Lab 7 – Using Buses and Arrays in the Design of Word Inverters, Muxes, and High-Speed Adders

EE 421L Digital IC Design

Lab Date: 10/23/19     Due: 11/06/19

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 11/05/19 at 11:02am using Word


Lab description:

We will first look through Tutorial 5 and learn how to create a Ring Oscillator using buses.


Copying Tutorial_4 to a new library, Tutorial_5:


Creating a new schematic cell, ring_osc, with one inverter:


Pressing bindkey c (copy), clicking on the Inverter, and then pressing F3:



 (Press F3, type 30, Click on exact area as shown)

 (Drag mouse to the right)


Repositioning the first inverter to get the following:


Placing labels and the DC Voltage supply:



Now, setting up the ADE L:




Noise will kick start this circuit. If we want to get this circuit to work, we will set the initial condition at the input of the first inverter to 0.


In the ADE, Simulation -> Convergence Aids -> Initial Condition:


Set the Node Voltage to 0, then click on the label “osc_out


If you see the following, then the initial condition is set.


Check and save, and rerun the simulation.


Close the ADE.


With the same schematic, we will make this ring oscillator look neater.

Delete all of the inverters except the first inverter.

Change the name of the inverter to I0<0:30> (or I0<1:31>).



Using bindkey Shift+W to create a wide wire, place this bus wire on the input and output of the inverter.


Use labels to connect the bus wires together.


The first label is the input of the first inverter I0<0>.

The 2nd-31st input labels are the inputs to Inverters I0<1:30>

The 1st-30th output labels are the outputs of Inverters I0<0:29>

The 31st output label is the output of the 31st inverter I0<30>


Close all cell views.


Now, creating a layout for our ring oscillator:


Instantiating our inverter layout:


For this special tutorial, we will do this from scratch and make our ring oscillator a bit smaller.

Instantiating a 6μm/600nm NMOS and 12μm/600nm PMOS, with ntaps and ptaps:


Connecting the gates together with a poly rectangle, also connecting the right side metal1 layers:


Going to Create-> Via, and instantiating a m1 to poly contact:



Now copy and paste this NMOS and PMOS once




Now, lets wire these inverters up as follows:


NOTE: Make sure to make the m1 wires connecting from the MOSFET to vdd!/gnd! are a little longer. This will save much headaches if you do need to make the inverter a bit “taller”.


Copying and pasting the 2nd inverter another 29 times using F3:







Clicking on the ntap/ptap and pressing bindkey q, size up the number of columns to fit all of the inverters together. You may need to keep changing the columns to fit your needs.



Recalling that the output of the last inverter is the input of the first inverter, instantiate a 3x1 (3 rows, 1 column) m1_m2 via at the output of the final inverter, and then instantiate a 3x1 m2_poly via at the input of the first inverter.


Output of last inverter:


Input of first inverter:


Draw a metal2 rectangle from the output of the final inverter to the input of the first inverter:


Creating pins for vdd!, gnd!, and osc_out all on m1 (Note, osc_out is an output, while the others are input/outputs):



Realizing that the NMOS and PMOS metal1 rectangle is on the wrong side (should be on the left) and pressing bindkey m (move).


Final layout:




Save all. Extract:



Recalling that we need to have a pin, osc_out in our schematic:




Close all cell views.


Creating a symbol for our ring oscillator schematic:


Creating a schematic, sim_ring_osc:


We will resimulate the ring oscillator as we have done before.

Setting up the initial condition of 0 at osc_out, and setting up the ADE and plotting the output:


Now, lets simulate the layout. Since the LVS passed (the extracted view’s nodes match the schematic view’s nodes), we should get the same output.

Setting up the ADE to simulate the extracted view (Setup -> Environment) :



Checking that it ran the extracted view (Simulation -> Netlist -> Display):


This concludes the prelab.


Experiment 1: Creating a 4-bit word inverter, with simulation:


Copying lab6’s library to a new library, lab7_ds_f19:


For this lab, we will need 6u/600n PMOS/NMOS inverters.

Creating a cell, inverter_6uP_6uN:





Creating a cell, inverter_4_bit, with symbol:


Symbol View:



Creating a schematic, sim_inverter_4_bit_DS_f19:




This makes sense.

Out<0> has no load, therefore, the rise and fall time are fast.

Out<1> has the heaviest load (big capacitor relative to others), giving it a higher RC time delay. Note that the tPLH is greater since when the input is LOW, the PMOS is turned ON and has a higher effective resistance than the NMOS, therefore, we have a larger Time Constant.

This same analogy can be applied to the other loads.



Experiment 2: Schematics and Symbols of: 8-Bit Input/Output array of NAND, NOR, AND, Inverter, and OR gates


NAND Gate:

First, creating a schematic cell, nand_8_bit_DS_f19, with corresponding symbol:


8-bit word symbol:



For the next few gates, we will be using a cell, sim_gate, to sim 8-bit words.


For A,         A<7:0> = 1010 1010,

nand           B<7:0> = 0011 0011.

C<7:0> = A nand B  = 1101 1101




This is the 8-bit bitwise NAND gate.


NOR Gate:

Schematic of NOR gate:


2 input symbol:


8-bit word schematic:


8-bit word symbol:



Using our same numbers:

For A,         A<7:0> = 1010 1010,

nor              B<7:0> = 0011 0011.

C<7:0> = A nor   B  = 0100 0100




Perfect. This is the 8-bit bitwise NOR gate.


AND Gate:

This one is simple. We will just take the NAND gate and throw it through an inverter to make it an AND gate.

By analogy:

Schematic of AND gate:


2 input symbol:


8-bit word schematic:


8-bit word symbol:




Using the same words as used with the NAND gate, we will get the output results of the NAND gate, but inverted.

For A,         A<7:0> = 1010 1010,

AND           B<7:0> = 0011 0011.

C<7:0> = A and B   = 0010 0010




Sweet. This is the 8-bit bitwise AND gate.



Just as similar to the first part of this lab, and since we have already created a 6u/6u PMOS/NMOS inverter, by analogy:


8-bit word schematic:


8-bit word symbol:



For this, we will just take the input word A and invert it.


For our input:

A<7:0> = 1010 1010,

C<7:0> = 0101 0101,




This is an 8-bit word inverter.



Experiment 3: 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX

First, lets do the 2:1 MUX:

Creating a schematic, MUX_2_1_ds_f19:



NOTE: We placed 0 and 1 on the MUX to show the user what to do with the select S input.






For this MUX, if we send a 1 to S, then it selects the input A to be outputted into Z. Else, input B will be outputted to Z.


Now, lets do a 1:2 DEMUX:

Creating a schematic, DEMUX_2_1_ds_f19:






In this sim, if we send a 1 to the select S, then we will grab the output line Z.

Else, we will grab the output line Y.


8-bit Word – 2:1 MUX:

Redesigning the 2:1 2-input MUX:




8-Bit Word Schematic:


8-Bit Word Symbol:



Using our schematic cell, sim_gate, to choose a word to pass to Z<7:0>:


Our select is HIGH, therefore, word B will pass. B<7:0> = 0011 0011





Experiment 4: The Full-Adder Part 2:

We will have the following schematic:




8-Bit Word Adder Schematic:


8-Bit Word Symbol:




Using our schematic, sim_gate, and the same words we used for the bitwise operations:



For A,         A<7:0> =     1010 1010,

+                 B<7:0> =      0011 0011.

C<7:0> = A + B        =  0 1101 1101




We have successfully made our Full Adder.


Layout of the Full Adder:

Laying out the 1-bit Full Adder:











Laying out the 8-Bit Full Adder:



NOTE: Do NOT label Cout<n> in between any of the Full Adders. Only Cout<7> should be labeled in the layout.


Note Cout is labeled, but is not really there. It was carried over from instantiating the single full adder.


This Concludes Lab 7.



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