Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Author: Armani Alvarez


August 26, 2020


Lab description

·        Laboratory introduction, generating/posting html lab reports, installing and using Cadence


Pre – Lab


Shown below is my lab index that I created once obtaining a CMOSedu account from Dr. Baker. 



Lab Tasks

Go through Cadence Tutorial 1 up to the image 25.

1) simply show some of the images in this tutorial (that you generated) with some simple coherent narrative

2) discuss how you will do regular backups while working on the future labs by zipping up your work and emailing it to yourself or 

uploading to dropbox, google drive, etc. with file names including the date (include at least two images to support discussion).



After going through the first part of the tutorial and installing cadence and libraries, we can now run Cadence through MobaXTerm.

From here we change directories by typing “cd CMOSedu” and later we entering “virtuoso &”. We add the “&” to keep the terminal working while we are running cadence.



Once cadence is running we are to create a new library that is going to be called “Tutorial_1”. (File -> New -> Library)

Once we create this library we need to add this library into “cdslib” so that this library can be recognized by cadence. 

This is how it should look after putting it in “cdslib”.




This is the view of a new cell named “R_div” from the Tutorial_1 library. From this we should hit ok or schematic (second picture) and make the circuit from the tutorial.



Here is the circuit from the tutorial which is a voltage divider. This circuit has a voltage source of 1V, GND refence, and two 10k resistors.

I added all the components for the schematic by using bind key “I” for instances and bind key “W” to wire everything together.

Next, we need to label the nodes that we want to simulated which are “in” and “out”, by using the Create Wire Name button found on the toolbar.

After making the circuit we need to fix the aesthetics of the schematic by following the tutorial.  



After drafting the schematic, we need to save and check the circuit. As shown the circuit

that I have drafted was checked and completed with zero errors.



Next, we should hit launch ADE L (Analog Design Environment). This is the resulting screen that we should be seeing.



We should be having “spectre” set as our default simulator. Once this is achieved by following the tutorial we choose our analysis in the “chose” dropdown menu.

We will be running a transient analysis for 1 second to observe the “in” and “out” nodes.



As the snip below shows we have to hit “Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic”.

This will be the outputs/inputs that the Cadence analysis will show.  



For this particular circuit we want to simulate the nodes on “in” and “out”. This should be the resulting screen.

After the screen looks like this we want to hit the green play button. This will now run our analysis.



This should be the resulting screen of the analysis. The results were expected of the “in” node being 1 V and the “out” node being 0.5V.

We expected these values because the circuit was a simple voltage divider. I have changed the background color of the graph and the lines colors,

widths, and style so it was easier to read.



Backing Up Work



As seen by the three snips above these were the steps that I used to back up my work. First, I found the tutorial folder in my CMOSedu folder in the MobaXTerm.

After finding where the folder was, I downloaded the folder to the desktop and later sent it to a compressed zipped folder.

After making a ZIP file I uploaded them to my google drive with the date in the title.  This should complete my backup process. This will be the process I use in the future.


This concludes lab 1.


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