Final Project – Design, Simulation, and Layout of a Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier

EE 421L Digital IC Design

Schematics Due: 11/13/19 at 11:30am

Layout and Documentation Due: 11/20/19 at 11:30am

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 11/19/19 at 10:23pm using Word


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Go To Part II – Layout of the Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier


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Pre-Project Description:


For this project, a circuit will need to be designed to take in a 9-11 MHz input clock signal and generate a frequency between 36-44 MHz clock signal.

This circuit is a x4 Multiplier, where the output clock frequency is the input clock frequency multiplied by 4.

For simplification, the input clock will have a 50% duty cycle.


How are we able to generate a pulse that is faster than our input?

For this, we will look at an XOR gate.

Image result for xor gate

Figure 1, An XOR gate, with Truth Table


The simple theory for the XOR gate is, “One or the other, but not both”. If we take our input as one of the inputs to the XOR gate, and have a delayed version of our input be the second input to the XOR gate, we will get the following:


Figure 2, A Representation of how the frequency can be doubled using an XOR gate.


If we get a genuinely nice delay ΔD, we can then use the XOR gate to generate a pulse that is double the input frequency (since the XOR only outputs during a rise/falling edge of the input signal, and there are 2 of these events every period, or 2/T = 2ƒ).


After we get this doubled frequency, we will then use the output in another XOR gate to double the doubled-input frequency (so times 4).



Part I: Schematics and Design Discussions

 In this part, we will go over how to design the clock multiplier.


To multiply the frequency by four, we will first look at how to multiply the input frequency by two using the XOR gate.

Figure 3, the first stage x2 Multiplier


Note, the reason for the beginning buffer is so that just in case the rise time of the input is not fast enough, we can buff the incoming signal so that it can be processed into the XOR gate and delay.

The buffer in the beginning are two 12u/6u inverters.


We will be designing at an input frequency of 10 MHz (a period of 100ns or a 50ns/50ns duty cycle).

The delay of the 2nd input of the XOR gate should be around 25ns.


Here is the delay block:

Figure 4, the Delay block that will delay the input by around 25ns.


For this, we begin with one 12u/6u inverter (using minimum length), and we have 4 long inverters, with each inverter having a longer length than the previous inverter.

I chose this progression because of how the input capacitance was affecting each inverter. I made it to where the larger lengths were first, but then the RC delay length of the signal would be cut down tremendously, and thus there was too much capacitance at the beginning stage. With this topology, each stage will have a steady increase of total capacitances so that we can propagate the full length of the signal.


Schematic of the first long inverter:

Figure 5, Schematic of a Long Inverter - 12u/6u, Length of 3u


Idea of the total capacitances:

Figure 6, The Capacitances of the Long Inverters.


In Figure 6, as you can see, as we increase the length of L, we also increase the capacitance of both the input and output of the long inverter.

This is why I placed a small “pre-buffer” at the beginning of the delay, so that this capacitance does not affect the first input of the XOR gate.


Also, with increasing the length, the effective resistances of the long inverters increase.

Figure 7, The Effective Resistances of the Long Inverters.


Changing the lengths will surely increase the capacitances, thus having a longer delay as the signal propagates from one inverter to the next. However, the effective resistance goes up, which will also increase delay, but will change the strength of the MOSFETs to where the actual length of the input will change. This topology of using a few long length inverters instead of a bunch of regular 12/6 inverters will save on layout, however we will need to then consider the RC delays of both the PMOS and NMOS and design to where there is an equal amount of delay for when either MOSFET is turned on.


Looking at the end of the delay:

Figure 8, an Inverter with no symbol, followed by a regular 12/6 inverter


We have an inverter with no symbol. This is used so that we can finely tune our delay to whatever we need it to be.

The inverter at the end is used to buff up the signal, and so that the output as a small output capacitance so that it can be used to feed into the input of the XOR gate.


Output of the first XOR Gate, input 1 (Red), Delayed input 2 (Green), Doubled frequency output (Orange)

Now, lets look at the output of the first XOR gate with this delay block:

Figure 9, the Output of the XOR gate (Orange), and showing Input 1 (Red) and delayed Input 2 (Green).


This shows that our XOR gate is doubling the frequency. Now, we will use this output of the XOR gate to feed into another XOR gate.


Below we have the following circuit:

Figure 10, the x4 Frequency Multiplier Circuit


The output of the first XOR gate will feed into a 12/6 buffer, similar to what we had in the beginning of the circuit so that our first XOR gate can process the signal.

By analogy, we can think of the 2nd stage XOR as the 1st stage XOR but with a different input frequency:


Figure 11, Simple view of the 2nd Stage XOR Gate. Note its similarity to the 1st Stage XOR Gate.


The output of Stage 1 is a 20 MHz signal (50ns or 25ns/25ns Duty Cycle). Therefore, our 2nd delay should be around 12.5ns.


Here is the 2nd delay:

Figure 12, The 2nd Delay block. Note its similarity to the first delay block, but with a different Length size.


In this delay block, we have a similar topology to that of the first delay block, but the lengths are smaller and do not increase dramatically as the first delay.

We could have implemented less inverters with larger lengths, but then our RC time constant will be much slower in the middle and the input signal will not propagate fully into the circuit and the output signal will not be a 50/50 duty cycle.


Output of the second XOR Gate, input 1 (Red), Delayed input 2 (Green), Doubled frequency output (Dark Red)

Looking at the output of the 2nd XOR Gate:

Figure 13, The Output of the 2nd XOR gate (Dark Red), with Input 1 (Red) and the delayed Input 2 (Green).


Here, we can see that we get our delay, and therefore, our XOR gate is doubling the doubled input frequency (so x4).


Creating a cell view for our x4 frequency multiplier:

Figure 14, The x4 Frequency Multiplier Schematic View


Figure 15, The x4 Frequency Multiplier Symbol View




Here is the following simulation circuit:

Figure 16, The x4 Frequency Simulation Circuit


Input Frequencies at Different VDD Power Supply Voltages:

Testing at different input frequencies and using the Parametric Analysis Tool to change our voltage supply in the ADE:


Figure 17, my ADE Setup


Figure 18, Using the Parametric Analysis Tool



Figure 19, Input Frequency = 9 MHz, With changing Voltage Supply (4V Turquois, 5V Blue, 6V Magenta)



Figure 20, Input Frequency = 10 MHz, With changing Voltage Supply (4V Turquois, 5V Blue, 6V Magenta)


11 MHz:

Figure 21, Input Frequency = 11 MHz, With changing Voltage Supply (4V Turquois, 5V Blue, 6V Magenta)


Input Frequency = 9MHz


5V (Ideal)


9 MHz (110ns)

31.4 MHz

40.1 MHz

48.1 MHz

10 MHz (100ns)

31.4 MHz

40.1 MHz

48.1 MHz

11 MHz (90ns)

31.4 MHz

40.1 MHz

48.1 MHz


Looking at this, as the voltage supply voltage changes from 4V to 6V, with lower supply voltages, we get a “slower” frequency at the output of our x4 frequency multiplier. This is due to having less current flowing from VDD! to GND! With the supply voltage at 4V (Turquois), our output is at a “lower” frequency, but if the input frequency is too fast, the signal overlaps to the next period of the input frequency.

With the supply voltage at 6V, our output is a “higher” frequency (Magenta), but at lower frequencies, you see that we do not have a good duty cycle.

At the nominal voltage of 5V (Blue), the signals are sitting at a good middle ground of 40.1 MHz.


Before we proceed, we have a problem.

The delays are NOT a function of our input frequency.

For this, we will want a delay that can change depending on what our input frequency is.



How to Improve our Initial Design:


Suppose we modify the delays to have a Current Staved Inverter.

Figure 22, Modifying the first delay block with Current-Starved Inverters


A Current Starved Inverter is basically an inverter, but the current from VDD! to GND! is limited, or “starved”, and the current in the inverter will change, thus changing the delay.

If there is little current in the inverter, then the circuit behaves as if there is less power, therefore, the inverters gets slow.

If there is lots of current in the inverter, the circuit may just behave as a regular inverter.


Here is a quick figure of the Current Starved Inverter:

Figure 23, The Current Starved Inverter Equivalent Model


For this, we have a small current-mirror that will take in a bias voltage, VBN, for the NMOS and output a bias voltage, VBP for the PMOS and these will drive the current mirrors above and below the inverter.

We will then modify our frequency multiplier and delay blocks so that they will have this new bias voltage input.


Figure 24, Modifying the Frequency Multiplier with voltage-controlled Delays.


The 2nd delay block will be designed to take in the same bias voltage as the first delay block.


Delay 1 Simulation: Input Frequency At 10 MHz, Sweeping VBN

Figure 25, Delay Block 1 with current starved Inverters


Figure 26, Looking at the delays as the input bias voltage sweeps from 1.1V to 1.4V.


From this we can say as we sweep the bias voltage, we get larger delays with lower VBN (aka, the inverter is being “starved” of current).

From 1.1V to 1.4V, we will be ok if we have our bias voltage swing +/-100mV. We will then design so that our bias voltage is high so we can have a linear bias input voltage.


By analogy, we will also do the same with the 2nd delay block but considering that we will take in the same high input voltage as used in delay block 1.


Figure 27, Delay Block 2 with Current-Starved Inverters


Question: Where do I connect the body of the NMOS and PMOS of the Current-Starved Inverters?

For this special case, we will tie the body of the PMOS to the Source of the PMOS, and the body of the NMOS to the Source of the NMOS.

This will then reduce the Source-Body effect, and our Threshold Voltage will stay relatively low. We could connect the bodies of the PMOS and NMOS to VDD! and GND!, respectively, but then the Threshold Voltage will increase and we can run at a possibility that the inverters will switch on correctly.



Figure 28 and 29, Connecting the bodies of the PMOS and NMOS to their respective Sources.


Simulation with The Current-Starved Inverters:

Figure 30, The x4 Frequency Multiplier with the Current-Starved Inverters.


9 MHz: VBN = 1.15V

Figure 31, Sim Showing Current Starved Inverters, Delay ≈ 14.4ns


10 MHz: VBN = 1.25V




















Figure 32, Sim Showing Current Starved Inverters, Delay ≈ 12.3ns



11 MHz: VBN = 1.35V

Figure 33, Sim Showing Current Starved Inverters, Delay ≈ 7.2ns



For The Supply Voltage = 5V (Ideal)

Bias Voltage VBN

Input Frequency

Output Frequency



9 MHz

34.8 MHz



10 MHz

40.9 MHz



11 MHz

46.3 MHz



This shows that the Current Starved Inverters work and are changing the delays so that we can try to have a 50% duty cycle.


Changing the Power Supply:

For the change in power supply (And using the same Bias Voltages from above):


9 MHz (110ns period): VBN = 1.15V

Figure 34, Input Frequency = 9 MHz, Voltage Supply (4V Turquois, 5V Blue, 6V Magenta), Using Current Starved (CS) Inverters


10 MHz (100ns period): VBN = 1.25V

Figure 35, Input Frequency = 10 MHz, Voltage Supply (4V Turquois, 5V Blue, 6V Magenta), With CS Inverters



11 MHz (90ns period): VBN = 1.35V

Figure 36, Input Frequency = 11 MHz, Voltage Supply (4V Turquois, 5V Blue, 6V Magenta), With CS Inverters





Bias Voltage

Supply Voltage





9 MHz (110ns)


34 MHz

34.8 MHz

34.2 MHz

10 MHz (100ns)


39.2 MHz

40.9 MHz

40.9 MHz

11 MHz (90ns)


42.9 MHz

46.2 MHz

46.9 MHz


This finally concludes that the Current-Starved Inverters are changing the delays, and consequently the output frequency.



Conclusions Part I:

The XOR gate can be used to double the input frequency by taking the input signal and XOR the signal with a delayed version of itself.

Using the delays of the inverters can help with a specific frequency, however, these delays are constant with different input frequencies.

A Change in the power supply with a regular inverter delay can keep delays consistent, but even with a different constant voltage supply, the delays will be constant with different input frequencies.

The Current-Starved Inverter is one take at changing the delays by “starving” the delay inverters of current, consequently slowing down the inverter.

The negative of this approach is you will need double the transistors, thus, using more power. Also, the input bias voltage will output nonlinear delays.


There is a discussion found in Chapter 19 of CMOS – Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulations – 4th Edition regarding linearizing the current, and thus linearizing the delays.

Here is a quick figure on how to linearize the current in the CS Inverter:

Figure 37

Based on the Square-Law, the Current is a function of the square of VGS.

Looking at M5R, if made much wider compared to the rest of the circuit, the VGS will be more independent of the Input Bias Voltage and more on Vthn.

This will then try to linearize the current in our current mirror and thus, the delays could be linear with respect to the Input Bias Voltage.



This concludes Part I of the Final Lab Project.


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Part II: Layout of the Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier


For this design, we will stick with our Current Starved Inverters in our final layout design.


Note! Please, if you are a future student reading this, the biggest tip is to create a cellview for everything, even a small NMOS connected to VDD!


We will have the following circuit:

Figure 38, The Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier


However, for simplicity and to make Layout-to-Schematic verification easier, we will have the following simple circuit:

Figure 39, The Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier, Simple View


In this schematic, every block has a single input, therefore, the final layout will be very simple.


Here is Stage 1, using Current Starved Inverters:

Figure 40, The First Stage Block Schematic


The layout for this circuit will be complicated, but will be much easier to debug since we are focusing on just this section, and not an entire circuit.


Symbol of the first delay block:

Figure 41, The First Delay Block, with Current Starved Inverters, Symbol View


Here is the layout of the first delay block, using Current Starved Inverters:

Figure 42, The Layout of the First Delay Block Using Current Starved Inverters, High Resolution x5 (Click on Image or “High Resolution x5 for Higher Resolution)


We made the gap in between the PMOS (top) and NMOS (bottom) big so that we can plan ahead for future layouts.

The lighter pink 1x3 rectangles connecting the gates of the L = 600nm CMOS devices are the gates of the current mirrors.

The Long L Devices are the big red rectangles.

The input pin is “in”, output pin is “out”, the input bias voltage pin for the current mirrors is “VBN”. All pins are on metal 1.


Question: Why am I not connecting the bodies of the Long Length Inverters to their sources?

To change the potential of the body of a PMOS, consider the following:

Figure 43, Long Length PMOS with different body potential


This is our Long Length Device with a different body potential.

As shown, the N-Wells will be at different potentials and will need to be separated a certain distance.

This will then make our overall layout much larger than it should be and wastes space.

Using a Source-Body PMOS will reduce the body effect, but will use lots of layout.

Having the N-Well connected to VDD! will add a body effect, but can be considered negligible.



Now, we can use this delay block to connect to our XOR gate.


Here is the first stage block of our x4 clock multiplier:

Figure 44, The First Stage Block, Symbol View


Here is the Layout of the First Stage Block:

Figure 45, The First Stage Block Layout View, High Resolution x4


In the beginning is our delay block. The XOR gate is at the far right of the layout (smaller PMOS device).

There is a metal 2 wire from the beginning of the delay all the way to the first input of the XOR gate.

The second input of the XOR gate comes from the output of the delay block.

The input bias voltage pin is called “VBN”. Note, VBN is a pin that will always need to be wired.


Verification of the First Stage:

So usually there will be Design Rule Checks (DRCs) and Layout-To-Schematic (LVS) tests.

All cellviews discussed previously have passed both DRC and LVS.

We will do a big DRC and LVS check for the first stage (just to make sure the first half of the circuit works).


DRC of the First Stage Block:

Figure 46, DRC of the First Stage Block, Passes DRC



Figure 47, Extracted View of the First Stage Block, High Resolution x5




Figure 48 and 49, LVS Output file and LVS Passing.


From this, since this first stage passed all DRC and LVS verifications, all cell views used within the first stage should passively pass all tests.


Moving on to the Second Stage Block:

Figure 50, Second Stage Block Schematic


Now, Looking at the second delay, with Current Starved Inverters:

Figure 51, The Second Delay Block, With Current Starved Inverters, Layout View, High Resolution x4


Symbol View:

Figure 52, The Second Delay Block, With Current Starved Inverters, Symbol View



Here is the Second Stage Layout:

Figure 53, The Second Stage Block, With Current Starved Inverters, Layout View, High Resolution x4


Note that it looks similar to the First Stage Block.

The Input pin is “in”. The Output Pin is “out”. The Input Bias Voltage Pin (Center Left) is “VBN”.

Yes, we can label the pins the same names as other blocks. Instantiating these blocks will ignore the pins.


Symbol View:

Figure 54, The Second Stage Block, With Current Starved Inverters, Symbol View.


Now that everything has been designed, lets put it all together.


Revisiting our simple Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier:

Figure 55, The Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier, Schematic View, High Resolution x4


Since everything has been created (the buffers and stages), it will be very easy to connect everything together.


Layout View Of the Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier:

Figure 56, The Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier, Layout View, High Resolution x6


Symbol View:

Figure 57, The Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier, Symbol View.


DRC of the entire Clock Multiplier Circuit:

Figure 58, DRC of the Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier, Passes DRC.


Extracted View:

Figure 59, The Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier, Extracted View, High Resolution x6




Figure 60 and 61, Output File and Passing LVS.


Since the LVS of the entire circuit passes, consequently, the entire hierarchy of the circuit (all blocks, inverters) will passively pass DRC and LVS tests.


Final Simulation:

We will rerun a simulation using the extracted schematic.

For this, we will redo the 9MHz Clock with changing power supply.


Opening up the simulation circuit (Clock is 110ns period):

Figure 62, Simulating the Times Four (x4) Clock Multiplier at 9MHz, with variable supply.


Launching the Analog Design Environment, loading a previous state, and clicking Setup -> Environment:

Figure 63, Menu of the ADE, Setting up the Environment


In the Environment Window, placing the word “extracted” in front of “schematic”:

Figure 64, Setting up the Environment to run the Extracted view of our Clock Multiplier


Setting vin (VBN) to 1.15V, and doing a parametric analysis of the supply voltage:

Figure 65, Setting up the Parametric Analysis on our Extracted circuit:



Figure 66, Simulation of the Extracted Circuit, Input Frequency = 9 MHz, VBN =1.15V, Voltage Supply (4V Turquois, 5V Blue, 6V Magenta), Using Current Starved (CS) Inverters


Now to prove that we have ran the extracted view, in the ADE, Simulation -> Netlist -> Display:

Figure 67, Steps to view if we ran the Extracted View



Figure 68, Proof that the Extracted View Ran!


Now, we will download the entirety of the project, “” and you can view the files here.

Figure 69, Nice.


Conclusions II:

For the lab layout, we got to see the positives of creating many cell views, in which all the rule checks and verifications worked out much easier and faster.

The only negative with this approach is that layouts will not be optimized, and there are some instances that could have merged into a compact form.

For the bodies of the long length inverters, those have been changed so that the bodies of all PMOS/NMOS devices are connected to VDD!/GND!, respectively, so that the layout will be smaller and compact.

For this class, the body effect can be considered negligible, however, it plays a role when going into analog design.


This ends part II of the final lab project, and of the report.




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