Silvaco EDA Tutorials from


Tutorial 2 – Introduction to layout, pcells, and design rule checking


In the first tutorial we setup the schematic capture and simulation tools (Gateway, SmartSpice, and SmartView) for use with 

ON’s C5 process and fabrication through MOSIS using the scalable CMOS (SCMOS) submicron design rules where the

scale (Lambda) for the C5 process using the SCMOS rules is 300 nm and the technology code is SCN3ME_SUBM (info).


In this tutorial we'll use Expert for drawing layouts and Guardian DRC to design rule check the layouts.


To begin this tutorial start Expert by double-clicking the LEFT mouse button on the icon seen below.



The following Expert window will appear (where it's been re-sized to make it smaller for this tutorial).



Next use File -> New to make a new project, an *.eld (expert layout design) file.

Call this project "silvaco_tutorials.eld" and save it in the Silvaco_tutorials folder on your desktop that your created in the first tutorial.

Before hitting the Save button we need to attach a technology file to the project (to setup the layers, layer fill, etc.)



Press the Select button and navigate to the MOSIS pdk (Process Design Kit) techfiles directory (below) and select the "scmos.tcn" expert technology

file (select by hitting the Open button).



We are creating a new project called "silvaco_tutorials.eld" that uses the MOSIS SCMOS design rules.

Press the Save button.



After pressing the Save button we get the following window which shows the library name, silvaco_tutorials, and one cell

also called silvaco_tutorials.



Select Cancel.

In the Expert window that appears select File -> Save.

Use the menu and go to Setup -> Technology -> General -> Technology Setup -> General and ensure "Use external technology file for *.eld projects" is not selected as seen below.



This is to ensure that the technology file information, and any changes we make, is saved in the silvaco_tutorials.eld file.

Next time we open the silvaco_tutorials.eld we don't need to specify a technology file.


Let's verify this by closing Expert and re-starting it.

Use File -> Open and notice now that the Technology field is grayed.

Select the Open button.



Again select Cancel, as seen below, we don't want to open the silvaco_tutorials cell.



The following window appears (again).



We next need to setup the SCMOS pcells (parametric cells).

In a foundry specific PDK the number of pcells is large. Here, in the generic MOSIS SCMOS pdk, the number is

smaller so we'll, later in this tutorial, lay out additional building block cells.


Use the menu Libraries -> Setup then click on the Add icon circled below.



Navigate to the scmos_subm_pcells.eld file seen below and then hit OK.



In the Library List select "scmos_subm_pcells" and then hit the activate icon (circled below) to change the No to a Yes.



Notice that after the pcells library is activated we can see the listing of the cells in the bottom of the window.

Close this window.



Let's create a new cell called "Junk" using Cell -> New.



After using the menu commands View -> Filling -> Stipple and re-sizing the windows we get the following.

To avoid having to repeat this command, as the author did in the video, whenever you open a new cell simply use Setup -> Save Setup menu items.



In this "Junk" cell let's place an instance of the CMOSN cell by clicking on the circled icon on the RIGHT below.

Move the Instance window, re-size it, and then select the "scmos_subm_pcells" library and the CMOSN cell.

In the drawing click the LEFT mouse button to place the instance of the CMOSN cell.

Note that the "(P)" following the name indicates that the cell is a parameterized cell, that is for example, changing the parameter W or L will change the cell's layout.



After instantiating the CMOSN cell hit Cancel and the F (to fit the cell in the window).



Before going any further save the setups, Setup -> Save Setup, and save the expert layout design project file, silvaco_tutorials.eld, using File -> Save (CTRL+S)


Looking at the above results we can't see what is inside the cell.

Use View -> Cell View -> Flat to show the contents of the cell.



Let's now design rule check (DRC) this layout.

Go to View -> Toolbars -> DRC to show the DRC tool bar (below).

Then select the DRC script panel using the icon.



Next use File -> Open and navigate to the mosis-scmos_subm_drc.dsf design rules as seen below.



After hitting the Open button we get the following.



Next select the menu Setup -> Current DRC script run preferences...

Select the Scope to be the "Whole hierarchy" (DRC everything in the cell) and hit OK.



Next, hit the Run button on the DRC Script Panel.




Close the DRC Script Panel.

Load the DRC errors.



There aren't any errors, as seen below, so let's create some.



Close this window and return to the Expert window.

Press - (the minus key) to zoom out.

Next select the METAL1 layer (click on the color, not the name, on the RIGHT) and the Create Box icon (circled below).



Add a box as seen below.

Use F to fit the layout to the drawing area.

The box is drawn on the METAL1 layer and violates two design rules, spacing and width (rules 7.1 and 7.2 as seen in SCMOS design rules).



Follow the procedures given above DRC the layout again.

After running the DRC, select the last Run, then Select All (errors), then Load followed by pressing Close.



The image seen below shows how the DRC errors are displayed, icons for the Show all errors and Wireframe error marks.



To step through the errors use the icons seen circled below.



To stop looking at DRC errors use the Unload errors icon seen below.



At this point running a DRC and looking at the results should be understood.

Use File -> Save to save the expert layout design file, that is, silvaco_tutorials.eld.

Also, go ahead and close the cell named "Junk".


Next let's create cells called Nactive_con, Pactive_con, Nwell_con, and Psub_con for making metal1 connections to the n-active, p-active, n-well, and p-substrate respectively.

In a process specific PDK these (parametric) cells (pcells) will already be laid out.

However, in these generic SCMOS setups they aren't available.


Before laying these cells out let's review the SCMOS rules and show, below, the design rules related to metal1, contact, active, wells, and p-/n- selects.


For the ACTIVE Layer




For the CONTACT layer.



For the SELECT layers.



For the METAL1 layer.



To begin, create a new cell called, Nactive_con.



Create a 2 Lambda by 2 Lambda box on the CONTACT layer.

Note that the minus key, -, and the F key were used to fit and zoom out.



Next draw a box on the ACTIVE layer that is 5 by 5 centered around the contact.

Notice, below in the RIGHT layer menur, that the layers used in the cell are BOLD.



Then draw a box on the METAL1 layer that is 4 x 4.



Next add a 7 x 7 box on the N_PLUS_SELECT Layer and a 17 x 17 box on the P_WELL layer.

Note that there isn't a p-well in the C5 process; however, we draw it here to make the layouts more generic.



Let's DRC this layout.



Load the DRC errors.

Select the last Run, Load the errors, then Close the window.



There are 4 errors that all have to do with the N_PLUS_SELECT layer not overlapping the ACTIVE layer by at least 2 (the overlap is 1.5 below).

Unload the DRC errors using the circled icon seen below.



Select the N_PLUS_SELECT layer then Edit -> Modify Object (or Shift+M or the icon on the RIGHT menu)

Re-size the box either using the mouse or the smaller window on the LEFT side of the image below.



DRC the below result to ensure that there aren't any errors (there shouldn't be).



Save the silvaco_tutorials.eld file.


Then do a Cell -> Save Cell as... and save the Nactive_con cell as Pactive_con.

Select the N_PLUS_SELECT box and change it (Edit -> Modify Object or Shift + M) to P_PLUS_SELECT



Then select the P_WELL box and change it to N_WELL.

Save the layout and DRC the Pactive_con cell, below, to ensure no DRC errors.



After saving the *.eld file (the layouts) save the Pactive_con cell as Psub_con (Cell -> Save Cell as...) and save the Nactive_con cell as Nwell_con.


In the Nwell_con cell change the P_WELL layer to N_WELL and DRC, below.



Then, in the Psub_con cell, change the N_WELL layer to P_WELL and DRC.



Before quitting let's lay out, and DRC, a few more cells.

Note that to move an object you select it then press M, see the Edit menu.


Also, above the layers menu are some selections that may be useful, AV is all visible, NV is none visible, AS is all selectable, and NS is none selectable.

Right clicking on the color of a layer will allow you to, for example, make only that layer selectable right after pressing the NS.





This ends our second tutorial.


For your reference the final contents of the Silvaco_tutorials folder used in this tutorial is located in

