Lab 8 - ECE 421L 


Authored by Do Le (

Authored by Michael Nguyen (

Authored by Rhyan Granados (

25th of November, 2020

Lab Contributors

    Granados Rhyan —

       • Assisted while drafting lab report.

    Le Do —

       • Provided schematics & layouts for:

             31-stage ring oscillator with buffer

             12µm/6µm inverter

             25KΩ N-Well Resistor

             Voltage Divider

             Lab Project

       • Composed top level cell.

       • Assisted while drafting lab report.

    Nguyen Michael —

       • Provided schematics & layouts for:

             6µm/0.6µm NAND & NOR gate

             6µm/0.6µm PMOS & NMOS

       • Assisted while drafting lab report.


Lab Description

     The following lab is about the generation of a test chip used to make real measurements

    of IC circuitry. Several circuits and components are implemented in a pad that is

    prepared for fabrication. This is a team effort in which Rhyan, Do, and Michael contribute to

    parts of the chip.



    The prelab involves the creation of a 40 pin padframe. The pad frame is made up of 40

    75µm x 75µm pads.

    The pad consistes of a layer of metal3 with an overglass layer marked above to indicate where the

    overglass will be removed during fabrication.



    The pad is then formatted to be fabricated on a 75µm x 75µm chip.

    The chip has 40 pins including source and ground and takes a square topology

    with 10 pins per side. The following is the schematic for the pad.

BondingPad Schematic


    Next is the layout for the bondingpad.

BondingPad Layout


    With the bondingpad prepared, an IC circuit is ready to be implemented.





     During this part of the lab, components are instantiated and added to the bonding pad.
    The goal of this chip is to create test structures to measure the parasitics of C5 components,
    and analyze the operation of circuits fabricated on the chip.

    Our test structures must satisfy the following components list:
    • Course project(s)
    • 31-stage ring oscillator to drive 20pF load
    • NAND and NOR gates
    • Inverter
    • PMOS and NMOS transistors
    • 25KΩ N-Well Resistor
    • Voltage Divider

    The following pin map is used to make connections with on-chip components.

       Chip Pin #
   Pin Description
                            ocs_out                       Ring oscillator output

                           Chip Pin #                        Pins Description                            Comments
                                  2                               A                                          Input A
                                  3                                B                                Input B
                                  4                         A NAND B                        Output A NAND B

                           Chip Pin #                        Pins Description                            Comments
                                 5                                   A                              Input A
                                 6                                   B                              Input B
                                 7                             A NOR B                        Output A NOR B

                             Chip Pin #                          Pins Description                              Comments
                                   8                                    A                           Inverter Input
                                   9                                   Ai                           Inverter Output

                                          Chip Pin #                                        Pins Description 
                                               10                                                                NMOS Gate
                                               11                                        NMOS Drain
                                               12                                        NMOS Source

                                          Chip Pin #                                        Pins Description 
                                              13                                                                PMOS Gate
                                              14                                        PMOS Source
                                              15                                        PMOS Drain
                                              16                                        PMOS Body

                                          Chip Pin #                                        Pins Description 
                                               17                                Voltage Divider Source
                                               18                                Voltage Divider Output

                              Chip Pin #                           Pins Description                              Comments
                                    19                              NoConn                          No Connection
                                Gnd                            Ground pin
                            VDD pin

                            Chip Pin #                       Pins Description                            Comments
                                 21                            Project V+                      Project Postitve Input
                                 22                            Project V-                      Project Negatitve Input
                                 23                           Project Vout                      Project Output                    

                           Chip Pin #
                       Pin Description
                           Positive Input
                           Negative Input
    The following is our schematic for the test structures. It shows each pin connection and what components
    they connect to.
Top Schematic
    Here is the layout of the chip, all connected to bonding pads.
Top Layout
Layout Detail:
    The following is the design for the 31-stage ring oscillator. The buffer must be powerful enough to drive a
    20pF load, so 4 stages of buffers are created. The final stage buffer has an NMOS and PMOS resistance
    of ~16Ω, so that the delay is about 224ps. The buffer was strong enough to drive the 20pF off-chip load.
RingOscillator Schematic
    Here is the layout of the ring-oscillator.
Ring Oscillator Layout
    The following is the voltage divider schematic. The configuration for the test is as followed:
       • Use Pin 17 and Pin 18 to test the 10KΩ resistor.
       • Use Pin 18 and ground (Pin 20) to test the 25KΩ resistor.
       • Apply power to Pin 17 and use Pin 18 to test voltage divider.
VoltageDivider Schematic
    Here is the layout for the voltage divider.
VoltageDivider Layout

    The following are the layouts for the NMOS and PMOS implemented in the chip.
    The following are the NAND and NOR gates impelemented in the chip.

    Michael and Do contributed projects to be added for testing. The following is Do's
    layout for the project connected to the bonding pad.
Project0 Layout
    Here is Michael's layout as seen on the layout view connected to the bonding pad.
Project1 Layout
    The top level cell is then named Chip3_f20, corresponding to our group number.
    Now the design is ready for submission to MOSIS.
    That concludes lab 8.
    The design is available here.


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