EE 420L
Analog Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
Laboratory Report 5: Op-Amps III, the Op-Amp Integrator


AUTHOR: Bryan Kerstetter


JANUARY 30, 2019

General Overview

This laboratory even further introduces operational amplifiers. While also introducing the op-amp integrator topology. The frequency response of the op-amp integrator topology will be addressed. Additionally, an integrator will be designed that will convert a square wave into a triangle wave.


I watched Dr. Baker’s third video about Op Amps while also reviewing the concepts covered in my Laboratory Report 4.

Description of Laboratory Procedures

{The LM324 is exclusively used throughout this laboratory}

{During this laboratory we assume that VCC+ = +5V and VCC- = 0V.}

{For oscilloscope images, assume that the yellow and blue traces are the input and output signals, respectively}

Figure 1

The topology of an op-amp integrator can be seen below. The output of the integrator is described in equation 1.


Frequency Response of the Integrator

The frequency response of an integrator can be described by equations 2-4.




Figure 2

The circuit as seen in Figure 2 was implemented on the breadboard. In Figure 2, R1 must be a resistor of a great value. This resistance is meant to minimize the effect of the op-amp’s offset voltage. Interestingly, R1 can be neglected throughout calculation because it can be treated as an open. The circuit will continue to work if R1 remains in the circuit. However, the offset voltage will influence the output waveform.  The unity-gain frequency can be calculated to be:


The unity gain frequency is the frequency at which the output waveform is -3dB the input waveform.


Therefore, we must determine at what frequency the output waveform has a magnitude of 141.42 mVpp. Experimentally we determined the unity-gain frequency to be 220 Hz (Figures 3 and 4).



Figure 3


Figure 4

In simulation and hand calculations, removing the resistor does not affect the response of the circuit. However, practically an op amp has an offset voltage. We then removed the 100k resistor. There was little effect. The output voltage slightly increased in magnitude. The 100k resistor has little effect on frequency response. The phase shift between the two signals is around 90. This is to be expected.


Therefore, we can conclude:

For input signal of  the output signal will be , see Figure 6. Therefore, we can conclude that when an integrator’s input signal is a sine wave, the output signal will have a difference in magnitude and a 90-degree phase shift. Where the difference in magnitude is dependent upon the values of R, C and the frequency.

Figure 5

Figure 6

The Design of a Square-Wave to Triangle Wave Generation Circuit

A square-wave to triangle-wave generation circuit can be designed based upon the following parameters and the topology given in Figure 2.

·        Input/output signal frequency at 10 kHz

·        Output ramp to swing from 1V to 4V centered around 2.5V

For this design, we will have the input square wave that will go from 0V to 5V. The common mode voltage will be 2.5V. The circuit’s resistor can be found in the following manner:

Based upon Equation 1:




Let Vout be






       {experimentally measured}       [15]




The following LTspice model can be created bases upon the design parameters.

Figure 7

Figure 8

As seen in Figure 8, a triangle wave that meets the design requirements is achieved. We experimentally implemented the circuit on a breadboard. As seen in Figure 9, our circuit was successful.


Figure 9

A smaller resistor value or capacitance value, results in a triangle wave that is larger in magnitude. If the magnitude of the triangle wave is too large, then the triangle wave will clip.



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