Final Project – EE 420L
Authored by: Daniel Senda
Spring 2019
Due: 05-08-2019


1) Introduction

The final project had the student use the skills and knowledge that they acquired throughout the EE420 L to build a voltage amplifier. The student was given design requirements that are required and need to be taken into consideration when designing.

2) Description of Final Project Procedures

The student was given the task of designing a voltage amplifier with a gain of 10. The student could use the ZVN3306A and/or the ZVP3306A MOSFETs and as many resistors and capacitors as needed.

The following table list the characteristic requirements of the design.

Characteristic Description


VDD Voltage

Up to 9V



Input resistance

Greater than 50k

Minimum input frequency range

100 Hz

Amplifier load


Current draw under quiescent condition

Less than or equal to 1mA


In addition, the student also had to try to get as fast of a design as possible while driving the load and have as large of output swing as possible. AC coupling input and output is acceptable.

The student went ahead and got values of variables that are needed from the spice models text file shown below.

The first step in the design process the student chose to follow was to get a better understanding of the pros and cons from the different amplifier topologies. The following is a list that has a few comparisons:

Common Source Topology:

·       Has a large gain that is less than zero, in other words negative value. (Av < 0)

o   Degraded by Rs

·       Has a large input resistance (Rin>>)

o   Determined by biasing circuit

·       Has an output resistance that is approximately RD (Rout = RD)

·       ro decreases the gain and output resistance (ro decreases Av and Rout)

o   Impedance seen looking into drain can be “boosted” by source degeneration

Common Gate Topology:

·       Has a large gain that is greater than zero, in other words positive value (Av < 0)

o   Degraded by Rs

·       Has a small input resistance (Rin<<)

o   Decreased by Rs

·       Has an output resistance that is approximately RD (Rout = RD)

·       ro decreases the gain and output resistance (ro decreases Av and Rout)

o   Impedance seen looking into drain can be “boosted” by source degeneration

Source Follower Topology:

·       Has a gain that is between 0 and 1 (0 < AV <= 1)

·       Has a large input resistance (Rin>>)

o   Determined by biasing circuitry

·       Has a small output resistance (Rout <<)

o   Decreased by RS

·       ro decreases the gain and output resistance (ro decreases Av and Rout)

Using the previous list of information, the student decided to make a two-stage amplifier. The first stage of the amplifier consisted of a common source topology. The second stage of the amplifier consisted of a source follower. The student chose these topologies by taking the requirements into consideration as seen descried below.

2-Stage Amplifier (Common Source to Source Follower):

·       The input of the 2-stage (common source) has a large input resistance as needed.

·       The output of the 2-stage (source follower) can drive heavy loads like the 1k ohm requirement.

·       The first stage will amplify the signal to a gain higher than 10.

·       The second stage can then reduce it down to a gain of 10, and in addition can be able to drive a heavier load without deceasing gain too much.

To bias the first stage of the amplifier, the student had to determine an appropriate gate-source voltage that would supply the desired bias current. The student decided to go with 40uA for an ID. From there the student used LTspice to pinpoint a VGS value that would result in that current.

NMOS biasing circuit:

Resulting ID currents depending on VGS value:

As can be seen from the simulation, the student pinpointed that a VG=1.85V would result in the desired 40uA. Now that these variables were found, the student went along an calculated the bias circuit for the first stage (common follower).

The following is the source follower circuit (first stage) with correct biasing. A few of the values were changed to compensate for other variables, for example power consumption.

Source Follower (1st Stage):

Simulation results:


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