Homework assignments for EE 360D Signals and Systems I Discussion, Fall 2020

Last Edited on 11/27/21 at 8:23pm using Word


Homework is structured to assist the student with lectures (including exams).

There are six (6) computer assignments and six (6) exams.


All computer assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of class time, 10 AM (unless otherwise noted), on Canvas. The instructor will then grade your assignment and return feedback to prepare the student for the exams.


Homework guidelines are found here


CA#6 – CA6.pdf, due Wednesday, December 1

CA#5 – CA5.pdf, due Monday, November 15

CA#4 – CA4.pdf, due Tuesday, October 26

CA#3 – CA3.pdf, due Saturday, October 16

CA#2 – CA2.pdf, due Saturday, September 25

CA#1 – CA1.pdf, due Tuesday, September 7