Lab 3 - EE 421L 

Author: Dylan Wallace


Date modified: September 18, 2018


Lab Description

    This lab shows how to layout the 10-bit DAC that was covered in Lab 2.

Pre-Lab objectives


    After finishing Tutorial 1, you should wind up with schematic, layout, and symbol views similar to the images below:

    R_div Schematic

    R_div Layout

    R_div Symbol

    Create a new directory in the "CMOSedu" directory called "lab3" and add the directory to the "cds.lib" file. Copy the "R_n_well_10k" cell to the "lab3" directory using the Library Manager.

    This ends the content of the Prelab.

Lab objectives


    How to select the width and length of the resistor

        The length and width of the n-well can be determined using the equations below:

        N-well Equations

    How the width and length of the resistor are measured

        The width and length of the resistor can be measured by using the Ruler Tool in Cadence. 

        Simply press "k" in order to activate the Ruler Tool, and choose the first point to measure from. Next, select the second point and the length between the two points will be displayed along the ruler.

        Repeat this for both the width and length of the n-well. The layout screen should look like the image below:

        N-well Measure

    10-bit DAC layout

        Create a new layout in lab3 titled "Lab_10_bit_DAC". First we will take the n-well created in Tutorial 1 and place it into our layout. We will then place another one above the first.

        We must make sure that the n-wells are at least 5.4 um apart, so we will measure this with the Ruler Tool as seen below:

        Min N-well Distance 

        Now we will copy these pairs of n-wells 16 times to create a total of 32 n-wells aligned vertically, as seen below:

        32 N-well Layout

        Now we will create metal connections between N-wells. First select the "metal_1" layer, and then press "r" to create a rectangle. Connect the N-wells as seen below, and add pins "B0" and "gnd".

        10-bit DAC Bottom

        Now copy this layout all the way up the DAC until the top. Be sure to add pins "B1" through "B8". The top of the DAC should look like the image below. Be sure to add the pins for "B9" and "Vout".

        10-bit DAC Top

        The final layout of the 10-bit DAC should look like the image below:

        10-bit DAC Full

        DRC the layout to make sure that no errors were made. The Command Window should look like below:

        10-bit DAC DRC

        Now we must LVS the layout to make sure that it matches our schematic. First, we will extract the layout view by going to "Verify -> Extract..." and pressing "OK". Now go to "Verify -> LVS..." and configure your window to look like below:

        10-bit DAC LVS Properties

        The output of the LVS should look like below:

        10-bit DAC LVS Output

        Next, we will create a symbol for our layout and add it to the 10-bit ADC-DAC schematic. Delete the Ideal 10-bit DAC and replace it with the symbol that you just created. The schematic should look like below:

        10-bit DAC Schematic

        Finally, launch ADE L and load the spectre_state for the schematic. Simulate the schematic and change the properties of the graph to look like the image below:

        10-bit DAC Simulation

        The files used in Lab 3 can be found in

    This concludes the main content for Lab 3.

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