Lab 1 - ECE 421L 


Authored by Do Le (

26th of August, 2020


Lab Description
    The purpose of this lab is to become accustomed to editing HTML files and posting HTML

    files to the CMOSedu website. Files will be uploaded to the CMOSedu website by using the 

    file explorer and the KompoZer program. The lab also demonstrates how to create a circuit

    using Cadence, and simulate values of the circuit.








Cadence Simulation:

    To begin using Candence Viruoso,  first login from a terminal...

    Change directory int othe CMOSedu directory by using 'cd CMOSedu',

    then start Cadence by running 'virtuoso &' as shown below.

Logging In

    A Library Manager window will open.
    Next, a new libeary is created. This library is called 'Tutorial_1'.
    This can be done by going to File > New > Library as shown below.
    (Notice that we are using the 'AMI 0.60µ C5N (3M, 2P, high-res)'
New Library



    Now a new cell can be made in the new library. This can be done by accessing

    File > New > Cell View. A window will appear prompting the creation of a new

    cell. A new schematic type cell is made called 'R_div', from which we will design

    a voltage divider.

New Schematic

    A schematic editor will open. By pressing 'I', an instance window will appear.
    Using the parts provided under the 'NCSU_Analog_Parts' library, a voltage
    divider circuit is made.

New Instance

    Here is the finished circuit. The circuit takes a 1V input, and outputs half that value (0.5V).

Voltage Divider

    To make the schematic more friendly, labels are added to indicate the inputs and outputs.

    Then the circuit can be simulated. Press 'L' to access the label window.


    Now the circuit is simulated. Open the simulation menu by going to Launch > ADE L. A window will appear.
Simulation Screen

    To perform a transient simulation, set the state to 'tran', and create a stop time. Go to Outputs > Select Output From Schematic,
    and click on the 'in' and 'out' nodes. The simulation is ran by pressing the green button. A window with the following plot should appear.


    It is a good idea to create back-ups of files so that nothing is lost due to mishaps. Files that can be backed up

    are Cadence files or HTML files such as the one that is used to create this webpage.

    To back up a file, simply zip the file up and email it to yourself.


    To zip up a file, right-click on the file in the file explorer, then go to Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder.



    Now the file can be emailed to oneself. 





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