Lab 3 - EE 421L Digital Integrated Circuit Design

Author: Matthew Meza

September 14, 2015


Layout of a 10-Bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

 Pre-lab work

Lab Description
In this lab we'll use n-well resistors to implement a 10-bit DAC.
Our design is based upon the topology seen in Fig. 30.14, below, in the CMOS book.
The controlling input bits seen below come from the ADC, in other words the inputs to the DAC are the left side of the 2R resistors. Lab Requir

This lab will focus on the layout of the 10-bit DAC you designed and simulated in Lab 2

Post-Lab Excercises

In order to layout the 10-bit DAC designed in Lab 2, we must first lay out a resistor. We will use one resistor (one value) for the
design of the DAC. To layout the resistor, we must know the sheet resistance of the n-well! Off of the MOSIS website we can find that the sheet resistance is approximately 800 ohm! Keep in mind that we have a design rule with minimum width of 3.6u. Shown below is the resistor laid out with a width of 4.5u. To find the length needed we can use the following equation: L = 10K*W/800Ohm! In addition, pressing K will bring up a ruler which can be used to measure the length of the N-Well or any other element/instance. Opening up the properties of the N-well will also show the length/width! Notice the ruler in the image below to measure the length of the N-well resistor!

The Layout of my DAC bit!

Notice how I use two 10k resistors in series for the
20k resistor in the DAC bit! I layed a seperate DAC bit so
that my DAC layout would be simpler and easier to modify!
The Layout of my DAC

Notice how I connect the bottom of the DAC to another
10K resistor! The image above shows the bottom part
of the complete DAC layout.

 The complete DAC layout is very large making it very difficult to present with full details. Below is a picture of the complete DAC layout.
the image is put on its side for formatting.



LVS of complete DAC!

Proof of simulation derived from extracted!

LVS of DAC bit!

Proof of simulation derived from schematic!



Extracted Simulation of the DAC with no load

Extracted Simulation of the DAC with an RC load

Schematic Simulation of the DAC with no load

Schematic Simulation of the DAC with an RC load




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