Khulan Tsogt (Hu-lan)
Personal record on Jenga, 37 stories. Partial credit to the partner as well.


Welcome :)

    I am currently on a mission to earn my Master's in Electrical Engineering here at UNLV with expected graduation date in May 2021. I received my Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering back in Mongolia where I am originally from.

Quick facts about me that might interest you: 

-Went to Turkish high school (taught in Turkish), lived and attented high school in Rheinbach, Germany and college in Toronto, Canada for one year each.
-Love to sing and shoot some pool.
-Beginner in Alternate-Day fasting (took a big break this summer, I blame the pandemic).

-Most importantly, the classes that I enjoy very much and interested involve Integrated Circuit Design.

I have a lot to learn and a lot to accomplish in 2020 personally and professionally like everyone else so good luck to everyone! Thank you for visiting and Stay safe.

Classes at UNLV (links coming up soon)
- Modern Processor Architecture (ECG - 604) - Spring 2019
- Analog Integrated Circuit Design (ECG - 620) - Spring 2019
- Digital Integrated Circuit Design (ECG - 621) - Fall 2019
- Machine Learning and Applications (ECG - 703) - Spring 2020
- Memory Circuit Design (ECG - 721) - Spring 2020
- Mixed-Signal Circuit Design (ECG - 722) - currently taking

Resume :
...currently being revised
