > Environment and add the word extracted to the file

o   Load the Session and simulate

o   In the ADE, click Simulation > Netlist > Display


The first and last steps are displayed below. The netlist view confirms the extracted file is used for the DAC in the simulations.




The first simulation performed was under no load conditions as done in Lab2. This used the file sim_ECM_ADC_DAC in the Lab_3 library.  The images below display simulation results for the schematic DAC, left, and the extracted DAC, right. All remaining simulation and netlist images will follow the format of schematic DAC sim on the left next to the extracted DAC sim on the right. The simulations produced identical results. The netlists for each are seen directly below the plots.






The next simulation was for the DAC connected to a 10pF load using the file sim2_DAC_C_load in the Lab_3 library. The resulting simulations and netlists are seen below. Once again, the simulations produced identical results.





Next, the DAC was connected to drive varying loads (R, C and R/C) as previously done in Lab 2. First, a 10kΩ load was added and simulated using the file sim_ECM_DAC_10k_load with results displayed below. The results show a 2.5V amplitude for a 5V pulse, as seen in the initial plot. Thus, identical results once again. 




The next simulation used the file sim_ECM_DAC_10pF_load and replaced the 10kΩ resistor above with a 10pF capacitor. Simulation results are displayed below. Once again, the simulations for the schematic DAC and the extracted DAC match. 





Finally, a simulation was performed with the DAC driving a 10kΩ resistor and a 10pF capacitor using the file sim_ECM_DAC_RC_load. Simulation results are displayed below.





As demonstrated above, the simulation results using the schematic DAC versus the extracted layout DAC are identical.




The layout of a 10-bit DAC performed in Laboratory 3 served as an extension of the experiments performed in Lab 2. Specifically, the 10-bit DAC schematic designed in Lab 2 was given a layout, extracted and simulated as done in Lab 2. Performing the simulations using the extracted DAC required additional research into Cadence simulations, but the simulations were performed as expected. As in Lab 2, the simulation results using the extracted 10-bit DAC matched the expected outcomes for the load conditions simulated. 


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