Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Authored by Jimmy Ruangnol, 



Today's date is 08/24/2021


Lab Description


The purpose of this lab is to familiarized editing HTML files and upload those HTML files on the CMOSedu website. After recieving the login information from Dr. Baker, we must login into CMOSedu through file explorer and edit HTML using the Kompozer program. We will also be learning the basics of Cadence by creating a circuit and simulate for values. 





Lab 1


Cadence Startup:



A library manager window should pop up.

The next step is to create a new library; we will call this library 'Labs_EE421' (File > New > Library).

It is imperative that 'AMI 0.60µ C5N (3M, 2P, high-res)' must be chosen as the tech library! (As seen below).


Now that the new library has been created. You will be able to create a new cell or subfolder within that library. This is where your schematics and symbols will be stored. This can be done in the same method of creating a library, but with a cell (File > New > Cell View).

The Virtuoso Schematic Editor will open. To add parts for a circuit, press 'I' for an instance window. Users must use the 'NCSU_Analog_Parts' library to create a voltage divider.


After placing the required parts. It should look like the finished ciruit below. The circuit will take a 1V input and then output half it's value. 


You can also label the blue wires by pressing 'L'.


Click save after the completion of the circuit. Always save your work! After saving, you are now able to simulate the circuit by launching theADE L program (Launch > ADE L).



For this circuit you can preform a transient simulation by setting the state to 'tran' by click the 'AC, DC, Tran' icon on the top right. The simulation must have a stop time as well. To select the points for testing go to Outputs > Select Output From Schematic, and click on 'Vin' and 'Vout'. Then press the green play button to start the simulation. 



We can see that Vin inputs 1V and Vout outputs 0.5V. 

After finishing each labs, it is important to backup your items as a zip file and emailing them to yourself.


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