Lab 7 - ECE 421L

Created and edited by Michael Parker
Email :
Last updated : November 3, 2021


    - Back-up all of your previous work from the lab and the course.

    - Go through tutorial 5 seen here


Lab Overview

    The purpose of this lab is practice the use of buses and arrays in the design of inverters, muxes, and high speed adders.

Lab Procedures

    The first task for this lab was to create a schematic of an instanced inverter using a 4 bit bus on the input and the output, creating a symbol from that inverter and simulating those inverters driving different capacitive loads.


    The next task was to create schematics, symbols, and simulate those designs for multiple logic circuits.






    The third task was to create an 8-bit wide 2 to 1 DEMUX/MUX, the symbol and simulating that design.

The last task was to draft an schematic of the full adder seen in Fig. 12.20 using 6u/600n devices, creating a symbol for the circuit, and then use the symbol to create an 8-bit adder.