Opal Kelly Introduction (Tutorial)

By: Chris Barr

Last Modified: 01/23/2021



Welcome to the How to Opal Kelly ZEM5305-A2 Edition.
In this quick start-up tutorial, the user will understand how to setup their ZEM5305 board to access and configure the GUI, as well as the programmable file.

This is the ZIP of all the files created throughout this tutorial, click the image below to download.
Note: This ZIP does not include files from Opal Kelly.
Zip file - Free interface icons


Materials used in this tutorial:



USB 3.0 A to USB 3.0 Micro-B Receptacle


Software Used:

-      Opal Kelly Front Panel SDK

-      Quartus II 13.1 (64/32 bit)

-      Text Editor (Notepad++)

Note: The Opal Kelly Front Panel SDK software can only be downloaded by an approved registered customer with Opal Kelly (aka bought their product(s)).
To register the product, go to this link
here. Google emails do not work L


Make sure all materials and software are acquired before passing this point.



Page Directory:

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GUI (Front Panel)

Creating an .XML file to program and design the graphic user interface.

Programmable File

Creating an .RBF file to program the Altera Cyclone V chip.

Example Output

Showcases the output capability of using an Opal Kelly with the tutorial code.



GUI (Front Panel)

The Front Panel is capable of inputting buttons, sliders, digits, and hex. Here’s an image from the Opal Kelly documents showcasing that, and more.


Opal Kelly has a document with examples of all the XML components located here

This tutorial will cover using pushbuttons and digit inputs. Opal Kelly’s Front Panel SDK and Notepad++’s Text Editor will be used in this portion of the tutorial. 

To begin, an XML file can be created by using a text editor. In this tutorial Notepad++ is going to be used.
For a blank slate, here’s the minimum requirements. This file can be found in the ZIP above.

However, a premade file will be used, and can also be found in the ZIP above. The filename will be called “frontpanel.xml”
Open this file, the contents should be the same as the code shown below. This code has one digit input, and two pushbutton inputs.


For the digit entry, it allows users to enter digits by mouse/keyboard.
The user can either hover the mouse over the number and use the scroll wheel, or type the number in manually.
The properties of this input can manipulate the decimal point value, radix, and min/max size.

For the pushbutton entry, its modeled like a physical button.
When the pushbutton is pressed, a logical ‘1’ will be sent in as an input. Whereas if it’s not pressed, it will send as a logic ‘0’.


Download the FrontPanel SDK software from the Opal Kelly website here

When downloaded, launch the software and this window should pop-up.

Go ahead and drag-and-drop the file “frontpanel.xml” into the icon shown below

A new window will pop-up with the digit entry and pushbuttons. These will be the inputs sent into the programmable file.
There’s a 24-bit digit input, with a send and reset buttons



Programmable File

In this tutorial, the program will take in the 24-bit input and only be sent when the button “SEND” is pressed. Only at the very beginning, and any time the program glitches, there’s a “RESET”
button to restart the program.

For the programmable file, Altera’s Quartus II 13.1 will be used and the code will be in Verilog. Download Quartus 13.1 here
Because the Opal Kelly ZEM5305 supports the Altera Cyclone V FPGA series, be sure to include the Cyclone V device support files when installing Quartus.
Launching the Quartus 13.1 application, go to File > New Project Wizard…

And then hit “Next >”

And then (1) select the folder you want the project to be accessible in, (2) select the name of the project, (3) hit “Next >”


The next page will ask to select any files needed for the project. Navigate to the  and select these files shown below.

These files can be found inside a folder called “Opal Kelly”. It should come preinstalled with the download of the Front Panel SDK. By default, it should be located in Program Files.
Once located, go to this folder:
Opal Kelly > FrontPanelUSB > FrontPanelHDL > ZEM5305-A2
This folder will have all the HDL files in regards to the ZEM5305 FPGA.
Add these highlighted files into the Quartus project
***Make sure you add “okHostMicrocode.hex” to the project directory folder***

Next, Quartus will ask for what Family and Device will be used. The FPGA chip used on the ZEM5305 is called the Cyclone V E (5CEFA2U19C8N).
To minimize the list, under the (1) Devices drop down menu, select “Cyclone V E Extended Features”. And then (2) circle “Specific device selected in ‘Available devices’ list”.
Scroll down and (3) select the device “5CEFA2U19C8”. Then (4) hit “Next >”
Fun Fact: The FPGA device name “5CEFA2U19C8” can be seen on top of the Altera Cyclone V FPGA chip.

No changes need to be made here -- hit “Next >”

Make sure this last page matches up with the image shown below. Then hit “Finish”

If an error occurs, try reloading Quartus and make sure the device “5CEFA2U19C8” is correctly shown under the project navigator
If this does not match, go to the toolbar at the top and left click
Assignments > Device…
Then left click the correct device again

And make sure the files that were selected earlier are loaded into the project, as shown below
If not, go to
Assignments > Settings… > Files
And then left click the
 again to load all the files into the project

At the toolbar from the top, go to
Assignments > Device… > Device and Pin Options… > Configuration
Set the “Configuration Scheme” to Passive Parallel x16

Under Category, click on Programming Files. Inside, make sure the Raw Binary File (.RBF) is selected
This is important because this will be the output file placed in the Front Panel software to program the board

Under Category, click on Dual-Purpose Pins. Inside, set everything to “Use as regular I/O”. If you have DCLK, set it as “Use as programming pin”

Press “OK” at the bottom of that window. Go to
Assignments > Settings… > EDA Tool Settings
Make sure all tool names are set to “<None>” as shown below

Press “OK” at the bottom. Now go to
Assignments > Import Assignments…
Use the browse button
 to locate the “zem5305.qsf” file in the Opal Kelly folder

This can be grabbed from
Opal Kelly > FrontPanelUSB > Samples > Counters > ZEM5305-VHDL

Select the .QSF file and click the “Advanced…” button on the Import Assignments window
Under Import Options section, make sure the “Imported entity assignments replace current entity assignments” is checked

Now press “OK” in the Advanced Import Settings window, and press “OK” again in the Import Assignments window.
A message will appear from the console saying

For this tutorial, a premade file (found in ZIP above) will be used. This file is called “ProjectExample.v”. Add this inside the project directory folder
To add this file in Quartus, from the top of the main window
Assignments > Settings… > files
Select the browse
 button and Add the Verilog file ProjectExample.v

Hit “OK”. Under the Project Navigator go to the Files tab and right-click the ProjectExample.v file and select Set as Top-Level Entity

At this point in the tutorial, the ProjectExample.v can be used as a template to create another program

Now hit the Start Compilation button within the Quartus toolbar as shown below

Depending on the computer you’re using, this may take a few minutes

When the project is finished compiling, go to
Assignments > Pin Planner
Under pin location SDIN, clk16, and dlatch should be blank. Go ahead and fill it with the corresponding values shown below

These pins can be found on the Opal Kelly website, click the link here to view the pin list
Choose the pins based on where the preferred location of the port would be
Just make sure that if outputting a clock, choose a pin location with the
 symbol next to it – just like PIN_T15

If the pin locations have been decided, re-compile the code using the same as before.
Within the projects file directory, search for the output file ExampleProject.rbf
This file could be inside a folder within the project directory called “output_files”, or within the project directory itself
Make sure the Front Panel SDK software is launched, and drag-and-drop the file in the location shown below


Example Output

Once the files are both dragged-and-dropped into the Front Panel SDK software, the output of the ports can be tested on an oscilloscope.
Here’s a few tests to showcase the example working properly with the GUI created using XML file and the program created from the RBF file.

Test 1:


Test 2:


Test 3:


Test 4:



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