Lab 6 - EE 421L: Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory

James Mellott

Lab description:


Pre-Lab Scope

·         Back-up all of your work from the lab and the course.

·         Go through Cadence Tutorial 4 seen here.

·         Read through the lab in its entirety before starting to work on it

Post-Lab Scope

·         Draft the schematics of a 2-input NAND gate (Fig. 12.1), and a 2-input XOR gate (Fig. 12.18) using 6u/0.6u MOSFETs (both NMOS and PMOS)

o    Create layout and symbol views for these gates showing that the cells DRC and LVS without errors

§  ensure that your symbol views are the commonly used symbols (not boxes!) for these gates with your initials in the middle of the symbol  

§  ensure all layouts in this lab use standard cell frames that snap together end-to-end for routing vdd! and gnd!

§  use a standard cell height taller than you need for these gates so that it can be used for more complicated layouts in the future

§  ensure gate inputs, outputs, vdd!, and gnd! are all routed on metal1

o    Use cell names that include your initials and the current year/semester, e.g. NAND_jb_f19 (if it were fall 2019)

o    Using Spectre simulate the logical operation of the gates for all 4 possible inputs (00, 01, 10, and 11)  

§  comment on how timing of the input pulses can cause glitches in the output of a gate

o    Your html lab report should detail each of these efforts

o    Below shows (click for a larger image): 1) schematic of a 2-input NAND gate, 2) schematic of a 2-input XOR gate, 3) simulation schematic, 4) example pulse statement to generate a digital input, and 5) simulating the operation of the gates for all 4 possible inputs.   





Below are the post-lab deliverables.


Below in figure 1 you will see the schematic, layout, extracted and symbol views of the 2-input NAND gate.


Figure 1


Below in figure 2 you will see the successful DRC and LVS of the 2-input NAND gate.


Figure 2


Below in figure 3 you will see the simulation results of the 2-input NAND gate followed by the truth table.


Figure 3


NAND Table

As can be seen, there are glitches also known as combinational logic hazards that occur during on/off transitions and switching overlap.  These occur because of the propagation delay through a device which can vary from gate to gate depending on the design of the MOSFET.  These glitches will become more apparent with more intricate logic design.


Below in figure 4 you will see the schematic, layout, extracted and symbol views of the 2-input XOR gate.


Figure 4


Below in figure 5 you will see the successful DRC and LVS of the 2-input XOR gate.


Figure 5


Below in figure 6 you will see the simulation results of the 2-input XOR gate followed by the truth table.


Figure 6


XOR Table


Again as you can see the glitches are not in this simulation as the on/off transitions never overlap.


Below in figure 7 you will see the schematic, layout, extracted and symbol views of the Full Adder.


Figure 7


Below in figure 8 you will see the simulation results of the Full Adder followed by the truth table.


Figure 8


Full Adder Table


As you can see with a more complicated circuit the glitches become more apparent.




In conclusion Lab 6 served to provide knowledge in the construction, design, and simulation of 2-input NAND and XOR gates as well as the Full Adder.

My Lab 6 files can be found here to authenticate unique individual experiments and designs.







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