This is a tutorial of Calibre configuration for Cadence 5.1. Assume ON's C5 technology has already been installed. The instruction of ON's C5 installation can be found at here.

Calibre's DRC Configuration:


1. In your home directory (/home/YourLogin/), click 'View-Show Hidden Files', open file '.bashrc' in this directory. Then copy the contents in this link to your .bashrc file. Notice in line 'export CALIBRE_METAL=TLM', the variable of CALIBRE_METAL can be defined as DLM or TLM. TLM means Metal 3 is the top metal layer, DLM means Metal 2 is the top metal layer.


2. In your home directory, open .cdsinit, copy the contents in the link to your .cdsinit file.


3. In your design directory (the directory you run cadence), open cds.lib file, copy the contents in this link to your cds.lib.


4. Create a new folder named 'calibre_drc' at directory '/home/YourLogin/mydesign (cadence run directory)/' as the folder you run your DRC.


5. Find your drc.runset file from directory '/home/YourLogin/C5_PDK/lib/amis500cx/tech/calibre/amis500cxakxx/Rev2.6/', double click to open drc.runset, delete all the text contents in this file, and copy the contents in this link to this file. (Do not forget to change 'liy10' to your local name in the third line).


6. Find your drc.rf file in the same directory as drc.runset, open drc.rf, scroll down to the very bottom, and replace the corresponding lines at the bottom to the contents in this link.


7. Open a terminal, input command 'icfb &' in directory '/home/YourLogin/mydesign/'.


8. Create a layout cell view named 'nmos', see the instructions here, and tutorials at here . The pins added to G, S, D and B are layer M1PIN dg.


9. Click 'Check and Save', if there is no error in your design, then click 'Calibre' in the virtuoso layour editor's menu, and select 'Run DRC'.


10. When you see the popped up window, click OK. 


11. If your 'Rules' and 'Inputs' tags on the left side of the window are in green color, it means the DRC rules file was loaded successfully, and the input file was created without any error. Then, click 'Run DRC' tag on the left side of this window.


12. Then you will see the RVE window popped up and reports your DRC results. If there is nothing shown in the RVE window, it means your design is DRC clean. 


Calibre's LVS Configuration:


1. We assume you already finished all the steps above in 'Calibre's DRC Configuration'.


2. Create a new folder named 'calibre_lvs' at '/home/YourLogin/mydesign/' as the folder you run your LVS.

3. Open your lvs.runset file at '/home/YourLogin/C5_PDK/lib/amis500cx/tech/calibre/amis500cxakxx/Rev2.6/', replace all the texts in it by the contents in this link to your lvs.runset file.


4. Open your lvs rules file 'lvs.rf' at '/home/YourLogin/C5_PDK/lib/amis500cx/tech/calibre/amis500cxakxx/Rev2.6/', scroll down to the very bottom, replace the contents start with '#IFDEF' to the end of the file by the contents in this link


5. Now you are ready to run LVS. Make sure you have schematic view and layout view in the same cell. Then click the tag 'Calibre -> Run LVS -> OK -> Inputs' in layout editor's menu. Check the box of 'Export from layout viewer'. 


6. Click 'Run LVS' tag on the left. Then you will see the LVS report.