EE 420L
Analog Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
Laboratory Report 3: Op-Amps I, Basic Topologies, Finite Gain, and Offset


AUTHOR: Bryan Kerstetter


FEBRUARY  14, 2019

General Overview

This laboratory regards the review of basic Operational Amplifier topologies; while, introducing non-ideal op amps, finite gain, and offset.


I watched Dr. Baker’s video about op amps while reviewing concepts covered on my Laboratory Report 2.

Description of Laboratory Procedures

{During this laboratory we assume that VCC+ = +5V and VCC- = 0V.}

{For oscilloscope images, assume that the yellow and blue traces are the input and output signals, respectively}

The LM324 Operational Amplifier

This laboratory extensively uses the LM324 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier Integrated Circuit. The range of common mode voltage (VCM) is from 0 V to , such that  is not greater than 30V (see Figure 1). A good estimate for the op-amp’s open-loop gain can be seen in Figure 2. For instance, at a frequency of 100 Hz the open loop voltage gain is 80 dB. The LM324 offset voltage is typically 2 mV (see Figure 3). Generally, a designer should consider that maximum value, that way the design can accommodate the extremes. Therefore, I would consider the worst case offset voltage of 9 mV, while executing a design.


Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Circuit One

Figure 4


Theoretical Value

Experimental value


5 kΩ

5.0638 kΩ


5 kΩ

5.0638 kΩ


10 kΩ

9.9716 kΩ


10 kΩ

9.9716 kΩ


0.01 uF

9.322 nF


0.01 uF

9.322 nF

Figure 5

Circuit One Overview, Decoupling Capacitors, and the Voltage Divider

Figure 4 depicts Circuit One. Here we see an inverting op amp topology with a gain of -1 (Equation 3). VCC+ is connected to 5 V. VCC- is connected to ground. The common mode voltage is produced by a voltage divider. C1 and C2 are decupling capacitors.  Decoupling capacitors are used to even voltage out in the event of slight variance in the voltage from the power supply. Decoupling capacitors do not need to have specific capacitance values. Therefore, capacitance values such as 0.1 µF, 1000 pF, and 1 µF could all be used. When a larger decoupling capacitor is used; the startup time is longer. However, when a smaller decoupling capacitor is used; the startup time is shorter. If the resistances R1 and R2 are much larger (assuming that they both are equal in resistance); there will be little change. If R1 and R2 remain equal, the voltage divider will split the voltage in half. However, there will be issues regarding the bias current if the resistances of R1 and R2 are too great (this will be discussed later).

Common Mode Voltage

The common mode voltage or VCM can be considered as the reference voltage on which op amp output signals ride. Generally, VCM can be found by taking the mean of VCC+ and VCC- Equation 1.


Our VCC+ is 5V and our VCC- is 0V. Therefore, our common mode voltage or VCM is 2.5 volts. VCM is achieved by the voltage divider described above. VCM will remain constant assuming that the supply voltage, VCC, remains constant.

Ideal Closed Loop Gain

The ideal closed loop gain for an inverting op amp topology can be described by Equation 2.



Equation 3 shows that there will be no amplitude gain in our op amp circuit. However, the op amp circuit will invert the input signal. Therefore, the input and output signals will have a 180º phase difference.

LTspice Simulation with Experimental Parameters

A LTspice model (Figure 6) was created such that all experimental values listed in Figure 5 are implemented. A netlist of the LM324 IC provided by National Semiconductor was used to effectively model the LM324 IC in LTspice. In Figure 7, the open loop gain was confirmed.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Experimental Results

We implemented the circuit described in Figure 4 on the bread board as seen in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the experimental results while inspecting both the input and output signals. The output signal has some distortion its trough. Interestingly, when we replaced RF and RI with larger resistance values, this trough distortion in the output signal was removed. This will be demonstrated later. The output swing of the input and output signals are both 100 mV. Figure 10 shows the input and out signals under DC coupling. Figure 10 shows that both signals are riding on top of 2.5V. This is due to the fact that both the DC Shift of the signal and VCM are at 2.5 V.


Figure 8


Figure 9


Figure 10

One might ask, what happens when the input signal is not centered around VCM. We selected an input signal DC offset of 4 V (Figure 11) and 2V (Figure 12). The DC offset had to be within a certain range. If the DC offset was outside this range, then clipping of the output signal would occur. For an input signal DC offset of 4 V, the output signal was riding 1 V.  While, for an input signal DC offset of 2 V, the output signal was riding 3 V. Adding a DC offset to the input signal adds to the net offset of the op amp.


Figure 11


Figure 12

Op Amp Input Bias and Input Offset Currents

Figure 13

According to the LM324 datasheet, the op amp has an input bias current that flows in or out of the op amp’s input terminals. The flow of the input bias currents can be seen in Figure 13. This bias current is usually flows out of the op amp’s input terminals at around 20 nA. This current flows though the electrical devices connected to the input terminals. While considering the input bias current of an op amp, one might wonder how this current would effect R1 and R2. If R1 and R2 are larger the voltage drops over these resistances due to the input bias current will be larger. If these voltage drops (over R1 and R2) are too large, VCM and VM will differ. Likewise, by increasing, RF and RI, the voltage drops across these resistors become larger, due to Ohm’s Law. Also resulting in VCM and VM to differ. Thereby, adding to the net offset voltage. Offset voltage, due to bias currents, result in input offset current. Input offset current is the difference of the input bias current (Input Offset Current = Non-Inverting Bias Current – Inverting Bias Current).   


Figure 14


Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17

Experimentally, we placed 10 MΩ resistors for RF and RI. We replaced RF and RI with the 10 MΩ to minimize trough distortion in our output signal. The input bias and offset currents can effect this decision to replace RF and RI. Figure 14 and 15 show the experimental results where RF and RI are 10 MΩ resistors. Comparing Figure 14 & 15 (RF = RI = 10 MΩ) with Figure 11 & 12 (RF = RI = 5 kΩ), little difference is seen. The most noticeable difference can be seen in trough of the output signal. When RF = RI = 5 kΩ, distortion in the trough is apparent. However, when RF = RI = 10 MΩ, this distortion is removed. From this point on, all experimental iterations of Circuit One exist such that RF = RI = 10 MΩ. Figure 16 and 17 show the experimental results where R1 and R2 are 10 MΩ resistors.

Maximum Allowable Input Signal Amplitude

The maximum allowable input signal should have an amplitude less than 2.5V due to the values of VCM, VCC+, and VCC-. We experimentally measured the maximum allowable input signal by slowly dialing up the input signal amplitude on the function generator. We raised the amplitude until we saw clipping of the output signal. When the input signal was 3.070 Vpp (Figure 18); we began to see clipping of the output signal (Figure 19).  Therefore, the maximum experimental input signal amplitude is 1.535 V.


Figure 18


Figure 19

To confirm our experimental results, the LTspice model (with experimental parameters) given in Figure 6 was re-simulated with an input signal amplitude of 1.535 V (Figure 20 & 21). Comparing the waveforms in Figure 19 and Figure 21, we see that they are both in agreement. Therefore, our experimental results are confirmed. Note, the clipping on the peak of the output signal on both the experimental and LTspice waveforms.

Figure 20

Figure 21

Gain of -10: Maximum Allowable Input Signal Amplitude

Now let’s say that we adjust the resistances of RF and RI such that the inverting op amp topology has a gain of -10. According to Equation 2, let RF = 10 kΩ and RI = 1 kΩ. Previously, we determined that for a gain of -1, the maximum input signal gain is 1.535 V. By increasing the gain to -10V, we may determine the maximum allowable input signal amplitude based upon our previous results.


Equation 4 is confirmed by the LTspice simulation given in Figure 22 & 23. Note, the clipping on the peak of the output signal as seen in Figure 23.

Figure 22

Figure 23

Circuit Two

Figure 24

Measuring the Offset Voltage of the LM324 Op Amp

Circuit Two as depicted in Figure 24 can be used to measure an op amp’s offset voltage. You may measure the offset voltage with this circuit due to the fact that RF > RI. The offset voltage can be determined by measuring the difference in voltage between the output voltage and the VCM voltage. Initially, we tried to measure the offset voltage with RF being equal to 20 kΩ. There was little difference between the two voltages. This little difference was very difficult to measure. The laboratory instructions indicated this difference can be increased by replacing RF with a resistor that is 100 kΩ or larger. We tried letting RF = 100 kΩ (Figure 25). The voltage difference was still small. So, we decided to use a 1 MΩ resistor (for RF) so that our measurements would be more precise (Figure 26). This increased our gain to 1000 and allowed us to easily measure the voltage difference. 


Figure 25: LM324 (RF = 100 kΩ)


Figure 26: LM324 (RF = 1 MΩ)

In this case (Figure 26), we see that the voltage difference is  Therefore, the offset voltage can be found by Equation 5.


Accord to the LM324 data sheet, we see that a typical offset voltage typically around 2 mV. We measured the offset voltage to be 0.64 mV.

Measuring the Offset Voltage of Three Additional Op Amps: The UA741, LM741, and the LM348N

We applied the procedure as described above to measure the offset voltage of three additional op amps.


Figure 27: UA741 ( RF = 1 MΩ)



Figure 28: LM741 (RF = 1 MΩ)



Figure 29: LM348N (RF = 1 MΩ)


We can the compare the measured offset voltages of four op amps as seen in Figure 30.


Measured Offset Voltage


0.64 mV


0.26 mV


1.84 mV


1.04 mV

Figure 30



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