EE 420L
Analog Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
Laboratory Report 1: Review of Basic RC Circuits


AUTHOR: Bryan Kerstetter


JANUARY 30, 2019

General Overview

This laboratory regards the introduction of editing webpages in HTML on CMOSedu. While, also reviewing basic RC circuits both theoretically, experimentally, and by LTspice simulation.


A CMOSedu account was requested for this laboratory and an index page was created.

Figure 1 [Index webpage as viewed on 1/29/2019]

Description of Laboratory Procedures

This laboratory regards three circuits given in Dr. Baker’s book (CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation – Third Edition). The three circuits are the circuits seen in Figs. 1.21, 1.22, and 1.24 (while replacing the 1pF capacitor with a 1µF capacitor).

Circuit One

Figure 2 [Fig. 1.21 in CMOS book]

Hand Calculations to Detail Circuit’s Operation

This circuit is a voltage divider.


Giving us the following transfer function:


The magnitude response can be defined such that:



The phase response can be determined such that:



Therefore, it can be said that output signal lags (as denoted by the negative parity of ) behind the input signal by 715.3 µs.


LTspice Simulation

Figure 3

Figure 4

According to LTspice the output signal lags behind the input signal by ~723.3 µs.

Figure 5

Therefore, this circuit is a simple low-pass filter. Vin remains unchanged across frequency due to the fact that the input voltage source does not have a specified series resistance.


Experimental Results

Due to component availability, the following values were used:

·        R = 1.1977 Ω

·        C = 0.9972 µF


Figure 6




Input Signal

2.06 Vpp

1.06 V

Output Signal

1.20 Vpp


Figure 7

Experimental Frequency Response

A video was created where a frequency sweep was implemented such that one can easily see the circuit’s frequency response. This video can be viewed here. The frequency range seen in the video is 4 Hz – 2 kHz.



Input Voltage

Output Voltage


10 Hz

2.2 Vpp

2.08 Vpp

100 Hz

2.2 Vpp

1.64 Vpp



2.12 Vpp

0.34 Vpp


10 kHz

2.08 Vpp

0.043 Vpp


100 kHz

2 Vpp

0.0176 Vpp


1 MHz

2 Vpp

0.014 Vpp



Figure 8

The decrease in the input voltage is due to the series resistance of the function generator (see Circuit Two section below for further explanation).


Figure 9

Comparing Hand Calculations, LTspice Simulation, and Experimental Results










623 mV

622.59 mV






Time Difference

-715.3 µs

-723.3 µs

-810.833 µs

Figure 10

Variances in respective values found by hand calculations, LTspice, and experimental results are partl due to the fact that the resistance and capacitance values were not ideal.


Circuit Two


Figure 11 [Fig. 1.22 in CMOS book]

Circuit Two is really similar to Circuit One. However, Circuit Two has a 2µF bypass capacitor in parallel with the 1k resistor.  Interestingly, this circuit is the circuit for a compensated scope probe without the load of the oscilloscope.

Figure 12  [Fig. 10.24 in CMOS book]

Hand Calculations to Detail Circuit’s Operation

Similar to Circuit One, Circuit Two can be simplified down to a voltage divider.



The following transfer function can be developed to represent the system:


The magnitude response can be calculated such that:



The phase response can be determined such that:



Therefore, it can be said that output signal lags (as denoted by the negative parity of ) behind the input signal by 95 µs.

Interestingly, at high frequencies Vout converges at the following (working off of eq. 9):


Eq. 15 leads to the fact that Vout would never converge at zero (without factoring function generator series resistance). However, this approach does not account for the series resistance of the function generator. Thereby, changing our circuit to the one seen in Figure 13. Where R2 is the series resistance of the function generator. This alternative circuit would have to be used to effectively model Circuit Two physically constructed. Circuit analysis would then be used to predict the behavior of Circuit Two, physically constructed.


Figure 13: Modified Circuit Two

LTspice Simulation I

Note, that for this LTspice no series resistance was implemented. This is due to the fact that Fig. 1.22 in the CMOS book specified no series resistance.  Therefore, this particular LTspice simulation will not accurately predict the frequency response of this circuit in real life (most notably, that of the input signal).


Figure 14

Figure 15

According to LTspice the output signal lags behind the input signal by ~115 µs.


Figure 16

It should be noted that this bode plot indicates that the input signal remains unchanged throughout all frequencies. This will not hold to be true in the experimental results. 


Experimental Results

Due to component availability, the following values were used:

·        R = 1.1977 Ω

·        C1 = 2.088 µF

·        C2 = 0.9972 µF


Figure 17




Input Signal

2.10 Vpp

1.08 V

Output Signal

1.52 Vpp


Figure 18

Experimental Frequency Response

A video was created where a frequency sweep was implemented such that one can easily see the circuit’s frequency response. This video can be viewed here. The frequency range seen in the video is 20  Hz – 7 kHz.



Input Voltage

Output Voltage


10 Hz




100 Hz








10 kHz




100 kHz




1 MHz



Unable to measure

Figure 19

Figure 20

Note the drastic decay in the input voltage.


Figure 21

LTspice Simulation II

Unfortunately, the hand calculations and LTspice simulation failed to predict the decay of the input signal at greater and greater signals. Recall, that there was also decay of the input signal in Circuit One. However, this decay was far less due to the fact that Circuit One did not have a bypass capacitor in parallel with its resistor.


A new LTspice model can be created based upon the circuit described in Figure 13. This new LTspice model will accommodate the series resistance of function generator. The series resistance was experimentally measured by an ohmmeter. The results of these measurements can be seen in the table below.


Output Frequency

Series Resistance of

Function Generator

30 kHz

12 Ω

100 kHz

40 Ω

1 MHz

65 Ω

Figure 22

Our new LTspice model will include an input voltage source with a series resistance of 65.


Figure 23

Figure 24

Here, our LTspice model shows the decay of the input signal voltage. This decay of the input signal voltage was observed experimentally. However, even this new LTspice model is not entirely representative of physical circuit. The series resistance of the input signal voltage would have to vary with frequency.


Comparing Hand Calculations, LTspice, and Experimental Results






Simulation I




694 mV

694.923 mV

770 mV





Time Difference

-95 µs

-115 µs

-118.056 µs

Figure 25

Variances in respective values found by hand calculations, LTspice, and experimental results are partly due to the fact that the resistance and capacitance values were not ideal.


Circuit Three


Circuit Three is very identical to Circuit One. The only difference is the input signal of the circuit. In Circuit One, the input signal is a sinusoidal wave. Whereas, in circuit three, the input signal is a square wave.


Figure 26 [Fig. 1.24 in CMOS book -- modified]

Hand Calculations to Detail Circuit’s Operation

The input signal given in Fig. 1.23 of the CMOS book could not be used because the capacitance of C1 was changed from 1pF to 1µF. Changing the capacitance of C1; also, changes the value of the RC time constant.





After the system will reach a steady-state (Equation 17). Therefore, to effectively observe the charging and discharging of the capacitor, we may let the capacitor charge and discharge for 5 ms, respectively (50% duty cycle). This gives an input signal with a period of 10 ms and giving us a frequency of 100 Hz. Additionally, it can be said that take 700  to charge or discharge 50% of its steady state value (Equation 18). The rise and fall times are defined to be 2.2 ms (Equation 19).  The trace of the capacitor charging or discharging can be described by:



Positive Edge of

Negative Edge of

Start Time

Figure 27

Equation 20 gives us the following piecewise function to describe Vout over one period under the specified input signal. 


All of the above hand calculations can be graphically depicted as seen in Figure 28.


Figure 28 [Graphed by the online Desmos Graphing Calculator and annotated in PowerPoint]

LTspice Simulation

In LTspice, the square wave described in Figure 26 can be achieved by the following pulse statement:


PULSE(0 1 0 10n 10n 5m 10m)


Figure 29

Figure 30

Experimental Results

Due to component availability, the following values were used:

·        R = 1.1977 Ω

·        C = 0.9972 µF


Figure 31

Comparing Hand Calculations, LTspice Simulation, and Experimental Results

The hand calculated, LTspice, and experimental waveforms are in agreement as seen in Figure 32.












2.2 ms

~2.3 ms

2.420 ms

2.2 ms

~2.3 ms

2.367 ms

Figure 32




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