EE 421L - Lab 1 - Laboratory Introduction, Generating/Posting HTML Lab Reports, Installing and Using Cadence

Jonathan K DeBoy
24 August 2015

Pre-lab work



This lab served as an introduction to the formats and procedures required for every lab this semester as well as a fresh introcution to the Cadence EDA tools.

Cadence Tutorial I

This tutorial calls for the creation of a simple voltage divider in Virtuoso. First we start off by creating a library called Tutorial_1:

Create a new cell and schematic and generate the following schematic via components in the analogLib library:
Time to simulate. Launch>ADE L. Change the simulation settings to see the desired plots and to ensure it is running a Spetre simulation vs H-Spice. After hitting run, it should look like this:


The CMOSedu folder will be zipped on the Cadence Cluster and saved onto my computer via SFTP every week as a form of backup. I will use the following linux command to zip each lab folder and simply drag and drop the file from the GUI of MobaXTerm's SFTP window.
Backup1           Backup2

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