Lab 7- EE 421L Fall 2020
Authored by: Nathan PinaMain Lab Work:
The lab is split into several sections:
a.) Schematics and simulations of a 4-bit Inverter gate using 6u/0.6u MOSFETs (both NMOS and PMOS)
b.) Schematics and simulations of a 8-bit NAND, NOR, AND, inverter, and OR gate using 6u/0.6u MOSFETs (both NMOS and PMOS)
c.) Schematics and simulations of a 2-to1 DEMUX/MUX (8-bit wide word version as well)
d.) Schematic and symbol for full adder
e.) Schematics, layouts, and simulations of a 8-bit full-adder circuit
1.) 4-bit Inverter (Schematic and Symbol)
The 4-bit input of the four inversters is condensed into an equivalent circuit with the 4-bit input and output named b<3:0> and bi<3:0> respectively.This is the simulation schematic we’ll be using to test the cirucit, 100fF on the 4th bit, 500fF on the 3rd bit, 1pF on the 2nd bit, and a no capacitor on the 1st bit.
2.) 8-bit NAND, NOR, AND, inverter, and OR gates (Schematics and Simulations)
8-bit NAND Gate:
8-bit NOR Gate:
8-bit AND Gate:
8-bit Inverter Gate:
8-bit OR Gate:
*All simulations were done simultaneously to reduce the amount of schematics needed. All 8-bits were oberserved for each gate.
8-bit NAND Gate:
8-bit NOR Gate:
8-bit AND Gate:
8-bit Inverter Gate:
8-bit OR Gate:
3.) 2-to1 DEMUX/MUX (Schematic, Symbol and Simlations)
MUX: When the input of S is high, the output Z will follow A. When the input of S is low, the ouput Z will follow B.
DEMUX: When the input of S is high, A will follow the ouput Z. When the input of S is low, B will follow the output Z. Z will remain at its last known value of either A or B is not following it.
3.) (8-bit) 2-to1 DEMUX/MUX (Schematic, Symbol and Simlations)
**DEMUX Simulation
4.) Full Adder (Schematic and Symbol)
5.) 8-bit Full Adder (Schematic, Symbol, Simulations, Layout)
*Zoomed in view of adder
Lab Backup
I completed this lab, I made sure to back up all files (schematics,
simulations, screenshots etc.) into a zip file and upload to my Google