Final Project - EE 421L

Authored by Batya Vishnepolsky,


Final Project Description:
Design a non-inverting buffer circuit that presents less than 100 fF input capacitance to on-chip logic and that can drive up to a 10 pF load with output voltages greater than 7V (an output logic 0 is near ground and an output logic 1 is greater than 7V). Assume VDD is between 4.5V and 5.5V, a valid input logic 0 is 1V or less, a valid input logic 1 is 3V or more. Show that your design works with varying load capacitance from 0 to 1pF. Assume the slowest transition time allowed is 4 ns.

Design Process

After learning about a lot of circuit/ buffer topology from chapter 18 of our textbook, I designed the following circuit:



Design decisions included:

What happens to an NMOS in strong inversion? A large amount of electrons are attracted to under the gate, and the capacitance will increase at the gate the greater Vgs is then Vth. The electrons that are attracted to the gate will short the drain and the source together. This forms a low resistance "bottom plate" for the capacitor.

How do we know our MOSFET is always in strong inversion? In order for a mosfet to be in strong inversion, the Vgs (Voltage difference from the gate to the source) must be a lot bigger then the Vth (threshold voltage). For the case of an NMOS in the C5 process, the threshold voltage is 0.7V. And the Vgs will always have a Vdd difference. Why? Take a look at these hand calculations:

Essentially, no matter the input of the circuit, the difference across the MOSFETs will always be VDD. VDD is at minimum 4.5V (due to constraints of the project), and 4.5V - 0.7V = 3.8V. 3.8V is more then 5 times larger than the Vth, and therefore the MOSFETS are in strong inversion, and behave as capacitors for the circuits operation.
In order to ensure that the output voltage will remain above 7V for the entirety of operation, we need to size the MOSFETs correctly, as the length and width of the MOSFET have a direct relationship with it's equivalent capacitance.

For the MOSFET N5, it was sized as such:

The other capacitor, N4, can be smaller because it is not going to affect the output voltage.
For the MOSFET N4, it was sized as such:
I decided to size N4 to have an equivilant capacitance of 100fF:

Internal view of the inverters on the schematic:

I chose to do an inverter where the PMOS was double the size of an NMOS, because the switching point of this inverter is about 2.5 when VDD is 5. I have done this in previous class assignments.
However, one can also calculate the switching point (VSP) of the inverter by using the following equation:

Something else to consider, is that the ratio of ßn/ßp affects the voltage's switching point. When you increase the strength of the NMOS, the switching voltage decreases, and when you increase the strength of the PMOS, it will increase. If we needed to alter the Vsp for different values, we could either mathematically calculate it using the above equation or "guess and check" by increasing/ decreasing the sizes of our NMOS or PMOS, depending on the Vsp needed.
How would one increase the strength of the ßn,p? The relationship between the ß variable and the size of the transistor is as such: ßn,p = Wn,p/Ln,p. Seeing this, it is clear that one would need to increase the width of the transistor.
Additionally, the input capacitance must be less then 100fF, which it is, as seen through this math:

Simulations to demonstrate switching point as VDD varies from 4.5 - 5.5:

Simulation at 4.5, 5, and 5.5 switching points:

As you can see, the lowest switching point is 2.19V and the highest switching point is 2.74V. This falls in the paramaters of the project specifications, which indicate a logic low of 1V or less, and a logic high of 3V or more. The swtiching point remains in between 1 and 3 during every VDD.

After verifying correct inverter operation, and creating the entire charge pump schematic, I created a symbol view of the non inverting buffer and labeled if accordingly:

I then created a seperate cell view to simulate the operation of my non inverting buffer to ensure that it acted as expected.
I simulated my design using no capacitave load, a .5pF load, and a 1pF load.
Within each capacitive load simulation, I did a transient simulation to demonstrate the rise and fall times and DC simulation to simulate the following:
Simulation setup (with no capactive load):

Vout with a varying VDD:               
As you can see, Vout remains above 7V regardless of VDD when there is no capacitave load present.
Delay times with no load:
With an input rise time and fall of 500pF, the rise and delay times of the output are still under 4ns, which complies with the design parameters.

Simulation setup (with .5pF load)

Vout with a varying VDD: 
Once again, the voltages remain above seven for the output.

Delay times with .5pF load:
And here we also see that the delays are under 4ns.
Simulation setup (with 1pF load)

Vout with a varying VDD: 
Once again, the voltage remains above 7V for the entirety of the simulation.
Delay times with 1pF load:
And here we can also see that the delay for the rise and fall are also less then 4n.

One last simulation I want to demonstrate is how the output voltage will get the total of 2VDD:

I created a simulation to simulate the node right before the output, and labeled it "double_VDD". As you can see from the simulation, it oscillates from VDD to 2VDD. The reason is that its "baseline" charge is VDD from the NMOS above it, and when the logic input of the entire schematic is high, it becomes VDD + VDD = 2VDD, as demonstrated in the simulation.

And that concludes the part of the lab for the simulations and math behind my design.

After showing the schematic and simulations to Dr. Baker for the first half of my project, I was corrected in my orientation of MOSFETS N1 and N2. The orientation gives the MOSFETS a negative Vgs instead of a positive Vgs, which means that the MOSFETS are not operating in strong inversion, but they are actually operating in accumiliation instead of strong inversion. The MOSFETS were still working, but with an additional resistance. This is why my output was a little less then double Vdd. I did not catch this right away because I designed past minimum standards and the project was still working for what was needed. I kept the orientation as such to save time.

The next part of my project was creating the chip fabrication layout for the circuit. And this is what it looks like:

Let's take a look at some parts of the chip seperatly to understand what is going on over here.

The biggest part of the chip, the MOSFET in the middle is this component sqaured in red. This is the 50/40u mosfet that creates the 5pF capacitance. If you look at the left and right blue lines, that is our source and drain, they are shorted together and are wired to other components in the circuit.

This is the smaller capaciter sized at 100fF. The drain and source are also shorted together over here.

These components are the 24/12u inverters that are present in our circuit. They share the same N-well, as you can see the green connection.

This is the output stage that is also an inverter. It is in it's own well, and to save space on the layout I "folded" it in half. It is connected with the m1 layer to the drain to the upper right NMOS and the output.

These are the upper mosfets, N1 and N2. Notice how the top left is smaller sized. This again is to optimize power loss because the left mosfet is not needed to drive a higher voltage.

These are the pins on my schematic: in, out, gnd!, vdd!. The ! means that the pin is referencing a global variable.

To verify my layout is follows design rules and can be fabricated, I run a DRC (design rules check) and verify my layout's accuracy.

I extracted the layout, and run a LVS to ensure that my layout matches my schematic and isn't something different.

I also backed up all my files, and have included a zip below if anyone wishes to run the project on their own machine.
That concludes my project!

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