Lab 4 - EE 421L 

Authored by Jesus Flores-Arellano


September 27, 2023


Lab description

- During this lab we will layout and simulate the operation of an NMOS and PMOS transistor, using a C5 process. We will also finish up tutorial 2 for the pre-lab. 


Prelab Tasks

- Finish up Tutorial 2 and upload images layouts and simulations.




 For this prelab we finished up Tutorial 2.
We first created a schematic cell, drew out a circuit and simulated it to view a ID vs VGS graph using an NMOS transistor as seen below in the following images.
Schematic Circuit with our created NMOS symbol:
Simulation graphs of NMOS (ID vs VGS) with varying VGS :

Layout of created NMOS:

Once finished with the NMOS walk through of the tutorial, we simoly repeated all the same steps for the PMOS transistor now.
Schematic circuit with our created PMOS Symbol:

Simulation graphs (ID vs VSG) with varying VSG:

Layout view of creaetd PMOS:

Once both NMOS and PMOS layouts are created, the Tutorial is condluded.

 Lab Objectives




 Generating  4 Schematics  and  Simulations


For the first part of the lab, we will need create 2 MOSFET schematics. We will need to create a NMOS and PMOS transistor schematic, and simulate each with the specified parameters listed in the lab description above. 

Let us start off with the NMOS schematic and simulations. Below you will see the circuit schematic created. I instantiated a nmos with 4 terminals to get use to selecting this in the future when laying out our transistors as specified by Dr. Baker. Note that the bulk is tied to ground. 




In the image above you will notice that I have set the DC value of VGS as "VGS". This will serve as our variable that we will need when simulating the ID v. VDS with varying VGS voltage as the parameters specified. For my convenience I will list the steps taken to set up the graph. 


 Now that we have our net values named, we can launch ADE L. The very first thing to do is verify that our simulator is in spectre. We then can navigate to Setup -> Model Libraries, and browse to directory-> /$HOME /ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta/models/spectre/standalone <- and Select ami06N.m (NMOS model). When we get to simulating the PMOS, we will select the ami06P.m for the PMOS model. 



We can then setup our dc sweep settings to the specified parameters on VDS as seen below:



Now we must setup our variable VGS. In our ADE window, we navigate to Variables -> Edit, and then add VGS:


Finally, in our ADE window again, we can navigate to Tools -> Parametric Analysis, and setup the parameters to what was specified:

Our final result simulations yields the following:
ID v. VDS with varying VGS


This process can then be repeated for the rest of the simulations. I will list out the required material for the sake of grading below. 

Summary of All Simulations
Layout of NMOS

DRC and LVS Pass below:
Layout of PMOS


DRC and LVS Pass:
As you can see in the summary above for all simulations, all tests have passed with no errors. This concludes Lab 4.  You can find my lab files below for everything used in my simulations.
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