Lab 7 - EE 421L 

Author: Dylan Wallace


Date modified: November 07, 2018


Lab Description

   This lab teaches how to utilize buses to create more clean schematics. This lab includes digital design with NOR, NAND, AND, and OR gates, inverters, MUXes, and Full Adders.

Pre-Lab objectives


    After completing Tutorial 5, you should wind up with the schematic, layout, and simulation of a ring oscillator as seen below:

        Prelab Schematic

        Prelab Layout

        Prelab Sim

        As usual, make sure that the layout DRC and LVS's properly.

    This ends the content of the Prelab.

Lab objectives


    4-bit Inverter

            The schematic and symbol for the 4-bit parallel inverter can be seen below:

                 4-bit Inverter Schematic

                 4-bit Inverter Symbol

            The simulation schematic for analyzing the operation of this 4-bit inverter is shown below:

                 4-bit Inverter Simulation Schematic

            Results from this simulation can be seen below:

                4-bit Inverter Sim Results

                Note that as the load capacitance decreases, the faster the rise-time.

    8-bit NAND

            Below shows the schematic and symbol of the 1-bit NAND gate:

            1-bit NAND Schematic

            1-bit NAND Symbol

            The schematic and symbol for the 8-bit NAND gate can be seen below:

            8-bit NAND Schematic

            8-bit NAND Symbol

    8-bit NOR Gate

            The schematic and symbol for the 1-bit NOR gate can be seen below:

            1-nit NOR Schematic

            1-bit NOR Symbol

            The 8-bit schematic and symbol for the NOR gate can be seen below:

            8-bit NOR Schematic

            8-bit NOR Symbol

    8-bit AND Gate

            The schametic and symbol for the 1-bit AND gate can be seen below:

            1-bit AND Schematic

            1-bit AND Symbol

            The 8-bit schematic and symbol for the AND gate can be seen below:

            8-bit AND Schematic


    8-bit OR Gate

            The schematic and symbol for the 1-bit OR gate can be seen below;

            1-bit OR Schematic

            1-bit OR Symbol

            The 8-bit schematic and symbol for the OR gate can be seen below:

            8-bit OR Schematic

            8-bit OR Symbol

    8-bit Inverter

            The schematic and symbol for the 8-bit inverter can be seen below:

            8-bit Inverter Schematic

            8-bit Inverter Symbol

    8-bit Gates Simulation:

            The schematic and results of the simulation for the collection of 8-bit gates can be seen below:

            8-bit Gates Simulation Schematic

            8-bit Gates Simulation Abar

            Note that the result of Abar is: 11001100 for an input of 00110011.

            8-bit Gates Simulation AandB

            Note that the result of AandB is: 00100010 when A = 00110011 & B = 11101010.

            8-bit Gates Simulation AorB

            Note that the result of AorB is: 11111011 when A = 00110011 & B = 11101010.

    8-bit MUX/DEMUX

            The schematic and symbol for the 2-to-1 MUX/DEMUX is shown below:

            2-to-1 MUX/DEMUX Schematic                2-to-1 MUX/DEMUX Symbol

            Note that this design can work as either a MUX or DEMUX.

            The schematic and symbol for the 8-bit wide MUX is shwon below:

            8-bit MUX/DEMUX Schematic

            Note that an inverter was used to feed directly into Si, elimnating a need for it as an input pin in the future.

            8-bit MUX/DEMUX Symbol

            Finally, the simulation schematic and results for the 8-bit MUX choosing between two 8-bit words (A = 00110000 & B = 11001100) using the selection input S:

            8-bit MUX/DEMUX Simulation Schematic

            8-bit MUX/DEMUX Simulation Results

            Note that the output of the MUX, Z = A when S = 0, & Z = B when S = 1.

    8-bit Full Adder

            The schematic, symbol, and layout for the 1-bit Full Adder seen in Fig. 12.20 can be seen below:

            1-bit Full Adder Schematic

            1-bit Full Adder Symbol

            1-bit Full Adder Layout

            Now, make sure that the layout DRCs and LVSs properly:

            1-bit Full Adder DRC 

            1-bit Full Adder LVS Params                                    1-bit Full Adder LVS Success

            Next, the schematic, symbol, and (quite large) layout for the 8-bit Full Adder can be seen below:

            8-bit Full Adder Schematic

            8-bit Full Adder Symbol

            8-bit Full Adder LKayout

            Now, make sure that our large layout is able to DRC and LVS properly (may take awhile):

            8-bit Full Adder DRC

            8-bit Full Adder LVS Params                            `            8-bit Full Adder LVS Success

            Finally, we can simulate our 8-bit Full-Adder. Below is the schematic of the simulation and the simulation result:

            8-bit Full Adder Simulation Schematic

            8-bit Full Adder Simulation Results

            Note that Sn = 00111111 when An = 00110011 & Bn = 00001100.

    This concludes the main content for Lab 7.

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