Lab 2: Design of a 10-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) - EE 421L 

Authored By: Joey Yurgelon


August 30, 2015


Pre-lab Work:

    Exercise #1: Provide a narrative of the steps seen above.

    Exercise #2: Provide, and discuss, simulation results different from the above to illustrate your understanding of the ADC and DAC

    Exercise #3: Explain how you determine the least significant bit (LSB, the minumum voltage change on the ADC's input to see a change in the digital code B[9:0]) of the converter. Use simulations to support your understanding.
Lab Description:
Lab Requirements:

Experimental Results: 


    Exercise #1: Show how to determine the output resistance of the DAC (answer: R) by combining resistors in parallel and series.

   Exercise #2: The design of a 10-bit DAC using an n-well R of 10k.

Exercise #3: Ground all DAC inputs except B9. Connect B9 to a pulse source (0 to VDD) and show, and predict using 0.7RC, the delay the DAC has driving a 10 pF load. 

Exercise #4:Verify the design works by simulation. Show the output when the DAC drives a load (R, C, and R/C). Explain what happens if the DAC drives a 10k load?

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