Lab 4 – IV Characteristics and layout of NMOS and PMOS devices in ON’s C5 process

EE 421L Digital IC Design

Lab Date: 9/18/19 Due: 9/25/19

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 9/24/19 at 3:32pm using Word


Lab description:

In this lab, we will be characterizing MOSFETs and making a layout of an NMOS and PMOS.


For the prelab, we will be looking at Tutorial 2.


Copying all of Tutorial 1 (created from tutorial 1) into a new Tutorial 2 Library:



Creating a new schematic in Tutorial 2 called “NMOS_IV_3” (3 as in 3 terminal MOSFET):


Creating a new Instance, and choosing an NMOS from NCSU_Analog_Parts -> N_Transistors -> nmos:



Creating wires and pins:


Checking and Saving the schematic, creating a new symbol for this schematic by pressing Create -> Cell View -> From Cell View


Deleting everything and redrawing the MOSFET using the line shape and text shapes (Create -> Note -> Text):


Check and Save this symbol. Close it.

Now in the Tutorial 2 Library, create a new schematic, sim_NMOS_IV_3.



Instantiating the NMOS_IV_3 symbol into the new schematic and creating the following:


Going back to the symbol, move the labels so they are not on the wires.

Check and Save, close it.


Going back to the schematic:


Changing the DC voltage of the Gate to VGS and the DC voltage of the Drain to 0V:



Launching the ADE, and in the ADE, do Setup -> Model Libraries and navigating to the following:


In the ADE, going to Variables -> Edit, add the variable name VGS (the gate voltage that will turn on the NMOS) and a Value 0.


In the ADE, go to Analyses -> Choose and set the following below:


Now do Outputs -> To be Plotted -> Select on Schematic, and click on the “D” pin so that we can plot the current.


Save this simulation state.


In the ADE, Tools -> Parametric Analysis, set up the following:


Press the Green Start Button in the Parametric Analysis.


Close the Output window, save the ADE State, and close the Simulator.


Laying out the NMOS:

In the Library Manager, create a new layout for NMOS_IV_3 (not the sim schematic).


The defaults are usually loaded for the display. Press bindkey e,Set up the following parameters, and save these options to a file.


Create a new instance for an NMOS:


Instantiate a ptap cell and place it as shown.


Run the DRC.


Now, lets add a m1_poly layout piece to the top of the gate of the NMOS.


In the poly (drw) layer, draw a rectangle from the gate poly piece to the bottom of the m1_poly layout.


Adding rectangles to connect the ptat square and a 2nd rectangle on the right to go above the NMOS.


I have a spacing error:


Using a ruler, reshape the rectangle.


Create Pins (on metal1 layer):



DRC the layout.


Now extract the layer (Verify -> Extract). Open the extracted file.


Extracted View:


In the extracted window, run an LVS (Verify -> LVS).

The LVS fails the run:


In the LVS menu, pressing on Info -> Log File, and we will get the error:


We need to modify the NMOS layout a bit so that we can connect the body of the PMOS.

Going back to the NMOS layout, delete the S pin and the metal1 rectangles.


Adding a few rectangles:



DRC again:


Add some more pins:



Run another DRC and save.


Now extract the layout again (Verify -> Extract). Open this new extracted file.


Run the LVS again.


It failed.


We need to have a 4 terminal NMOS so that we can connect the body to gnd!


Close the extracted window, layouts, and in the Library Manager, rename “NMOS_IV_3” to “NMOS_IV”, and also for the sim file.


Open the NMOS_IV schematic, and replace the nmos instance with nmos4 (Click on NMOS, bindkey Q, and rename).


Add a wire to the body, and label it “gnd!”.


Check and Save.


Resimulating with the new schematic by Loading our previous state (Running the ADE L in sim_NMOS_IV, and loading state from a cell, then using Tools -> Parametric Analyis):

NMOS IV Curve, With Varying VGS


Close the sims.


Reopen the Extracted Layout, and run the LVS again.


The LVS run passed:


Now in sim_NMOS_IV again, run the simulation and load the state again.


Now to sim the extracted view, go to Setup -> Environment and type “extracted” in front of “schematic”.


Click OK, and run the Parametric Analysis again.

NMOS IV Curve, With Varying VGS, Extracted


It’s the same thing. To make sure we are running the Extracted layout, go to Simulation -> Netlist -> Display and the extracted file comes on top of the netlist:


We are done with the NMOS and we can now do the same for the PMOS.


Lets make a new schematic cell view “PMOS_IV” with the pmos4 component (With W=12μ and L=600n):


Check n Save:


Create a new symbol (Create - > Cellview -> From Cell View).

Create the following, and check and save it.


Create a new Layout:




DRC and Save it.


Extract the Layout, and then open the new extracted file. Run the LVS.





Now create a new cell, “sim_PMOS_IV” and create a new schematic. Check and Save.



Launch the ADE, from scratch, load up the Model Library (Setup -> Model Libraries) and add the following:

Add Variables:


Going to Analyses -> Choose:


Doing Outputs -> To Be Saved -> Select on Schematic, and click on the S pin:


Save this State.


Doing Tools -> Parametric Analysis, and pressing on Run:



PMOS IV Curve, With Varying VGS


Simulating the PMOS Layout by going to Setup -> Environment, and typing “extracted” in front of “schematic”.



PMOS IV Curve, With Varying VGS, Extracted


Verifying that the extracted layout is being simmed by going to Simulation -> Netlist -> Display:


Close and save everything.

This ends Tutorial 2 and the prelab.





Experiment 1: ID v. VDS of an NMOS, VGS from 0 to 5V (1V step) and VDS from 0 to 5V (1mV step) using 6μ/600n Ratio



Running the ADE with a DC sweep (Parametric Analysis):

NMOS IV Curve, With Varying VGS


Verifying that the Schematic is running (and not the associated Layout created from Tutorial 2):



Experiment 2: ID v. VGS, VDS = 100mV, VGS from 0 to 2V (1mV step)

Copying and saving the previous schematic into a new cell, “Ex2_NMOS_IV” (and changing the schematic):


Launching the ADE, and creating a new state:



Pressing on the Green Arrow Key to simulate this circuit:

NMOS IV Curve, Id vs. VGS, Constant VDS



Experiment 3: ID v. VSD of PMOS with VSG from 0 to 5V (1V Step) and VSD from 0 to 5V (1mV step) with 12μ/600n Ratio



Running the ADE, DC sweep on VSD and Parametric Analysis on VSG:

PMOS IV Curve, With Varying VSG


Verifying that the Schematic is running (Simulation -> Netlist -> Display):


Experiment 4: ID v. VSG of PMOS with VSD = 100mV, DC sweep VSG from 0 to 2V (1mV step).


Copying the previous schematic into “Ex4_PMOS_IV” and changing the schematic values:


Launching the ADE and creating a new state:


Running the simulation:

PMOS IV Curve, Id vs. VSG, constant VSD



Experiment 5: Layout the NMOS with Probe Pads

So from the MOSIS Layout Rules, for Pads:


We should create a bonding pad that on Metal3, the topmost layer.

The Probe pad Glass will be around 20.4μmx20.4μm, about the center.

The Pad/Metal Overlap passivation will be greater than 6μm, we will have 6.15μm for personal preference.

Thus the Bonding pad will be 6.15 + 10.2 = 16.35μm, so the Metal3 layer is 32.7μmx32.7μm.


Let’s create the Glass first. Using the ruler and the Glass layer to draw a rectangle.

Then, giving a good “clearance” between the glass and Metal3 layer, we will do around 6.15μm of clearance.



Creating a quick label on top of the pad:


Save this.


Now create a schematic for the probe pad.


Create a symbol (Create -> Cellview -> From Cellview):


Now let’s use this symbol in the NMOS schematic (Plus, editing the gnd! Pin and changing it to the Body and have 4 probes):


It passes the Check and Save.


Now lets layout the pad with the NMOS (Using Metal3 and Metal2 connections):


 (Following 10.4)


Closer view (and changing gnd! To “B”):



Passes DRC:


Extracted the Layout:


Run the LVS, and it passes:


Rerun Experiment 1 with the new layout (note the body has been connected):


Load the sim state, and in the ADE, Setup -> Environment, add the word “Extracted” in front of “schematic” shown below:


The simulation ran successfully with the probed NMOS layout:

NMOS IV Curve, With Varying VGS, Extracted


Verify the extracted layout is running first (Simulation -> Netlist -> Display):


Experiment 6: Layout the PMOS with Probe Pads

This will be the same approach as the NMOS.

Since the Pads have already been made, we will go on laying out the PMOS.


Editing the PMOS4 schematic with probe pads (and running Check and Save):



Placing pads down in a PMOS created from Tutorial 2 (and DRCing each pad one by one):


Close up view:


Entire layout passes DRC:


Extract the layout:


Run the LVS on this extracted layout:


Passes LVS:


Rerun Experiment 3 (ID v. VSD) with the extracted layout:


In the ADE, Setup -> Environment, add “extracted” in front of “schematic”:


Run a parametric analysis:

PMOS IV Curve, With Varying VSG, Extracted


Verifying the Extracted layout is being simulated:


This concludes Lab 4.


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