Lab 5 – Design, layout, and Simulation of a CMOS Inverter

EE 421L Digital IC Design

Lab Date: 9/25/19 Due: 10/10/19

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 9/26/19 at 11:52am using Word


Note: The files used for this lab can be downloaded here.


Lab description:


Before we can do this lab, we will first need to look at Cadence Tutorial 3.



Assuming Tutorial 2 has been completed, copy/paste it and create a new Library called Tutorial 3.


Creating a new schematic, “inverter”, and opening up NMOS_IV schematic, we will copy/paste the nmos4 instance to our new schematic by pressing bindkey c.


Close NMOS_IV, and open PMOS_IV and do the same with pmos4.


Instantiating VDD and GND to our schematic (Bindkey I -> NCSU_Analog_Parts -> Supply_Nets):


Wire the inverter, and add input pin A and output pin Ai:

Check and save the schematic.


Creating symbol for this inverter to use in another schematic (Create -> Cell View -> From Cell View):


Create the following:

Check and Save the symbol.


Create a new layout window for the Inverter schematic.


Add a 6μ/.6μ NMOS, 12μ/.6μ PMOS, ntap (2 columns), ptap (2 columns), and m1_poly to the layout.


Organize the layout (and running DRC):


Add poly and m1 rectangles to connect everything (Notice pin “A” is overlapping the PMOS, it is okay since these 2 layers do not interact on same level).


DRC the connections:


Add some blue rectangle metal1 pins, where A is an input, Ai is an output.

DRC the layout.


Extract the layout, and LVS the extracted layout:

It passes the LVS.


Make a new schematic, “sim_inverter_dc”, and create the following schematic:


Launching the ADE, and setting up the MOSFET models:


Results: (Using Graph -> Split Current Strip to see the 2 signals in 2 different graphs)

The Inverter with no Power supply “VDD!” (BAD)


There is no output due to there not being a “vdd!” source. Adding a vdd! Instance to the schematic (and also setting it in the ADE Setup -> Stimuli):

Note: The Stimuli is basically a global “power supply” that will artificially add voltages to input/global sources.


Rerunning the Simulator using the saved state and Result:

The Inverter with a Power supply “VDD!” (Good :)


The Schematic is a success!


Now to simulate the Extracted Layout:

 (Using ADE Setup -> Environment)

The Inverter with a Power supply “VDD!”, Extracted


Verify that the Extracted Layout is simulated (Using Simulation -> Netlist -> Display):

This finishes up Tutorial 3 and the Prelab.





Experiment 1: Schematic, Layout, and Symbol for a 12μ/0.6μ PMOS and 6μ/0.6μ NMOS

Copy/Paste from Tutorial_3 to lab5_ds:


Schematic of the 12/6 PMOS-NMOS inverter, and add input pin A and output pin Ai:

Check and save the schematic.


Creating/editing the symbol for this inverter to use in another schematic (Create -> Cell View -> From Cell View):


Laying out the Inverter:


DRC the connections:


Add some blue rectangle metal1 pins, where A is an input, Ai is an output.

DRC the layout.


Extract the layout, and LVS the extracted layout:

It passes the LVS.


NOTE: Simulation will be done in Experiment 3.



Experiment 2: Schematic, Layout, and Symbol for a 48μ/0.6μ PMOS and 24μ/0.6μ NMOS (Using m=4):

Rename the inverter schematic from experiment 1 into “inverter_12uPMOS_6uNMOS”


Copy/Paste the schematic into “inverter_48uPMOS_24uNMOS”:


Changing Multiplier to M=4:






Laying out the Inverter:



Complete Layout:


Complete Extracted View:


Run LVS:

Passes LVS:



Experiment 3: Simulations 1

Simulating the 12μ/6μ Inverter first, here is the following schematic:


Launching the ADE, adding the model libraries, and doing a transient response:


Using Parametric Analysis with the Variable cap:


Creating labels by right-clicking the mouse button and click “Create Graph Label”:



The 12u/6u Inverter, VDD from 0 -> 5V, And Varying Capacitors


From looking at this, we can see that as the input is “Low”, the output is “High”, and vice versa. The rise and fall time of the output is a bit longer than the input. Also, the higher the capacitance, the longer the rise/fall time.



Simulating the 48μ/24μ Inverter:



Creating a new strip by right-clicking a white space under “Name”, and clicking Split Current Strip:



The 48u/24u Inverter, VDD from 0 -> 5V, And Varying Capacitors


Now looking at this, we can see that we still get that “inversion” effect with this inverter schematic. However, with the bigger size, we get a huge gain (faster rise/fall time).

With the higher capacitances, they all have faster fall times compared to the 12μ/6μ inverter.


Experiment 4: Simulations 2

We will redo the simulations using UltraSim.

12μ/6μ Inverter:

The 12u/6u Inverter, Varying Capacitors in UltraSim


Looking at this, it looks mostly the same as with the default simulator.


Saving this results with a new UltraSim_state1 view, verifying that we did it correctly:


48μ/24μ Inverter:

Also notice when using Parametric Analysis, you can see the UltraSim Title at the top:


The 48u/24u Inverter, Varying Capacitors in UltraSim


And just as with Spectre, we get the same results; Bigger MOSFETs give us faster fall times and higher gains.


This concludes Lab5.

NOTE: The files used in this lab can be downloaded here.



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