Lab 9 – Design of a Beta-Multipler

EE 420L Analog IC Design

Lab Date: 4/10/19  Due: 4/24/19

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 4/24/19 at 1:44pm using Word


NOTE: We will be using the CD4007UBE IC for this Lab since the CD4007 CMOS IC was not available in the lab.



Lab description:

From Lab 8, we got to characterize the CD4007UBE CMOS transistor array and have created the Level=1 MOSFET model in LTSpice. In this lab, we will be using this CMOS IC to create a Beta-Multipler Reference Circuit.


The Beta-Multipler Reference (BMR) circuit uses a PMOS current mirror that sources current into an NMOS current mirror, and the source of one of the NMOS transistors is connected to a resistor that is also connected to GND.


Suppose we have a BMR circuit with a K multiplier as shown:




         VGS1 = sqrt(2xI / [Kp x (W/L) ] ) + VTH,

         VGS2 = sqrt(2xI / [Kp x K(W/L) ] ) + VTH,

         VBiasN = VGS1,

         VGS1 – VGS2 = I x R

         Factoring out a square root and eliminating VTH,

         [ sqrt(2xI / [Kp x (W/L) ] ) ] x [ 1 – (1/K) ] = I x R


         Squaring both sides:

         (2xI / [Kp x (W/L) ] ) x [ 1 – (1/K) ]2 = I2 x R2

         Now dividing by I on both sides and solving for I:


         I = (2 / [Kp x (W/L) x R2] ) x [ 1 – (1/K) ]2


If K=1, the IREF from the PMOS current mirror will make the NMOS transistors have the same VGS, thus, VBiasN = VGS = VG – 0V and meaning that the voltage at source of M2 is 0V (NO CURRENT).



Experiment 0: Prelab Content

For this experiment, we will be experimentally implementing the Prelab simulated BMR circuit and characterizing the current in the BMR and the Voltage at the gates of the PMOS and NMOS.

~Note: We will also be solving for R so that the NMOS devices have a gm of 20uA


Prelab Simulation:

KpN = 11.07uA/V, W/L = 500μ/5μ, K multiplier = 2, NMOS M2 W/L = 1m/5μ


Gm equation in terms of ID:

Gm = sqrt(2 x ID x KpN x (W/L) )

ID = gm2 / [ 2  x KpN x (W/L) ]

ID = 20μ2 / [ 2 x 11.07μ x (500/5) ]


ID = 180.6nA


BMR eqn in terms of ID and solving for R:


R = sqrt[ (2 / [Kp x (W/L) x ID] ) x [ 1 – (1/K) ]2 ]

R = sqrt[ (2 / [11.07μ x (500/5) x 180.6n] ) x [ 1 – (1/2) ]2 ]


R = 29.3kΩ


A 1GΩ was chosen as the start-up circuit so that theoretically (and assuming that the voltage at the NMOS gate = 0V) the current that runs through the resistor would be (5 – 0) / 1G = 5nA, enough to drive the NMOS gate up, but not so much so that the start-up circuit would cause the BMR to be unstable.





Current (.tran):


From the Simulation, we are getting what we are getting around 200nA, which is in the ballpark of what we want.


Voltage at gates and Curernts (VDD Sweeping from 0V-10V):


Experimental results:

NOTE: For the NMOS and PMOS BMR, we used 2 CMOS ICs, one for just the PMOS current mirror, and the other for the NMOS current mirror. The K multiplier we chose was K=2, so we used a 3rd IC to add another NMOS transistor.






The current is off by a factor of about 3, but keep in mind that we are using the NMOS models used from the previous lab, and those were only approximations.



SUPER NOTE (Toward Future EE420L Students): When doing this lab and using Analog Power Supplies that don’t have any smart-short detector, PLEASE, try not connecting many CMOS ICs at one time. This lab will require lots of preplanned transistor layouts, and it is easy to draw a lot of current from the ICs. Start with the NMOS Current mirrors, and once done with the cascaded PMOS, you can safely disassemble the NMOS current mirror and do the PMOS current mirror.


Experiment 1: NMOS Current Mirrors


In this Experiment, we will be building an NMOS current mirror. We will be using a new IC to create the NMOS current mirror, and using the NMOS gate voltage from the BMR to bias the NMOS current mirror. We will be also measuring the current of the Current Mirror as we sweep VDD from 0V-10V.






Experimental Results:

The current running in the experiment is about 3 times larger than the current running in LTSpice.



Now we will be using this Current mirror to drive two (2) gate-drain connected PMOS devices on a different IC. We will also be measuring the current in this load.






Experimental Results:


Now, we will be building a Cascode PMOS Current Mirror using the Gate voltages of the Gate-Drain PMOS device, and also measuring the current in the cascode circuit.






Experimental Results:


Now lets put all of the currents on one graph:




From this, we can see that the NMOS current mirror current (Cyan) and the current in the load that it is driving (Magenta) are nearly the same. The current running through the NMOS cascode circuit (Black) is also a bit low, but is close to matching the PMOS current mirror. This could be due to the different threshold voltages of the NMOS and PMOS transistors.



Experiment 2: PMOS Current Mirrors

We will be taking apart all the NMOS current mirrors and build the PMOS current mirror. We will measure the current as VDD sweeps from 0V-10V.







Experimental Results:


From this, we can see that for the PMOS, we are off by a factor of 4 from LTSpice simulations.



We will now drive two (2) Gate-drain connected NMOS devices on a new IC.






Experimental Results:


Now we will be making a Cascode NMOS Current Mirror and biasing the cascode circuit with the voltage of the Gate-Drain connected NMOS devices. We will be measuring the current of the Cascode NMOS current mirror as VDD sweeps from 0V-10V.






Experimental Results:


Placing all of the currents in one graph:





As we added a load to the PMOS Current Mirror Source (Red), the current went down by about half (Green). The NMOS cascaded current mirror (Blue), however, matches the sourced Current mirror with the Gate-Drain Connected NMOS load.




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