Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Meredith Kline



First, I opened Cadence and made sure I was in the correct directory. Then, I edited my cdslib file since I was already in Mobaxterm.

Then, I started Virtuoso and created a new library. I attached the AMI 0.60u C5N process.
new library
I opened the Tutorial 1 schematic and added instances by pressing I and typing res, vdc, and gnd into the box labelled "Cell."
creating the circuit
This is my final circuit created.
I ran ADE L and changed the setup to spectre. Then I clicked on Session --> Load State and clicked Cellview instead of Directory. I chose a transient analysis.
about to run analysis
This is my final graph. One can see that Vin is 1, and Vout is 0.5. There was a bolder red line at 0.5. I'm not sure why it showed up so light.
I sent my lab to myself twice.
This lab taught us how to build a simple circuit and graph it using a transient analysis.


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