Lab 1 - EE 421L
Lab Procedure:
1) Using MobaXterm, login via SSH to the UNLV ECE Cadence server. Navigate to the CMOSedu dirctory using cd
and run Virtuoso.
Create a library called "Tutorial_1", select "Attach to existing tech
library", select the "AMI 0.6u C5N" process and press OK.
3) A DEFINE line will be added to the cds.lib file in the CMOSedu directory.
4) Create a new cell within the library called "R_div" and create the schematic as shown in tutorial 1.
5) After checking and saving the schematic, launch ADE L from the Launch menu at the top of the window.
Note: Verify that spectre is selected as the simulator from the ADE L window by going to:
Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host
6) Select tran as the analysis by going to Analyses -> Choose or by the shortcut button on the right side
of the window. Outputs Vin and Vout can be selected for analysis by going to
Outputs -> To be plotted -> Select on schematic