Lab 7 - EE 421L Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Fall 2020

Author: William Wherry




Using buses and arrays in the design of word inverters, muxes, and high-speed adders


Prelab content:

Backing up our work:
As always, we must back up our work. I back up my work by downloading the directory and uploading it to my Google Drive.
backup1 backup 2
Following Tutorial 5, we are going to design a ring oscillator. The ring oscillator will be 31 stages using the inverter we made in Tutorial 3.
First, we will make it the inefficient way, then we will use a concise method. We simply string together 31 of our inverter symbols in a row, with a wire looping back to the very start. We also need a VDD off to the side set at 5V for the inverters to work. This can be done with the global settings, or with a dc source attached to the vdd symbol, like I have done. I named the output wire "osc_out".
long boi
closer look
Simulation Results:
sim settings initial condition
After setting the initial voltage of "osc_out" to 0V as shown above, the simulation results show the oscillator doing its job - oscillating. This type of circuit can be used to test the speed of the output by rapidly going back and forth from 1 to 0 logic. As you can see, the simulation shows the circuit does exactly that.
Now we will make the same circuit in a more concise manner. It is not necessary to manually place 31 inverters in a row. Instead we can use notation in the object properties of the inverter and the name of the wires to achieve the exact same circuit. Following Tutorial 5, we name our wires and inverter as shown below.
The notation shown indicates that there are 31 inverters in series. We had to press Q on the inverter and change the name to I0<1:31> in order to indicate this, and name the input wires "osc_out, out<1:30>"
 to declare how the input wires feed into each other from the first inverter on, then named the output wires "out<1:30>,osc_out" to indicate that the output wires feed into the next inverter and end at osc_out finally. This circuit is the same as the first one and now it is time to make a layout.
Layout results:
Note that if we LVS this extracted view, it will give an error, because we do not have a designated output on the schematic. Therefore, we must add one. Note that we had to add a thin wire with osc_out to the output thick wire.
schem with output
Now it will DRC/LVS just fine.
Now we have to make a symbol for the ring oscillator. First we have to delete the vdd section of the schematic.
del vdd
Now we can make the schematic into a simple symbol and add a vdd and output wire to simulate it.
sim ckt
new osc sim
If you compare it to our first oscillator, the graphs are identical.
The final part of the prelab is to simulate our extracted circuit, which we do by altering the environment options in the ADE settings to use our extracted view just as we did in previous labs.

As you can see, our extracted layout functions identically to both of our schematics, so the layout of a ring oscillator was a success. Thus, prelab07 is concluded.

Main Lab Content:
Lab task 1:
4-bit word inverter design:
First we are tasked with making a 4-bit word inverter using 6u/0.6u transistors. This is four inverters in parallel, but we need to make it a concise schematic like we learned to do in the prelab. Then we need to attach the outputs to loads as specified:
  1. The out<0> is not connected to a load while out<3> is connected to a 100fF load.
  1. The out<1> is connected to a 1 pF load while out<2> is connected to a 500 fF load.
First, the schematic:
4bit inverter schematic
Then the symbol:
4bit inv symbol
Finally, a circuit to simulate the symbol with the specified loads:
sim ckt 4 bit inv
Simulation results:
sim settings
4bit inv results
You can see from the simulation results that as the capacitive load increases, we get more delay because the output has to spend more and more time charging the capacitor.  This circuit setup is good for efficiently testing a design for different loads all at once.
Lab task 2:
Create schematics and symbols for an 8-bit input/output array of: NAND, NOR, AND, inverter, and OR gates.
Provide a few simulation examples using these gates.

First I will make each of the 8 bit symbols, then I will sim them all at once.


Single NAND using 6u/0.6u transistors:
1 nand
Single NAND symbol:
1 nand symbol
8bit schematic:
8bit nand schem
8bit NAND symbol:
8bit nand symbol

Single NOR using 6u/0.6u transistors:
nor schematic
Single NOR symbol:
single nor symbol
8bit NOR schematic:
8 bit nor schem
8bit NOR symbol:
8 bit NOR symbol
Single AND using 6u/0.6u transistors:
AND schem
Single AND symbol:
AND symbol
8bit AND schematic:
8bit and schem
8bit AND Symbol:
8bit and symbol
Single inverter using 6/0.6u transistors:
single inverter
Single inverter symbol:
single inverter
8bit Inverter schematic:
8bit inv schem
8bit Inverter symbol:
8 bit inverter symbol
Single OR gate using 6u/0.6u transistors:
OR schematic
Single OR symbol:
or symbol
8bit OR schematic:
8bit OR schematic
8bit OR symbol:
8bit OR symbol
Now we need a circuit to simulate each of these designs. I decided to try and simulate them all at once in one circuit using a similar load layout to the 4-bit word inverter from earlier. The circuit is quite large, but I only had to make one.
sim cktsettings
A closer look at the loads I used:
You can see here that I just used 100fF, 200fF, 300fF, 400fF, 500fF, 1pF, and 10pF capacitive loads as well as one bit completely free of load as a control in order to test the designs. I used the same loads for each gate.

8bit AND:
AND sim

You can see that the output is only high when both A and B are high. This is correct operation of an AND gate.
8bit inverter:
inverter sim
The inverter appears to correctly invert the input signal. You can see how the delay increases with capacitive load increase.
8bit NAND:
8bit NAND sim
A NAND gate should output low only when A and B inputs are high. The simulation appears to show correct operation.
8bit NOR:
8bit NOR sim
A NOR gate should only output high when both A and B are low. The simulation appears to show correct operation.
8bit OR:
8bit OR sim
An OR gate should be high when A, B or both are high. The simulation appears to show correct operation.
Judging by the simulation results of each of these 8bit gates, it appears that the designs were all successful and gave us a little insight into the capacitive loads they can drive and the effects those loads have on the outputs.
Lab task 3:

Simulate the operation of a 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX using Spectre and explain how it works. 

Make sure to show, using simulations, how the circuit can be used for both multiplexing and de-multiplexing.  

Create an 8-bit wide word 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX schematic and symbol.
Include an inverter in your design so the cell only needs one select input, S (the complement, Si, is generated using an inverter).
Use simulations to verify the operation of your design.

The schematic for a 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX using CMOS is shown below. MUX operation works by using a selector bit 'S' to choose between one of two input signals to allow through the device to the output. The equation for MUX operation is Z = A*S + B*Si. DEMUX operation is the reverse of this and takes a single input signal and outputs it at the A or B terminal based on the selector bit. Since we expect this circuit to DEMUX and MUX, we should make A. B, and Z into the input/output type pins.
schematic mux
2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX symbol:
mux symbol
Simulations of DEMUX/MUX operation:
simulation circuit
This circuit allows us to simulate both MUX and DEMUX operations in one go. Notice that an inverter is used to invert the S input to become Si, so that we only need a single S signal for operation.
MUX Operation simulation:
MUX operation
You can see here that the circuit follows the equation Z = A*S + B*Si. When S is high, Si will be low due to the inverter, and will output whatever signal A is. When S is low, Si will be high due to the inverter and will output whatever signal B is.
DEMUX Operation simulation:
DEMUX operation
You can see here that the input signal is now Z and whenever S is low, Si will be high due to the inverter and it will output the Z signal to the B output. When S is high, Si will be low due to the inverter and will output the Z signal to the A output. This is the same process as MUX operation, but in reverse.
Creating an 8-bit DEMUX/MUX:
Since we know our DEMUX/MUX with the inverter for S works fine based on the simulations, I decided to incorporate it into its own symbol before making the 8-bit version.
inverter mux schematic
symbol inverter mux
Now we have a compact, concise symbol that can be made into an n-bit version easily. To do that we follow the same process as the other gates earlier in the lab.
8bit DEMUX/MUX schematic
8bit mux symbol
Now we have to test it, which I did using a similar method to testing the gates earlier with capacitive loads.
Testing MUX operation first:
simckt for mux
mux sim results
You can see from the graph that the 8bit MUX still follows the equation Z = A*S + B*Si, but has 8 parallel outputs that we can attach different loads to in order to test how the circuit handles different loads. Next we can test the DEMUX operation, which I did in the same way, but using the same settings that I tested the single DEMUX with for consistency. I also added capacitive loads to the outputs of this circuit, which caused the graph to be a little congested, but the results were overall the same as the original.
Testing DEMUX operation:
8bit DEMUX test ckt
8bit DEMUX sim results
The 8-bit DEMUX works the same as the single DEMUX and outputs to A when S is high, but outputs to B when S is low. This is the correct operation of the circuit and you can see the effects different capacitive loads have on the output as well. Overall, it appears that construction of the 8-bit DEMUX/MUX was a success!
Lab task 4:
Draft the schematic of the full-adder seen in Fig. 12.20 using 6u/0.6u devices (both PMOS and NMOS).
Create an adder symbol for this circuit (see the symbol used in lab6).
Use this symbol to draft an 8-bit adder schematic and symbol.
For how to label the bus so the carry out of one full-adder goes to the carry in of another full-adder review the ring oscillator schematic discussed in Cadence Tutorial 5.
Simulate the operation of your 8-bit adder.
Lay out this 8-bit adder cell (*note* that this is the only layout required in this lab).
Show that your layout DRCs and LVSs correctly.
Using the AOI implementation of a 1-bit full adder seen in figure 12.20 of our textbook, I generated the following schematic. I used my own inverter from a previous lab, as well as wire labels to make connections clean and concise. 
single full adder schematic
single full adder symbol
Using this schematic and symbol, we are able to draft a schematic for an 8bit version of the full adder, but it is a little more complicated due to the fact that we need the Cout of one adder to go to the Cin of the next. The schematic that I came up with is shown below. It utilizes the techniques we learned in Tutorial 5 as well as what we learned during this lab so far. Notice that the inputs utilize both parallel and serial techniques. We need both because, while the full adders are in parallel, their Couts to Cins are in series.
8bit adder schematic
8bit adder symbol
Testing the 8-bit Full Adder:
To test the 8-bit full adder, I used static DC inputs on each input bit in order to manually input 8-bit entries to be added together.
trial 4 ckt
Here I input A = 0100110 (77) and B = 00001110 (14), which should equal S = 001011011 (91) with the carry out bit.
Simulating the circuit we get the results:
trial 4 results
The results shown are S = 001011011 (91) just like we expected. This shows that our circuit is able to add correctly, but we should make sure that our carry out bit is working properly by adding bigger numbers.
I reran the simulation using A = 11111111 (255)  and B = 11111111 (255). These are the biggest numbers we can add and should add up to S = 111111110 (510), with the carry bit being our 9th bit equal to 1.
trial 5
trial 5 results
As you can see, S = 111111110 (510) just like we expected. Thus, we can conclude that the simulation of our 8-bit adder circuit is working correctly.
Next we need to layout our Full Adder circuit.
Layout of Full Adder circuit:
First, I laid out the single full adder in order to use it to instantiate them in the 8-bit version to save time and effort.
single full adder layout
single full adder extracted
single full adder LVSDRC
The single full adder LVS and DRC'd just fine. Next, I laid them out next to each other and connected their Cout terminals to the next one's Cin terminal, except the first Cin and the last Cout<7>. Each of the A, B, and S terminals had to correspond to their respective number in the array <7:0> in order to LVS properly, but only Cin and Cout<7> needed to be pins on the design because they were output pins on the schematic.
Click each image to open in a new window and zoom in (they are very large).
8bit adder layout
extracted 8 bit full adder
8 bit adder LVS1LVS2
You can see that the layout and extracted layout LVS and DRC without any issues, so our work is complete.
Backing up our work:
As always we must back up our work. I back up my work by downloading the working directory, zipping it up, and uploading it to my Google Drive.
backup lab 7
With our 8-bit gates, 8bit DEMUX/MUX, and 8bit Full Adder designed, simulated and laid out (full adder only), Lab 7 is concluded.
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