Lab 7 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Tian Chen



We are doing tutorial 5 and we need to make a ring oscillator, first we insert 30 inverters in the circuit like this. 

Here is the graph of the simulation of the ring oscillator

Well we didn't got what we want for the graph, because we didn't set the inital conditions

Then we are using the wire bus to make the ring oscillator and here is the schematic of it.

And here is simulation result of the circuit.

We are happy with the result so we made a symbol out of it.

We are doing the layout of the the ring oscillator, here is the layout

Lab report:
1. 4-bit inverter
    Here is the schematic of the 4-bit inverter


    Here is the simulation circuit and result of the 4-bit inverter.



2. 8-bit array of NAND, NOR, AND, inverter and OR gates

    NAND gate schmatic, symbol.



    NOR gate schematic and symbol



    Here is the AND gate schematic and symbol



    Here is the inverter schematic and symbol



    Here is the OR circuit and symbol



    Here is the simulation circuit for all the 8-bit nand, and, nor, or and inverter. Here is the circuit and the simulation result.



3. 2 to 1  Mux

    We made a 2to1 mux here is the mos level of the schematic.


    Here is the symbol of the mux


    Here is the simulation circuit and the simulation result.



4. 8-bit full adder

    We are making a 8-bit full adder, here is the circuit and the symbol


    Here is the layout and the extracted view of the 8-bit adder



    Here is the LVS and DRC of the 8-bit adder



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