Lab 1 - EE 420L 

Authored by Jacob Reed

Due: January 30, 2019


Pre-lab Work


Practice snipping an image:


Table Practice


Lab Work


For this first lab simulate, and verify the simulation results with experimental measurements, the circuits seen in Figs. 1.21, 1.22, and 1.24 (use a 1 uF cap in place of the 1 pF cap) of the book. Your results should be similar to, but more complete than, the simulation results seen on pages 17 - 23.  In your report, and for each circuit, show the


For the AC response seen in Fig. 1.23 generate a table showing some representative measurement results (frequency, magnitude, and phase). 

Show the lab TA how you are making these measurements. 

If you would like to include a plot of this measured data then using a plotting program, such as Excel, add the image to your report.


Experiment 1: Circuit Analysis of Fig 1.21

LTSpice schematic of  the circuit from Fig 1.21
             Hand calculations of circuit from Fig 1.21
LTSpice waveform of the circuit in Fig 1.21                                                            Oscilloscope measurement of  the circuit in Fig 1.21
Circuit Fig 1.21Magnitude (in V/V)Phase (in °)Time Delay (in s)
Hand Calculations0.623-51.5°-715µ
LTSpice Simulation0.622-51.2°-711µ
Oscilloscope Measurement0.540-56.2°-768µ
*Note: The phase difference for the LTSpice simulation was calculated
by using formula for t
d and algebraically manipulating to solve for phase.

Frequency Response of the circuit in Fig 1.21
Frequency (in Hz)LTSpice Magnitude (in dB)LTSpice Phase (in °)Oscilloscope Magnitude (in dB)Oscilloscope Phase (in °)
Comments: My hand calculations and LTSpice simulation results are highly correlated. There is only a 0.16% difference between the values of magnitude for the two. However, when looking at the oscilloscope measurement, there is approximately a 14% difference in the magnitude between the oscilloscope and LTSpice measurements. I think that this is due to using the "Measure" function on the oscilloscope instead of using the cursor manually taking these measurements. For future measurements, I will make sure be more precise by taking manual measurements. For the frequency response, this was something difficult for me to measure since the waveforms are wild at the higher frequencies. I feel that the experimental results are acceptably correlated to simulation results just because it can be difficult to take manual measurements.
Experiment 2: Circuit Analysis of Fig 1.22
LTSpice schematic of the circuit in Fig 1.22                               Hand calculations of circuit from Fig 1.22

LTSpice waveform of the circuit in Fig 1.22                                                                         Oscilloscope measurement of  the circuit in Fig 1.22
Circuit Fig 1.22Magnitude (in V/V)Phase (in °)Time Delay (in s)
Hand Calculations0.694-6.84°-95µ
LTSpice Simulation0.677-7.02°-97.44µ
Oscilloscope Measurement0.620-11.0°-140µ
*Note: The phase difference for the LTSpice simulation was calculated
by using formula for t
d and algebraically manipulating to solve for phase.
Comments: My hand calculations and LTSpice simulation results are highly correlated. There is only a 2.5% difference between the values of magnitude for the two. However, when looking at the oscilloscope measurement, there is approximately a 8.8% difference in the magnitude between the oscilloscope and LTSpice measurements. I think that this is due to using the "Measure" function on the oscilloscope instead of using the cursor manually taking these measurements. For future measurements, I will make sure to be more precise by taking manual measurements.

Experiment 3: Circuit Analysis of Fig 1.24
LTSpice schematic of the circuit in Fig 1.22                                        Hand calculations of circuit from Fig 1.22

LTSpice waveform of the circuit in Fig 1.24 showing delay time                                      LTSpice waveform of the circuit in Fig 1.24 showing rise time

Oscilloscope measurement of  the circuit in Fig 1.24
showing delay time and rise time.
Circuit Fig 1.24td (s)tr (s)
Hand Calculations700µ2.2m
LTSpice Simulation727.9µ2.08m
Oscilloscope Measurement755µ2.1m

Comments: For this circuit, the results for my hand calculations and LTSpice simulation are somewhat correlated. There is a 3.9% difference between the values for delay time and a 5.6% difference between the values for rise time. Looking at the difference between my oscilloscope measurements and LTSpice simulation, there is a 3.7% difference between the values for delay time and only a 0.96% difference between the values for rise time. Although I used the "Measure" function on the oscilloscope and attained good results, I still should have made the measurements manually.

    This was the perfect lab for me to get back into using the measuring equipment we have, and to be able to analyze data in a meaningful way. It also served as a great review of RC circuits and how they function. It was great practice being able to solve for a circuit by hand, simulating the circuit, and then measuring those same parameters in the experiments. This lab showed me that it is very important in how measurements are made using an oscilloscope in order to get the most out of the equipment. In the future, I will definitely be practicing different methods of gathering data and becoming much more accustomed to using all of our equipment.

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