Lab 6 – EE 421L
Authored by: Daniel Senda
Fall 2018
Due: 10-24-2018


1) Pre-Lab Description

The first task was to back-up all of the previous work from the previous labs.

The second task was to go through and finish tutorial 4.

- Tutorial 4 goes over the design, layout, and simulation of a CMOS NAND gate.
The following are a few images showing the completion of tutorial 4.
NAND Schematic View                                                                 Layout View                         Extracted View
Symbol View


2) Description of Lab Procedures

The first procedures of this lab had the student create schematics, layouts, and symbols for a 2-input NAND gate and a 2-input XOR gate. The student was required to use 6u/0.6u MOSFETs (both NMOS and PMOS). The schematics and layouts also have to pass the design rule check (DRC) and layout versus schematic (LVS) check.

2-input NAND gate:
(Student was required to use a naming convention for the cells. Ex “NAND2_ds_f18”)
The following is the schematic layout of a 2-input NAND gate created through MOSFTES.
Schematic view:

The symbol was created following the commonly used symbol for a NAND gate. The student also added initials in the middle of the symbol as required.
Symbol view:

Next, the student created the layout of the NAND gate and then extracted it. The student was required to route all of the inputs/outputs on the metal1 layer as seen below.
Layout view:                                                Extracted view:

Before the layout was extracted in the last step, a DRC was ran and confirmed that there were zero errors.
DRC results:

After the layout was extracted, a LVS check was ran and confirmed that the layout matched the schematic.
LVS results:


2-input XOR gate:
The following is the schematic layout of a 2-input XOR gate created through MOSFTES.
Schematic view:

The symbol was created following the commonly used symbol for an XOR gate. Again, the student added initials in the middle of the symbol as required.
Symbol view:

Next, the student created the layout of the XOR gate and then extracted it as seen below.
Layout view:

Extracted view:

Before the layout was extracted in the previous step, a DRC was ran and confirmed that there were zero errors.
DRC results:

After the layout was extracted, a LVS check was ran and confirmed that the layout matched the schematic.
LVS results:


The following is the schematic that was used to test the NAND gate.
Schematic view and NAND truth table:

The following graph proves that the NAND gate works as intended. The output has a little glitch when both inputs transition at the same time because of the timing, but it promptly goes back to normal.
Simulation waveform results:

XOR Gate
The following is the schematic that was used to test the XOR gate.
Schematic view and XOR truth table:

The following graph demonstrates that the XOR gate works as intended. Once again, the output has a glitch when both inputs transition at the same time, but it quickly goes back to normal.
Simulation waveform results:


Full Adder:
The last part of the lab had the student create a schematic, symbol, simulation, and layout of a full adder.
Schematic view of full adder:

Symbol view of full adder:

To test operation of the full adder, a simulation schematic was made.
Simulation schematic and full adder truth table:

A simulation was then ran, and the following results confirm proper operation of full adder.
Simulation waveform results:

Layout view of full adder:

Extracted view of full adder:

Before the layout was extracted in the previous step, a DRC was ran and confirmed that there were zero errors.
DRC results:

After the layout was extracted, a LVS check was ran and confirmed that the layout matched the schematic.
LVS results:

All of the files for this lab can be downloaded in the following link:

This concludes lab 6.


Additional Links

Return to listing of lab reports
Daniel’s CMOS homepage
Dr. Baker’s CMOS homepage