Lab 3 – Layout of a 10-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter

EE 421L Digital IC Design

Lab Date: Date#    Due: Date#

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 9/11/19 at 8:41pm using Word


Lab description:

From the previous lab, we have designed and created a 10-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) schematic and linked the module to an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). In reality, the circuit that we have designed needs to be designed a little more detailed and needs a layout. A layout is basically one step closer for our schematic to become a physical circuit that can be placed on a small (in the micrometer range) chip.


We will need to learn how to layout a simple circuit first, so for this, we will go back to Tutorial 1 (a schematic that has been created in Lab 1) and layout the schematic that we have previously created. If more details are needed in knowing how to create Tutorial 1’s circuit, refer back to Lab 1.


Design Files can be found here


Let’s create a Layout for Tutorial 1: A Resistive Voltage Divider.

Open up Virtuoso’s Cadence Library Manager, and assuming you have done Tutorial 1/Lab 1, Open up “Tutorial_1” in the Library Manager and open the “R_div” schematic.


After creating a new layout cell for R_div (highlighting R_Div, File -> New -> Cell View, and using Type = Layout), this is what shows up:


Follow the Rest of Tutorial 1:


Clicking on the “nwell” layer (with drw as drawing layer), create a simple rectangle.


Clicking on the rectangle, use bindkey q (or Edit -> Basic -> Properties) to edit the rectangle’s properties.


What Size Rectangle do we need?

For the C5 process, the sheet resistance of an n-well is around 800Ω.

The minimum width of the n-well is 12 lambda (lambda = 300nm) or 3.6μm.

Looking at the C5 MOSIS parameters online, we can see that the square sheet resistance is 796Ω.


The Formula for resistance in layout is:


If we want to use the minimum width of 3.6μm, solving for L with R = 10kΩ, Rsquare = 796Ω, and w = 3.6μm:

L = [ 10k x 3.6μ ] / 796 = 45.23μm.


This number needs to be with regards to Lambda = 0.3μm, so we can divide that number by lambda to get:

Multiples of Lambda = 150.75 ≈ 151 lambdas


So L = 151 x (0.3μm) = 45.3μm.

And            W = 3.6μm                   


Punching these numbers into the properties (Left/Right = 22.65 and Top/Bottom = 1.8, negative signs on Left/Bottom)



Click OK.


In the menu (we will refer the menu as the Layout Window), click Verify -> DRC and on the next window, click OK to check the design for errors.

Since we did the math with respect to the C5 process and its parameters, in this specific case, we will have no errors (hooray for hand-calcs!).


How to measure the Length and width of the resistor?

On the menu, click Tools -> Create Ruler, click on one corner of the rectangle and to another corner.

Using this method, we will verify that our measurements that we placed into the Rectangle’s properties are reflected in the layout window.


And yes, our rectangle has a Length of 45.3μm and Width of 3.6μm


To delete the ruler, go to Tools -> Clear all Rulers


Lets add connections to the resistor. Click on bindkey i in the menu to create an object, navigate the Instance library for NCSU_TechLib_ami06 and find ntap.

Fill in the Rows of Contact to be 2.


For this, I will place the connectors at the left and right edges of the rectangle.


Going to Options -> Display and Setting Stop = 10, we will se the outlines of nTap



Run the DRC to make sure there are no errors.


Now for the pins, in the menu, click Create -> Pin.

Change the following:


Now, draw a rectangle over the Ntap connector, and label the “L” at the center.


Repeat with the right side.


Doing a DRC will return that L and R are on the same net (or wire). We will set the resistance with the res_id layer (drw). Just like before, create a rectangle around the long rectangle.


Doing a DRC will return 0 errors.


To verify that this is around 10kΩ, in the menu, click Verify -> Extract and click OK.

Going to the Library manager, a new file, “R_n_well_10k” will appear. Open that file and you’ll see the new layout below.



Zooming in, we see that we have: 10.31kΩ.


We have a +3% Error. So we can fix this by “Solving” for Rsquare and then resolving for the new length.


With R = 10.31kΩ, W = 3.6μm, and L = 45.3μm, Rsquare = 819.34Ω

Now solving for L with R = 10kΩ and the new value for Rsquare:


L = [ 10k x 3.6μ ] / 819.34 = 43.94μm.


Dividing this by lambda = 0.3μm, Multiples of lambda = 146.5 ≈ 147 lambdas = 44.1μm


Now our new Left/Right = 22.05


Deleting the Resistive layer and using Bindkey M to move stuff around and relayering the resistor layer:

We now have a 0.3% error, and we have a resistance close to 10kΩ.


We are done with this resistor, and can close the extracted view, and close and save the R_n_well_10k layout.


To wrap up Tutorial 1, open up the “R_div” cell schematic.


We will instantiate 2 R_n_well_10k Layouts to our R_div layout by pressing bindkey I, and selecting that we want the layout of R_n_well_10k.


To actually view the resistors, in the Menu, Options -> Display and set the Stop value to 10


Run the DRC.



I get this error, and to fix, place the resistors so that they are at the same X level, but different Y level. To Solve for this error, Cadence wants that the resistors should be at least 5.4μm apart. Using a ruler (bindkey K), we can do this.


The DRC will return 0 errors.


Select the metal1 layer, and draw a rectangle from pin to pin (the small little blue rectangles in the resistor).

Also, create little “probing” pins to mark as the pin outputs and inputs.


Run the DRC to make sure everything’ ok.


Press E to open the Display settings, and make sure the “Pin Names” box is checked.



Create a Pin by going to Create -> Pin, drawing a rectangle on metal1 drw layer, and naming this pin “In”.


Repeat with other pins “Out” and “gnd”.


Run the DRC.


Extract the layout by Verify -> Extract.

Now do Verify -> LVS and type in the following and then press “Run”.


Click OK on everything you see. You’ll Eventually run to an error that the pins did not in the layout and schematic.

Press Output from above picture to see the following:


We will need to then delete the pin names and rename them and set Vin and gnd! As inputs and Vout as output.


Plus.. we will need to create an actual Vin and Vout pin in the schematic (I forgot to do this).


Redo the LVS.



This ends the prelab.


Laying out a 10-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)


In this design, I will be using the R_n_well_10k resistors that was created in the prelab to create a 1-bit DAC layout. This 1-bit layout will then be the building block for everything else.

Opening up DAC_1-Bit schematic that I have made in lab2:


Creating a layout for this (and knowing that each resistor needs to be 5.4μm apart):


Creating Pins (and setting their Input/Output properties with Bindkey Q):


Running the DRC, Extracting this layout with Verify -> Extract, and then beginning LVS with Verify -> LVS.


We can now use this completed building block to build the 10-Bit DAC layout.


Clicking on “DAC_10-Bit” schematic from the Library Manager and creating a Layout (by instantiating the 1-bit DAC ten times):



Now drawing wires to connect them all.



Running DRC (Passed):


Extracting layout and doing LVS:


We have finally successfully finished our layout.


Design Files can be found here.


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